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[考试辅导] 金融财经英语表达:being long or short

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  There is an asymmetry in the risk/reward ratio between being long or being short in the stock market. (Being long means owning a stock, being short means selling a stock one does not own.)
4 L+ d6 [# K0 n7 d' E+ l3 E. }  在股市中做多或做空,存在风险回报率的不对称。(做多指的是持有一只股票,做空指的则是出售自己并不拥有的某只股票。)- T- ~+ E5 o! n
  Being long has unlimited potential on the upside but limited exposure on the downside. Being short is the reverse. The asymmetry manifests itself in the following way: losing on a long position reduces one's risk exposure while losing on a short position increases it. As a result, one can be more patient being long and wrong than being short and wrong. The asymmetry serves to discourage the short-selling of stocks.0 D  F: c& e$ {/ \/ y

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