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[考试辅导] 金融英语口语:代理保险业务(上)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  A:Good morning,Miss!Have you opened a new business of commission insurance in your bank?6 Q4 x: Y% B- ]% t5 s- Y. j0 r" x
  B:Yes.We have a new business called Bank-Insurance Link.It is an integration of insurance,savings deposit and investment.! ~5 S( o% y% V7 x- Y: k. g, _. s7 L
  A:What can I benefit from it?1 ~( a" D6 j3 Y+ Q5 s2 P7 h
  B:Besides insurance for you, you can also get  more or less dividend from Insurance Company based on its beneficial result of management.
- n9 F7 ]3 l: s+ T  A:Is there any difference between dividend-participated insurance and deposit?) {/ S8 c( j  U0 a
  B:The deposit interest is fixed,while the dividend of each policy will be transferred automatically into your account through our bank by the end of each policy year. The longer the term is,the higher the dividend you earn because it is calculated at the compound interest rate.
+ d3 l5 F9 N+ {2 I* w& V  A:That’s great.Could you tell me where I can buy such an insurance policy?0 g' l" l5 t3 g5 n
  B:Just at the counter of our bank.If you have a current account,the insurance premium is paid through it. It’s very convenient to you.
& `+ B* l; u4 k% j0 ~% M  A:By the way, can I get the money out if I need it in an emergency?* y6 \# e4 ^) Z' B% B6 w7 U. n
  B:Of course.This is the product description and you can get more details from it.A:早上好,小姐!贵行开办代理保险业务了吗?
8 g; w+ R  S- u: W. P% ]% w  B:是的。这是一种集保险,储蓄和投资于一体的新业务,名叫“银保通”。
* T2 y% f9 s+ f, Y) u* u0 z0 s  A:我能得到什么好处呢?
( [( V$ }8 q- ?5 }' M. X0 s  B:除保险之外,您还可以从保险公司得到多少不等的红利,这要看它的经营效益。4 Z2 N6 h2 |0 l: s& y7 v9 d
  A:分红保险与存款有区别吗?) f% O8 O3 N0 U
  B:存款利息是固定的,而保险红利在每个保单年度末自动转到您的账户上,而且期限越长红利越多,因为它是按复利计算的。- u/ ~* c; j3 X$ @" R5 b; F4 c; f3 U. Y
  A:那太好了。您能告诉我这种保险在哪儿买呢?* e, N+ \( D3 D4 S
- n( z% d# k2 B( G3 O# E- u% K0 q  A:顺便问一下,如果我有急事需要用钱的话,能不能取出来呢?4 G  U. D; L8 \

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