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[考试辅导] 金融英语口语:储蓄柜面常用英语7

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  61.Please wait a moment , I will do it for you as soon as possible( X/ L& N5 J( \: A3 y/ |+ n; q
  62.The computer isn’t working now. Please go to another savings office or come again tomorrow
, d- k. u1 {, g, O5 i  63.Please wait a moment, we are checking it$ ~  K# ^' ?3 k5 M) l# L" U4 d3 D
  64.Sorry, since there is no power, we can only serve you manually.
3 n, I  A9 z: U  65.Sorry for keeping you waiting.% ~& ~- N. S( V  {: k" v& w( k
  66.I’m sorry you had to come several times.5 e8 D( A  \4 ~9 z; k' |
  67.Everything is in order.3 ]4 ^$ d% ^# M* V- b  ?
  68.I have lost my bankbook, what should I do?4 L6 G9 x: v* b3 u) ~" ]
  69.You can report the loss of the bankbook.
  t# w) S! m- a8 x" M3 m9 `  70.Do you remember the account name and number, maturity, amount and code number.( n3 W; x, ]  b' k: }
  61.请稍候,我尽快办理。# o6 o% K" C/ S) {' @0 q$ H
  62.对不起,机器坏了,请到别的储蓄所办理或明天再来。# k" U. B' m' L  m
  63.请稍候,机器线路出了故障,正在排除。* L0 m7 B  Y! y  R) d
  64.对不起,现在停电,我可以用手工为您办理。# x$ D$ E* d+ ?+ E& X0 I' C9 U
: D$ Z+ H, [% G1 X9 w4 K  66.很抱歉,让您跑了好几躺。
, S2 h/ s5 Y3 O" e9 N  67.一切都办妥了。0 \- H/ s) g. m* j/ v9 E
  68.我的存折(单)丢失了,怎么办?* v9 q) X1 f5 ^
0 _  |" m6 x! e  70.请您提供有关情况,如户名、帐号、存期、金额、密码等。

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