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[考试辅导] 金融英语口语:储蓄柜面常用英语8

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  71.Please show your I.D card
& V9 x- R) z: J3 W9 r: @' B5 u  72.My name is Jenny Lee, but I don’t' t$ T$ A7 x$ D& A0 I0 N7 _* x4 i
  remember anything the details% z+ B" f2 R" L8 A( `7 P# _
  73.Please try to remember the details.
0 P( F% C, e+ q3 S; j  74.It’s for the safety of your deposit. i. g; Q% M( X$ I9 A
  75.Would you please leave your telephone number.
) g  [+ d5 e* v$ Y  76.Please bring this application form to collect new bankbook or money in 7 days.
# x6 e# J( o! o+ ]/ k+ z5 n  77.I can reissue a new bankbook for you,but we must deduct ten yuan handling charges.. E- k# C! ]# V  D
  78.I am going to apply for a Peony Credit Card
2 K7 S) j. J6 ~: _4 ]  79.You can apply for it in the ICBC+ ]5 m& p$ T4 e9 w
  Peony Credit Card Department. The address is Beijing Road NO.8* ~+ s4 ?8 E3 S7 Q/ \% z/ b" {
  80.Please wait a moment. The amount you are withdrawing exceeds one thousand yuan,so I have to ask authorization form the credit card issuing center, M( ^3 \4 J( d- s- b+ \) ?
  71.请出示您的身份证件。; K: i% `$ |0 B! [
. A4 p$ m* ?, ?8 @9 X3 n8 }( P! [2 t  73.别着急灾仔细想想。# C$ ]& w9 b9 X: L7 T* i
  74.这样做主要是为了您的存款安全。" Y! V& l1 J4 h; L3 d, ~  ~! I
) s- Z" C% L- L  76.七天后请您持挂失申请书来补领存折(存单)也可以提取现金。0 ]/ ?  N& C$ a& t  y5 ?0 k
  77.我再为您补办一个新存折,您需要交10元手续费。* q' `+ I$ q8 b  @9 O" v% v
, C$ Q; `5 `5 g# d  79.请到工商银行信用卡营业部办理,地址是北京大街8号。
2 I, S1 _5 h) t4 F$ g  80.用牡丹卡提款,金额超过1000元需要电话授权,请您稍候。

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