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[考试辅导] 金融英语口语:SocialFormality社交活动-1

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Invitation: ]8 V( l2 R* M0 h& H, F; H5 `! c( L; O
  Are you busy this evening?' M% k% O0 H* c$ W  r! K
  Have you anything special this evening?
$ `* |7 T7 _2 v" t2 X. m  May I expect you at four?8 Z  o) x9 e8 }5 y+ B/ P
  Can we fix a time?
9 \( m# o" B* C! j5 N- y  Would 7:30 p.m. suit you?
* d$ Y. l$ D4 @8 F* f  Shall I call you or will you come for me?- I! `! i& g" v- t" S6 A9 I
  I will call you at past six and we will go to the theatre together.8 m5 Y7 P. D2 J0 P
  Come over for supper tonight with us ,say at six,OK?+ b2 w- I0 F, W$ ?1 w  C9 h  r
  I would like to invite you to lunch?
$ y. r  T; ^3 ~5 o1 j9 U  I would be glad if you would come and have tea with us on Friday.
9 t( {; q3 k+ b' \& i5 M% q  I shall be so glad if you can come .
' D0 K! }* M* u& A% W  DO try to come.
9 R- ]* Q2 |1 C1 c+ n  Will you like to eat out with us?
% A3 i% t$ s) R6 X0 ?# R  May see you home?: F  w+ l; C/ d  a( q( m+ B6 j- @
  Will you let me know if you are prevented from coming?; x$ V' I4 g8 J  }* O6 ]1 z0 I  ~
  May I see you home?* O1 L/ Z3 h8 ~/ d" v$ y( M  @
  Would you like to eat out with us?
9 ?7 u1 e" O; t& {8 Q  Do you want to play tennis?
' @& V$ q) k  [$ F! j  Y  How do you fancy fishing?
0 E: r; a2 H+ C) ^, |' R  How would you like go shopping?  \! p5 L9 F$ o, k
  Do you feel like watching a new film?8 D4 v* p& j5 J2 {6 Z5 `8 l' a
  I am going out for a drive tomorrow. Would you like to join me?
; E' D+ l5 D; x5 D1 G1 n  Would you like to come to my place for coffee?
7 N- A0 o0 w: W% c  L/ e. r4 x  Do you fancy dancing with me?
& s" j, u+ A( ?- G& p; r, f' P4 T  I thought we might have a Chinese meal unless you are tired.
8 Y) C' @, g& X( L6 U  I wonder if you are too busy tonight.- N) }; A: y: x* l7 `) [. I- |
  How about going out for a meal?
% ^% W2 ?( F; m% U  What about visiting Smith tomorrow evening?
1 A, v8 R9 F) C  V  l& `% a8 `1 v' E  Why do not we call Jane and invite her?
+ \% P. j2 z  c) }: i. z" ]& N( k2 i4 Y  We are going to have a little party this evening.7 f' u' f: m/ U: u# q+ i
  Would you like to join us?
+ c$ |5 s3 k* g# I  We are planning to hold a party to celebrate the successful completion  of the project .May we have the pleasure of your company?
5 Q4 z9 w6 ~+ a  h+ B0 `  We have the honor of having you as our guest of honor?
3 J  g' ]9 g* r$ l) S1 W  We would be delighted as well as honored if you could come to our annual celebration this Sunday., P- @2 L1 ?8 K# b
  You are cordially invited to the party to make the 100th  anniversary of the founding of our university.4 m# E' Q0 @. z# f  h
  All the alumni members are welcome to the graducation  ceremony.
% [4 F+ v3 w0 |% e) B  The invitation card has been sent out.6 M) l. Z1 S' U) F8 M
  We are going to have some company at home this evening. Would you like to join us?, f' Y) ~! Z! _+ c. N4 j
  There will be a tea party in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Brown. Would you like to be present at the occasion?

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:43 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  邀请# e1 S/ ^+ f8 p! o
: B9 g: U& ?3 R4 b7 m" ?  K  您明天有事吗?
7 K) x6 J8 |& ?  您四点有空吗?
9 q; d9 X- U# P- k' ~  我们定一个时间好吗?) E) q8 y0 q; X8 \
3 c8 [/ H/ Z2 ~8 f4 I) B; [  我可以去你家看您吗?
$ Q; R4 `) _8 P2 D9 m/ j, {  如果您有事耽搁不能来的话,请告诉我一声好吗?
% Y0 V2 M3 J2 ]. {  我可以去你家看您吗?
; S1 A6 J7 q0 T4 r7 v6 j  您愿意和我们一起出去吃饭吗?
5 N$ m$ Q% R; p) p  您想去玩网球吗?
! w& B) P' a" a, m: }  您喜欢钓鱼吗?' R, d: n1 f8 X$ S8 i: \
  您觉得出去买东西怎么样?! I, U' r9 _1 u* l. }9 z
) ?3 g$ g4 T% P( t  S3 _; z. d  我打算明天开车出去玩,你原意和我一起去吗?
+ U5 T3 z. G" t4 u9 W7 [  能赏光到寒舍喝杯咖啡吗?1 u9 H) ]( }0 z( t' S6 H
: E- |* O* n( x4 R1 s! W& c  如果您不是特别累的话,我想我们也许可以一起去吃中餐。8 F, f7 A; q' c+ D9 b" {
  不知道您晚上会不会太忙?8 m+ |# A3 ]  a
  出去吃顿饭怎么样?9 g* w7 s& r7 I" O% I
  那天晚上去看史密斯怎么样?* L2 l* B9 ]+ C% J$ C( o% w- H* `
  我们为什么不打电话邀请简?: Q2 o" ?( ^1 W5 i
  今晚我们要举行一个小型的茶花会,您想来吗?8 q' J! e7 o7 E( H' E* |
& \3 j2 W- M  K  n% T9 O# s  敬请赏光,作为我们的嘉宾。
$ t# n$ N/ n% j( K+ V4 d  您若能光临我们本星期日举行的周年庆祝会,我们感到不胜荣幸。; o0 l- K& V  A6 o( z
, D+ k9 v" u$ T  欢迎历届校友出席毕业典礼。- k) r  ?5 l+ N. h9 L. T" X
7 t1 I0 j5 n: {2 X8 B% u! O- U  今晚我们请客您,能来吗?
6 N; p& ]' N3 T/ `' w; `  有个欢迎布朗夫妇的茶会。您愿意去吗?
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