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[考试辅导] 调往海外TransferringToTheOverseasOffice

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  ROB: Allen, I just heard the good news.! E5 v# J  U6 p0 X, g' A" T
  ALLEN: What good news?# z4 p; o7 \+ Q" x8 \8 |
  ROB: They chose you to be project assistant over in Chicago. Congratulations.
. j. n2 n  D. N1 a* \/ s  ALLEN: Yes, Mr. Tate told me before the meeting Tuesday.9 U6 D; w; w3 Y$ ^$ Q! h
  ROB: Great. I bet you're excited, aren’t you?9 ^1 L: w8 L6 h
  ALLEN: I was quite surprised. But it isn't all for certain yet.8 K/ n" f9 M3 E$ M. Y- m# }
  I told them I will accept, though, if they choose me.
6 B/ r( t( f9 q1 B8 F$ M/ o  ROB: You don't seem very happy about it. Why?2 }8 w/ a( U: Q. Z: H$ S' h! P
  ALLEN: Maybe I'm a little nervous about making such a big move right now.
1 e* R3 P% y: d- u/ C  You know Nancy and I just bought a new house.
5 W3 F' ~/ I& a$ `$ S# ]2 r  ROB: Have you told her yet?
' p7 ?% q2 y& A  ALLEN: I plan to talk with her about it tonight.: A4 y7 g1 ]8 d6 e1 |  U
  ROB: Chicago is a nice place.! C- N1 A2 {4 r3 D) E
  And you both speak English well. Her English is excellent.2 M# [' t1 l# G( Q
  ALLEN: I know she doesn't want to be far from her family.* @  P. g6 M! x8 c  [/ r
  That will be the hardest part for her.0 `" k/ c9 m6 D( y
  ROB: You're both young. A little adventure will be good for you.
) k/ y3 k2 v& i% o  A5 @4 a  ALLEN: Maybe.
$ m4 H0 I9 }; y2 b  ROB: Do you know how long the project over there will last?3 x6 z  C$ B& {( s4 W/ c1 T
  ALLEN: Mr. Tate said I would probably be over there for two years.# O3 T, g9 k  K, C3 d' y2 D
  But it could be more than that, too.9 @' o) V3 T; q2 q7 Z
  So I think two or three years, at least.# c- y' s9 x0 z+ z* [- w9 D3 k5 b' l
  ROB: To be honest, I envy you.
! K: i) h. [0 Q! Z7 R8 L  I've never had a chance to work in one of the overseas’ offices.0 o6 A6 X$ ~' K2 g9 s
  I wish it were me who could go.
" X; o2 j4 O* k4 z  ALLEN: You're too important here, Rob. We wouldn’t be able to function here without you.
4 S+ F! F+ F1 t. D) Y# i  ROB: Maybe some time in the future I will be able to get a couple years overseas.
: f0 z/ k( r* |- U' `  I really like that idea——changing one's life for awhile.( i: b! D# C% a8 N5 p, I8 n, t
  ALLEN: And your wife?
0 n. V% W! E6 a; p3 C% j: c  ROB: Oh, Carol is even more adventuresome than I am.$ Z% B. M& M! S- B7 [* h
  She would be thrilled if I got a transfer. She always talks about traveling more.2 ], [$ w! y  }- s
  ALLEN: I've only been out of the country once in my life.; a- t5 l# q. x* I" y' r" L* a% L
  ROB: Well, living abroad would be a great experience for you then.
# z5 P( T  S. m- ]. T$ O. |  I think you should look forward to it.
8 T& A5 j, m( [% m& ~6 r: q9 Y8 \  ALLEN: I do look forward to it, but I'll have to talk it over with Nancy.' \, V, s* |2 @+ n
  ROB: Good luck!
% ~& @& m; m( w! s5 b8 |2 a  ALLEN: Thanks.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:43 | 显示全部楼层


  罗伯:艾伦,我刚听到好消息。$ z2 W5 c+ [' ^" k: {$ J$ g
7 H: n# ]: j& `; `4 M: b. |. J6 d$ s  罗伯:他们选你到芝加哥担任项目助理,恭喜。3 C+ ]6 |  h9 R: `& F' l* S
  艾伦:是,泰德先生在星期二会议前已告诉过我了。( g: ^- x) P, |. m' s
  罗伯:真好。我打赌你一定很兴奋,对不对?$ [, Y" U  {3 v; \/ u- |
; J, Z6 e& J/ M( \  我告诉过他们,如果他们选择我,我会接受。8 Y3 w  S: A# S' Y6 ^7 z0 w
  罗伯:你好象并不怎么高兴,怎么了呢?4 ]6 }# M) f) o1 x* I
  艾伦:或许我对这么大的变动有一点紧张。- r, R$ \7 M6 i% @5 ]
0 z" X9 e5 `9 D- \5 ]. R  罗伯:你告诉她了吗?
; W- V5 f" E) [2 ]0 n; v6 R  艾伦:我计划今晚告诉她。
: b2 V8 l1 \$ P3 ~) D! k5 T4 S  罗伯:芝加哥是个不错的地方。( m" P6 a0 A9 T, B3 E
  而且你们两个英语都说得很好。她的英语非常好。5 @" s2 b5 P* l! ]& }
  艾伦:我知道她不想离开她家人太远。1 S: i1 N. E! k, Q
  那对她来说是最难的一部分。) ~" x  s$ [9 y. ^0 ?) w
  罗伯:你们都很年轻。一点点的冒险对你们来说是不错的。$ J" X- Y- V. X; C6 h
  艾伦:或许吧。+ z+ N" H$ q6 Z3 F" Q0 X0 t3 b
# a5 a" \$ a) S$ A8 Q4 ^  艾伦:泰德先生说我大概会要在那儿两年。
/ h7 D6 y  F6 z/ E  但也有可能会更久。8 d" Z5 B6 ]5 R% D
. M  \6 v* ~0 }; h% S* T  罗伯:老实说,我很羡慕你。
) A( M7 }( V2 w8 V% h& T- ?- G  我从来没有机会到海外去工作。1 J3 y; t' f! l
) M' _2 w6 Z' k! U6 {! b  艾伦:你在这里太重要了,罗伯。我们没有你就不能运作了。* e4 G. S( C$ c! I9 t) ?  ~6 C
: o; K. \- w, i$ r. H- M8 i  我很喜欢那个主意——改变自己的生活一段时间。
# i* ^* z+ }' ]2 }- ~; \  艾伦:你老婆呢?
9 D5 L# f  h" c& H  罗伯:喔,卡罗比我更喜欢冒险。
  s! E; c' ^( L& E7 k2 V1 ]  她会很激动如果我能外调。她总是谈论着旅游。% \( c% y* M4 x& t" S3 d
  艾伦:在我生命中我只有出过一次国。  m/ g0 T& m% D2 g2 b' }, ?/ M
( r$ T2 j2 b" Q. f9 v1 l% n  我认为你应该期待它的到来。
. F$ G5 y% U& \) ~4 H$ l  艾伦:我是颇期待的,但我必须与南希商量。3 p& J8 G' j/ I6 S6 V
3 j' e' h- W! @  艾伦:谢谢你。
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