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[考试辅导] 金融英语学习:TelephoneBanking电话银行

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  金融口语:TelephoneBanking电话银行来源:   【:考试专家,成就梦想!】   2008年6月9日I. Product of Marketing( B4 G" f& I/ i0 e5 x8 j; R
. B6 X; `6 g, n) `3 ]* Z  Telephone Banking0 Y( v9 F+ \. X9 Y' q: b' S
8 h; K/ j4 O( o+ E  II. Client's Background Information1 J3 z* h" P2 [4 t# V; o8 ?( ?( J$ E+ ^/ l
- x; |$ g+ }+ e( b3 W1 T$ q5 M  1.Name: Zhang Zheng
; ~0 m% p8 _- B/ }' ~  2.Sex: Male  v/ k: n- c- J% p
  3.Age: About forty years old4 t" _& \/ [/ Q3 `8 p
  4.Occupation: Professional shareholder
2 q8 b' B* f7 {5 n! J- z  5.Education: High middle school$ R7 L  u8 s+ |6 e$ K; G0 g8 F
  6.He does his banking frequently.
5 \' F, m0 f7 l- U& |" a3 J  1、姓名:张政
1 @6 b# d  |( `$ n+ s  r4 ]8 c  2、性别:男% Y9 A  s" }, p" y& s! ]1 \  y3 z
% ^0 O4 b4 B- |5 @3 v% ~  4、职业:专业股民
" N6 p% {+ X4 N, O. b  5、文化程度:高中文化: z9 \7 |; P1 \6 \9 g& L; P
& [- J7 C  d8 X! E7 K- \# i  III.Main Points of Marketing3 W$ [9 V$ x3 z0 \! [1 `6 f; ]8 d
  三、营销要领& Y' ~2 ]2 B+ G) K
  Good evening, everybody!I am Xu Hua, a customer relationship manager of BOC Hua Yang Sub-Branch. Today, I am going to make an introduction of our product——telephone banking to a Mr Zhang according to his needs and requirements.. H* x& v( @9 f: }! D
  各位同仁,晚上好!我叫许华,来自中国银行华扬支行。目前的岗位是客户经理。今天,我将根据我接待的一位张先生的具体情况,向他营销我行的电话银行产品。7 v: M+ h* \: i( e+ n
  IV. Content of Speech
8 F8 t3 H' I( ^, G- |  L  四、演讲内容
, z4 d  h. p& m) K% R" Y. L& h$ t  Hello, Mr Zhang! I am Xu Hua, a customer manager here. Nice to meet you and hope to have my pleasure to help you. You just told me that you are a professional shareholder and also a quality customer of our bank. So you have to come to our office frequently yourself for your business. Now with our telephone-banking system, you can handle all kinds of your businesses, as well as thoughtful securities service without stepping out of doors.. n' r, ~0 O# G& G  ?$ n& h& F7 ?
! P  g3 G. X: i; E" g  BOC's telephone-banking system achieves the perfect combination of modern telecommunication technology and bank's financial services. Dial the same telephone number at 95566, the client can enjoy BOC's various financial services anytime and at any places beyond the bank counter in its traditional service style." _& h2 ?2 G  w7 T8 D7 p) y
9 v9 l  @( L; _& g* d# S5 w  With multi-functions of our telephone banking, the client can conveniently inquire about the balance of their accounts; make fund transfers between the registered accounts at your own will, and pay various service fees without trip to bank. The system also has other functions of financing such as personal fund and forex trading for you to choose at your needs. Our telephone banking packages has been designed to make life easier for you; with it, your business can become more efficient, more quick and reduce costs.
+ e* w9 e$ d. u6 A  我行电话银行能为您提供的服务内容非常广泛,查询功能让您及时、准确的掌握自己的存款情况;转账功能可以让你更自主、更合理的调配您银行存款;“缴费通”业务可以免除你为缴纳各种公共事业费用而受的奔波之苦,让你“足不出户,轻松缴费”;有了电话银行,业务更富成效、办事更加快捷,并帮您降低成本。
) h/ P( S- i/ e8 b, V1 m1 N  It also provides you, superior shareholder, such securities services as “Bank Securities Transfer” and “Bank Securities Link”. You may invest securities anywhere and deposit and withdraw funds at any time. Your deposit in bank as securities funds will bring you benefit of deposit, investment and financing./ v/ w, s% b' t0 w
7 ~1 X4 o' i: B- m  d( C7 e* C5 @  By the way, it is easy for you to apply for the telephone banking service with a current account of our bank or a Great Wall Credit card, which is linked to the current passbook.
; X: W- ~  l6 j2 B  q  申请电话银行服务的手续很方便,只要您拥有我行的活期储蓄账户或者长城信用卡,填写申请表就能申请开通电话银行服务。
% f9 n' l; o8 Z; r! p& x  What do you think about it, sir? I fully recommend you to try it and it will make life easier for you. It is my pleasure to give you efficient, fast and convenient services.
* C  {& n' G4 [( N! ]7 U1 _  这位先生,您对我行“电话银行”服务是否感兴趣?我向您竭力推荐,您不妨试一下,它会令您的生活更轻松。我很高兴随时为您提供高效、快捷、方便的服务。

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