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[考试辅导] 金融英语学习:Current Currencies(2)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  A:Hongkong Dollars.Very often we receive some cheques,on which is written:
5 y$ X9 _, @/ h# i! S) o  A:香港元(港元),我们经常收到一些港元支票,票面上类似这样的金额:
  P. x# Y4 S& Z6 K7 }! v8 w: A. Y  HK $28 254.48, you'd says:twenty-eight thousand two hundred and fifty-four and forty eight cents.
6 S- \! \. i0 f# t" R4 g. ~  HK$28 254.48,你就得读作:twenty-eight thousand two hundred and fifty-four and fortyeight cents。4 D  W+ f4 X( f3 z- {
  B:What else has he seen?& K/ Z: @; y  T# h' G* m
2 N4 T; t$ N" r2 Z! B7 [9 {) p  A:Japanes yen. In this case, we must pay close attention,5 t$ G1 l5 R, R* d$ @: y8 l
  A:日元。遇到这种情况,我们必要要注意,. Y* o) v* m7 \% A1 ^) i
  [01:37.28]because in China we use yuan in abbreviation ¥,the same ¥ Japanese use for yen., e: |' `, o/ Z4 ]% {8 G
  中国人民币代号元¥同日本代号一样。7 K1 R, F. |7 m0 P- e" }* _+ a! _
  For example, on the check you see: J ¥ 21 340 100.00. You'd say:
2 _5 s% M4 T; d' n% d  举例说:J ¥21 340 100.00 ,你就得说:
  V0 g. w. Z  t$ o# Y0 q, s/ u  twenty-one millon three hundred and forty thousand one hundred Japanese yen.
# X, @% E9 a: l  twenty-one millon three hundred and forty thousand one hundred Japanese yen 。4 g; H8 k" a. N) G
  B:What about English money?: I( c8 }% c  b5 l) t7 K- P+ P
  B:英国货币是什么情况?2 s3 {  p2 a0 D2 Q( D. l% H1 {
  A:The formal term for England is the United Kingdom. The currency is the pound sterling,0 E; C6 k4 d( k, y, |: S
  A:英国的正式称呼是联合王国。它的货币是英磅,% n" n; c5 _5 a; {6 V& E
  abbreviated like: £or Stg. For example, for £ 3044.50, you'd say:
. p+ H$ s8 R2 `8 o& o' u$ S  缩写的符号是:£或stg.举例说:£3 044.50,你就得读作:+ x% j5 S& b7 }! |1 `
  three thousand and forty-four pounds and fifty pence.8 y5 d. D7 D* w3 }6 I4 r
  three thousans and forty-four pounds and fifty pence。
( l% B3 D0 w7 J8 W% X6 o1 X+ U  B:The French franc and the deutsche mark are also in use between countries, aren't they?
" L0 R. _! |1 G6 j  法国的法朗和德国的马克在国际间也流通,是吗?
9 @* i) h- D, {) ]4 ^& i% T  A:There are at least two kinds of Francs:French and Swiss., R6 z2 z2 R2 X+ y- n  K
  法朗至少有两种,法国法朗和瑞士法朗,/ Z. ^" s- @7 }4 E5 _( L: N
  They have no special sign, but an abbreviation, for example: FF. 53 000,
4 _, `/ \6 ]0 C. y  w/ y  他们没有专门的代号,但有缩写词如:FF.5300,5 _- w" c0 ]9 H3 V: P, v
  you'd know this is French franc. You'd say fifty-three thousand French francs.
  |9 q$ v% N( C  读作法国法朗,fifty-three thousand French Francs。" d! F& S6 e8 n  B
  When you see the abbreviation SFRS, you'd know this is Swiss Franc:such as,6 f6 }( K, R! x3 {
+ Z5 K7 V; t* }  SFRS 21 400, you'd say twenty-one thousand four hundred Swiss Francs.
. d( G1 H; j) W6 S8 E. d. T  SFRS 21 400,你读作twnety-one thousand four hundred Swiss Francs 。) j5 u8 _9 Q0 Z1 o4 _
  B:Now, I understand.
1 k6 v. X% o4 }' h$ e% M  B:我现在明白了。
- R# g# T; v' W0 a7 R  A:As for mark, this means mainly the deutsche mark, for example,  a6 z2 }5 T- B+ ^
  A:马克,主要指的是德国马克,例如,- S: U5 a; E& {1 ?# b
  Dm 63 308.50, we say sixty-three thousand three hundred and eight and a half deutsche marks.
' V, R: ^" o- Y$ s; i) [$ k) T7 S  DM 63 308.50,我们读作sixty-three thousand three hundred and eight and a half deutshe mark。6 {. g7 a- B! E$ [
  All of these are commonly seen in China. If we exchange them for Chinese Renminbi in our accounts we should follow the foreign exchange rates for all these currencies daily.2 P) }/ ?5 X6 B$ J( p+ M+ O
  这些外币一般在中国能见到。假如我们要把外币兑换在人民币,我们就得按每天公布的外汇率来兑换人民币。2 k) j# c& V! a% {3 d
  B:Will you follow in your father's footsteps to become a banker?
7 z' c1 f0 N' v1 b+ u/ }$ Q  B:你想像你父亲将来成为一名银行家吗?/ @: f+ U; s3 e3 O/ S
  A:It's too far away for me to think of!
5 L0 Z( f# i/ J# i# ^1 h  ?$ X+ _  A:我还远远没有考虑这个问题?

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