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[考试辅导] 金融英语学习:Digits or Numbers(2)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  A:The word 'number' is more widely used. For example, you'd say 'even number',
4 ]6 H8 U$ R2 V$ ~7 o7 Y  A:数目“(数)这个词用处更广泛。例如,我们常说“偶数“,
% C* V6 ?  i# L; F9 X4 R: z  'old number', 'cardinal number', 'ordinal number', a known number or an unknown number.
! X2 M" s; h. E& a- ]/ Y  ‘奇数’,‘基数’,‘序数’,已知数或未知数。
9 `) ?" X  j; N: @) F" w6 q/ i  B:How else is this word used?
# A. Q8 N# d! x# f  B:数个词另外还有那种用途?: o  B; {. B9 q# B1 d$ M
  A:For instance, my home telephone number is 62028431 and my home address is No.346 Beijing Road.
' l3 s8 ^6 v5 G% }! D1 o; a) l  A:比如我的家里电话号码是62028431,我的地址是北京路346号。
* k+ a  T% ~% T* _% ]8 }' b  Our classroom is 253.
* F- U6 J* Q  }  M  我们的教室是253号。
7 t5 f" g3 {& {" }. i& z  B:Where do we use 'digits' most often?( G( E& X  d0 M4 x
1 y; k% u# M; I3 |0 I- f  A:In mathematics or in computer science. All of us will have a special course to learn.
0 A/ |3 p9 Z# G  A:在数学和计算机科学有用得最多。我们不久就要学这门课程。
/ @0 f" x. k- q/ G8 M2 }  B:Yes. Banks today have computers to process everyday accounts.
' H2 }/ T# Y  \* b2 p  B:是的,现在银行里都用计算机处理每天的来往账目。( N. U- a' {8 N0 i3 o8 y/ x5 l
  A:We might say, the day of the abacus is gone.
- n' |9 ~+ `* C( W  A:我们可以说,算盘的时代已经过去了。7 H( L' w+ B4 j6 v# o
  B:But I am interested in using an abacus.% a4 \/ w2 C1 [8 s" ]
- s: p7 V* R4 w. S, O# ^+ n  A:So am I. Using an abacus is still a basic accounting.
3 @! K; Z0 w& e- O6 B  A:我也一样,打算盘仍然是会计的基本技能。
$ _: ?7 o; T1 K% J) y& M3 [  An abacus is also a counting machine, using our brain and our fingers.( K! U* @" ~. N5 |# @/ O2 a
# j( p( P8 P: z7 f% ]5 S  B:Digits will be the main things we cope with in the future.
% O3 d3 p  U. |. b9 \4 C: e6 ^# s  B:我们将来天天打交道的主要东西是数字。
7 r0 z  ]# b7 Z. V0 F5 G  A:Yes, digits are numbers from 1-0, ten elements - one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight,6 @8 F+ j6 P0 Z, `; K; r- K2 o
  A:是的,数字是从1到0之间的数。共有10个:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,7 p" s2 P% a! Y- g/ c1 B
  nine and 0. For example, 2432079, We read:two, four, three, two, ou (or zero), seven nine.4 H  A: Z7 V9 R
* S% V9 l, K' `+ |- e4 y  B:Thanks for teaching me so much!, M" p# @- W6 o8 F* h
  B:谢谢你,教了我不少。" \  c( @1 Z( ?- _* e
  A:My pleasure.
5 u  w/ Z. w5 X- B; r& m  A:很高兴同你谈谈,不用谢。

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