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[考试辅导] 金融英语学习:Money(2)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  B:Still in our daily life, I feel the importance of money and we know the power of it and will be dealing with money every day.
# j: U# A, {/ y7 g3 _" @0 J  B:在日常生活中,我感到金钱的重要性,我们都知道金钱的能量,几乎天天要同钱打交道。
3 i0 r! n9 y; ?# C8 k' x% s) F9 l  A:Do you know all the uses of the word 'money'?. {- M( L% ~9 @6 _+ z
  A:你知道“money”这个词的全部用法吗?6 m0 i. A5 h/ l) u7 [" J
  B:No.+ i- i  m( p* l! M) m/ _6 Y
  B:不知道。5 G- N& S4 n, v9 l+ S8 R4 r  q
  A:Does the word 'money' usually mean the bills we use every day to buy something?
1 q+ W0 N$ N% q& I  A:“money”这个词的含意是否指的是我们天天用来买东西的钞票吗?' ?" L5 V9 P: d# ]% V: a
  B:Only bills?  v  H( w! b: I& [) y
3 z6 b" K% z$ K, u# p6 F  A:No, money is in two kinds, one is hard currency money and the other is paper.
9 |* H! y; H# u  A:不,货币有两种,硬的货币和纸做的货币,
& }& N8 X( u7 j5 R9 m: }2 v9 d  The former is called coins, a coin may be made of gold, silver, copper, aluminium...: c0 q  u' u- y& r$ o1 F* }
  前者称为硬币,硬币可由于金,银,铜,镍和铝等金属铸成,# G' D5 K! C6 Q% y# w, y
  usually metals are used as alloy.6 _- r; M# w8 z9 _. ?
  q" V" ^% A0 S# K  v7 C% ^  B:In the museums we can see that Chinese copper money had a long history.0 R# ~3 |5 ]; g* R
/ k  V  E6 S/ u- o3 w  A:Yes, the form of them changed. Copper coins were in use until Kuomintang time when the coin became round,
( j4 R  t4 q' ^( V3 n$ q$ j  确实如此,但铜币的形式在过去也在不断变化,我国的铜币一直使用到国民党时代,这时铜币成了圆形,
4 _& h  X/ m8 o4 h& j: }  rather than having the square hole in the middle as in the Ching and Ming Dynasties.
$ [+ K6 t1 \+ j  不再像清明两代用的铜币中间留有一个方形空洞。
! \6 w* ]; D( u  B:How many kinds of coins were used then?( h/ N1 Y/ P/ Z0 [, T8 L4 F" `% b
  B:国民党时代的硬币有几种?8 h8 G8 U6 O* Q( r
  A:My grandfather told me that when he was young, there were four kinds:
4 ^, N3 m/ w5 Y  A:我的祖父告诉我说,在他小的时候当时有4种硬币流通," ?, p: V! W+ m
  a silver coin called yuan, on which was the head of Yuan Shikai and the other depicted Sun Yat-sen.
7 K/ @) |2 Y7 {# @  第一种是一元的银币,上面印铸有袁世凯的头像,另一种是印铸有孙中山的头像,' y% _, C+ d% ~/ P6 Q3 o
  The people called them 'Yuan big head' and 'Sun big head' in Chinese.9 j/ z  l* v% }$ ^- B
  人们把这两种硬币叫作袁大头和孙大头。( j/ l  W* r9 F* ?" v8 ]
  The second was a 20-cent coin made of silver alloy.
  W4 Z7 n  X6 Z! R6 h6 c% J  第二种硬币是两角的合金银币。/ C! R0 Q% N! ]; C
  The third was a one-cent copper coin and my grandfather told me that he used another kind of copper coin to buy sweets.  E* S; Q  ~4 p+ l/ r
  第三种是一分钱的铜币。爷爷还告诉我他当时还用另一种铜币买糖吃。1 J7 z7 [5 s, J; g7 m( k7 ^1 {2 T$ e
  B:What was its value?9 Z, c$ u/ e( C: s, t. w
  B:那这种铜币价值多大?. b+ b) S  L( @( W
  A:A one-cent copper coin could be exchanged for three copper coins.6 s2 i4 c- @+ @
  A:当时一分铜可兑换三枚“铜板”。# ]8 g0 T6 g& G1 _
  B:How different from today! Nowadays there are six kinds of currency.
2 M0 Q0 a4 ?% t0 T/ B% D5 p$ \7 v  B:这同今天我们使用的硬币大不一样!今天我国市场上流通的有6种。/ s9 x! d* Z1 ^% L6 P! h! |
  The first is the one yuan coin, then fifty-cent piece, ten-cent piece, a five-cent piece,) W: B9 _4 k% U& E: x
1 T8 a; X3 f" n" a9 G  two-cent piece and the smallest is the one-cent coin. Only the fifty-cent piece is golden in colour.0 [& C0 B5 M. I0 G
  二分和最小值的一分硬币。其中只有五角硬币呈金黄色。# V1 D* E0 n" d! E( v& `
  A:Very well! But have you ever seen other kinds of big round gold coins?3 @& G6 y  s. X
+ B; j- c: F* f2 I3 `: n. g  B:No, I have not seen them.) w- x( \* l* B, J! W
5 ^  x& @3 ^. |% B  A:They are commemorative coins, one in honour of the world famous giant pandas,3 b" P+ S- [5 V
9 D' k5 O$ d- m% n' W2 O  which live only in China, so China minted a Giant Panda Gold Coin.
* ^( I* O& b4 f8 t5 M  这种动物仅生活在中国,所以我国专业些铸造大熊猫金币。
  y5 m2 P4 ?/ V* [/ d) d1 m" C  The other is in honour of the XI Asian Games, China produced this special big gold coin to commemorate the holding of the XI Asian Games in China.1 i2 |& M" B' A1 n7 C+ U
" O/ t" _0 x. p1 [7 T  It is worth fifty yuan and foreigners collect them.) ~$ F4 ~8 i3 K+ N1 @; t$ p) T$ ^
  它值50元人民币。供外宾收藏。3 F6 ~9 \! F4 W& t/ @
  B:What a pity I haven't seen them!4 T* T* p; Y' o4 w' O+ D6 E
  B:没有亲眼目睹,真可惜!8 @- f% i. y" l* _
  A:Yes. Few Chinese has interest in these coins.
) n4 T! z& m3 L: [. G2 Z  A:在中国仅有少数人对这两种金币发生兴趣。

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