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[考试辅导] 金融英语口语:流动资金贷款

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Loans for Working Capital& P- ?& o; N& w$ u
0 l+ Z7 Y2 N, C5 h0 c5 }7 t3 b  Situation 329 S! m' [; D0 i- |) G
  情景 32, f: ~. G0 Z2 {( X2 l  `' u
  Tadao Yamamura runs a Japanese Food Import Firm in LosAngeles.$ A/ H: C) U$ j$ F
$ D" u  d8 B5 {2 N  He is talking to his banker ,Bart Jones ,about a working capital loan.& R, E( n, p# |: y- H6 Z; v9 Z
  他正在和他的银行家巴特·琼斯谈论有关流动资金贷款事宜。$ z* {6 t8 Y/ p" U' K
  Yamamura:We would like to expand our line of imports,but I’m having some difficulties withworking capital for the expansion .! G6 t) l) O: F$ H/ x" v% K
  山村:我想扩大我们的进口贸易,但是在扩大经营中,我们在流动资金方面有些困难。; d4 P" L; e( g
  Jones:I think we should explore some of the commercial loan plans we have available that mightgive you the working capital you need.Mr.Yamamura.& v* L! f: n; X( R* U
2 \4 x' R) Y) F" r  Y:I’ve brought along the latest copies of my balance sheet and operating statements.' q; Y* O& V  C# u' B
% ^; Y- e% a# `3 E, S7 d* x7 X  As you can see,we have a lot tied up in accounts receivable .* M1 p1 d* b0 b+ d" h6 G7 o
  您可以从中看到,我们帐面上的应收帐款有许多已成为呆滞资金,: X5 S! D/ l& G2 E( J* _3 L9 z
  That’s one of our biggest problems.They’re good accounts ,but it requires a lot of working capitalto carry them .
8 U' B8 N& {! \8 A2 t; R3 |9 f5 `  这是我们的最大问题之一。我些帐款都是有效帐目,但是需要许多流动资金去实施它们。
0 h7 v0 R! C3 _9 K) i- y  J:Yes,that’s a frequent difficulty in large and small firms,Mr.Yamamura.
6 C- K, I3 o  Q& j* V  琼斯:是的,山村先生,这就是大小企业经常遇到的困难。
5 Y- K! A- [" S  {* Z  I might suggest an accounts receivable loan .We can lend you money against an assignment ofyour accounts receivable .9 J/ g, ]* b0 A" k1 N
  我建议你们可以采用应收帐款贷款,我们银行给您贷款,而把应收帐款转让作抵押。- \9 I5 \8 j) Q9 {" w. A: [
  Y:I wouldn’t want my customers to know that I had to assign their accounts to the bank .$ ?; @+ I  V0 J( w
' M, a* I7 I2 G( K8 A5 Y- Z) b  J:They wouldn’t know,Mr.Yamamura ,I’m talking about non-notification accounts receivableassignments .2 ~) o' k# Q( D( [$ N
0 G0 i9 A2 y( f  It’s frequently used type of loan for these purposes.Some people call it factoring .
# L* J' P: r9 K+ u- _  人们经常使用这种贷款来达到上述那些目的。有些人称这种贷款为应收帐款让售。8 @5 [1 G. a4 ], ^. Z4 B7 a
  Y:You mean I borrow against the accounts,then give the payments I receive to the bank?( I8 ~0 b: W. e' d0 ?# o/ R
3 R# J. L  p+ ?  J:Yes,that’s right .Just a promissory note and an AR assignment is all that we’ll need.; h- m8 \2 R% N1 ]; M( D

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