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[考试辅导] 金融英语口语:计算日息

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Situation 20( d' N6 z2 x& M& y0 ^1 h7 B7 }
  情景 20
" T# U; C0 s, h5 h  Donald Craig is asking the New Accounts clerk at the FirstNational Bank about their daily interest advertisements.
* A4 S" @8 Y* B, u% {7 E  唐纳德·克雷格在第一国民银行向一个负责新开帐户的职员询问有关银行的日息广告的事。
$ @$ G$ j( l0 y% M# X( H  Craig:What do you mean when you say daily interest in your advertisements?
/ }* w# v2 t) j) d  克雷格:你们的广告中所说的日息是什么意思?+ W+ J; J; s$ @8 D4 j# L$ h6 ~/ [
  Clerk:We mean that we compute interest on your account balance every day and credit it to youraccount on a quarterly basis.
6 i& l3 i/ |( L" o4 v# `# B  职员:我们的意思是说,我们每日计算您的帐户余额应得利息,并且每个季度把应得利息计入您的帐户的贷方。2 e4 h+ {% O1 G- P4 C9 n  f
  Cr:How can you compute the earnings daily ?Isn’t that too much trouble ?. d) B/ R# F6 a4 w, O+ c, }* H- o
  克雷格:你们怎么能够每日都计算应得利息呢?那不是太麻烦了吗?+ |7 j0 D' y5 [" v# _) e; U; @
  C:Well,actually Mr.Craig ,it’s relatively easy to do since we keep all our account records bycomputer
1 m$ B. M" t/ h! `+ K. h+ q  职员:哦,克雷格先生,实际上做到这一点是比较容易的。因为我们使用计算机储存我们所有的帐户记录,2 o0 y0 @1 [% V5 w
  This enables us to give even better service to our customers .; \9 P9 z; U/ O6 f7 D* C6 R
  这样我们就能更好地为我们的顾客服务。# ]" m% M2 ]) M: ~0 x+ d2 j! k
  Cr:You really mean ,then ,that you’re paying me interest on the interest that I earn if I keep mymoney in the bank .
5 n* {, G0 `% o: B- d* K/ q7 m  克雷格:那么您实际上是说,如果我把钱存入银行,你们就会以复制的形式支付我所赢得的利息了。" I( Z5 p) V2 i, Z# W& L: g& F* I
  C:Yes,that’s right.We credit your earned interest automatically to your account and that figures aspart of the balance for the next interest-earning period.# q+ f1 G9 q  n0 o; B
8 k! X. \6 d/ X% X8 R6 G  I  It’s really an accumulative account which continues to grow and earn returns for you .. N5 g) L) y: T# q+ h
3 C. {, v, t$ q$ n- r1 C  Cr:What if I withdraw the earned interest each time? Then I lose the advantages of anaccumulative account ,don’t I ?
- h; u9 {' L5 y9 e/ O  克雷格:如果我每次都把赢得的利息取出来,又会怎么样呢?那我就失去了累计帐户的优势,对吗?
. L' e) X8 V8 i' R# Q" U& J  C:Yes,you would .The accumulative effect only works if you maintain the balance and earnedinterest in the account./ F9 }  V) ?& ^* q* d
( R3 p+ u  l8 L" h' ]5 }  Cr:That’s a good way to make money .I’ll try not to make any more withdrawals .* R1 z* j7 y$ I) F6 g
3 I8 O) P, H$ c# t  C:Yes,that’s a good plan .
5 I, G8 u1 @: e0 [$ a  职员:这是个好计划。
0 s% q  O- y4 V' [  U; ^2 g  Cr:You’re right .Maybe I’ll become rich that way!
& R: g; I/ H+ e) w8 G' g  克雷格:您说得对,照这样做法或许我会变得富裕起来。

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