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[考试辅导] 金融英语口语:银行种类

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Kinds of Banks
5 e+ }/ ]5 V: t  Z# Q5 b0 O  银行的种类; Z; \" p3 V  M; Z' g/ O
  Situation 10
5 [  {+ a/ A. L  情景 10
: z4 j6 U( q" T7 E+ d( s9 i" d  Mary Smith’s boy-friend ,Tom Brown ,is a clerk at the FirstNational Bank .He and Mary are talking about the different typesof banks and bank services .
  f& i  Z& p1 ~4 T; t9 Q' Y7 ]  玛丽·史密斯的男朋友汤姆·布郎是第一国民银行的职员,他在和玛丽谈论各种不同类型的银行和银行的各种业务。
9 h6 C0 H! p1 ]3 ]4 S$ }$ d  Smith :I don’t understand what you mean when you say commercial bank.Tom ,aren’t all banksthe same?
# a7 K/ C/ B4 a4 [! m  史密斯:我不明白你所说的商业银行是什么意思,汤姆,所有银行不都是一样的吗?# F/ ~! o1 T  i
  Brown :No ,there are different types of banks ,Mary ./ @1 ~3 x( F2 i1 i$ j. c: [4 `! A
: g; ]) L2 i/ ~6 `: r  Usually the word bank refers only to the commercial banks like the one I work for .
( o3 g% L+ e) b# V6 U1 r- w) D& F  通常讲“银行”这个词仅仅是指商业银行,就象我工作的这家银行一样。
0 m# t  f* [- o( M$ h8 B( c1 a. R  They’re the banks that offer a full range of checking and savings-account services and make allkinds of loans .
& M; ?: R$ f. z* [0 [/ R0 u  这种银行提供支票和储蓄全套的服务,并从事各种类型的贷款事宜。4 T) M4 W" j2 w* l' }7 q2 m
  S:Well,what other kinds of banks are there?* F& C5 X/ b" @: C5 ^$ o
  史密斯:噢,那么还有哪些类型的银行呢?, q) R9 y9 u: P! g, q, K$ ?$ I
  B:The second large category is called the Savings and Loan Association or the Building and LoanAssociation .
8 T& z1 R+ S1 Q  布郎:第二大类称做“储蓄和贷款协会”,或“建房信用协会”,4 @# i4 r. k/ c( c2 g
  Some people call them Savings Banks,but they are technically not banks .7 v5 R5 L) U/ t
  一些人称它们为储蓄银行。但是,从法律上讲,它们并不是银行,2 A* R: A; I( r6 C; I7 s& g7 M5 a- M
  They specialize in long-term savings accounts and usually lend money for mortgages.
9 Y- L8 u6 ?, t# C  而是专门办理长期储蓄存款户头,通常把钱借出去做为抵押。
0 Y9 ^" e1 l8 k+ E: Z& |) @; L  S:What about mutual Savings Banks?What does that mean?
. B4 b$ h- s: \' T7 T: J  史密斯:“互助储蓄银行”是怎么回事?业务内容是什么呢?
! ]) J7 S' r* @: h/ C8 r  K- q  B:Those are special savings association ,like savings and loan associations,which are owned by thedepositors instead of stockholders .7 S4 P6 @6 Q1 n0 q% i# E
  布郎:那是一些特殊的储蓄协会,像储蓄和贷款协会一样,是归储户所有,而不是属于股东所有。# G7 J& F6 |+ g' m, T0 m% V! \; ?1 y
  Usually they specialize in mortgages ,too.2 V1 R1 [8 [; Z+ f; n7 Q. l; C
  通常,它们也是专门从事抵押业务。8 D0 n( X" `& g, W
  S:Why don’t they offer checking accounts like your bank does ?
( r/ v. x: m; [* r3 h5 k; n" }9 u8 J  史密斯:它们为什么不象你们的银行一样提供支票帐户服务呢?7 w# m0 \( ~- T- `
  B:They are organized for different purposes and they don’t have the authority to offer checkingaccouts.
7 s! }1 _8 X2 P; F) }  ?  }  布郎:各种银行是为不同的目的而建起来的,因此它们无权提供支票帐户,
2 ]% v1 p9 F0 o' x( H9 Z4 s  That’s a function for commercial banks only .
; x+ Z: C- \+ E/ h2 w; A  只有商业银行可以有这种业务。) S; m( g9 p* Y5 a
  S:What’s a long-term or industrial bank?
5 ^/ d; Y* |1 p8 @1 v/ o  史密斯:什么是“长期银行”或“工业银行”?% W* V( {& y" s% j4 E
  B:That’s a special bank for industrial development .
5 {, b9 H# U* G; W, a  布郎:这是为工业发展而设立的专业银行。

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