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[考试辅导] 金融英语口语:应付通货膨胀

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Dealing with Inflation
: y3 E* s* p: s6 w8 J  应付通货膨胀% v: Y  L' C# l" X  n, w
  Situation 3
# W3 K! m1 z& t; @( ~1 U/ i' E% X' I, [  情景 3
# {% I4 q0 e  m  f( u  Robert Albert ,president of Albert Electronics ,is talking aboutinflation and general financial conditions with his banker ,WilsonHall.
' i% c- o% Q" E) A& E9 Q" R  艾伯特电子公司总裁罗伯特·艾伯特正和他的银行职员威尔逊·霍尔在谈论通货膨胀和金融状况。8 w( i6 |. X" n+ S" j# T$ b
  Albert:I’m really concerned about the general financial situation ,Mr.Hall.
/ e# g% P1 W( v1 E. v, z$ t  艾伯特:霍尔先生,我对于目前金融价总的状况甚为关切。" y$ ^# v% C4 O
  We’ve been living with constantly rising prices for too long .
) f) @- i. g, H: v  我们长期在物价不断上涨的情况下生活着,
% Z) z! }+ x3 c" p2 l9 T0 \7 T3 U  You would think that the tight money policies that the government has been following would starthaving some effect .
( H1 u4 z$ ]% |4 i; K2 D: @7 S3 Y  你大概认为政府所实施的银根紧缩政策已经开始产生一些效果。/ f8 K' Q1 L" a# W
  Hall:I think they’re starting to work ,Mr.Albert .Interest rates have gone up substantially recently ,
+ B+ W* M) P* ]7 i6 u: J  霍 尔:我认为这些政策已经开始生效,艾伯特先生。近来利率已大幅度提高,1 E" n( |$ G* r6 r
  and the availability of credit has been sharply curtailed .$ q. B7 |2 E, D0 b7 [0 |
7 P6 p7 y# d1 b8 _" b! y  Unfortunately ,however demand-pull inflation is not our only problem .# o/ |+ G7 H" b' c8 L+ C2 S
  不幸的是,由需求而促成的通货膨胀并不是我们唯一的问题。" w9 W/ r. B! q# c0 h# c
  A;Yes ,the new problem seems to be cost-push inflation ,or what the economists sometimes callsellers’inflation ." I- _7 `% h) L% x9 N, R, I
# }7 Q1 s, W( B4 v( s* g  H:Exactly .For example ,the rising costs of commodities and energy supplies over which we haveno real control .% D3 q5 l+ G8 _* r9 A0 |
  霍 尔:的确如此,譬如说,商品和能源的成本一直不断增加,对此我们没有得到真正的控制。6 X+ V" b4 Q7 s, H
  Fiscal and monetary policies can’t do much to help us deal with this kind of inflation .
9 i+ z" U1 @$ T1 p  财政和货币政策对于我们解决这类性质的通货膨胀也是爱莫能助。
% K& j5 B  o6 P, |6 s  A:It must be very difficult for you as a banker to try to satisfy your customers during periods likethis .
1 z8 |" U* A* N4 I' O  艾伯特:处于这样的时期,你作为一个银行家,要想尽力去满足你的顾客们的要求肯定是很困难的。
( D, \  _( I3 L& i, {  H:Indeed it is.Tight money policies make it necessary for us to turn down loan requests from manyclients or to increase the downpayment requirements on mortgage and installment loans .' Q# Z8 V& P7 K) x
  霍 尔:确实如此。银根紧缩政策使得我们必须拒绝许多客户的贷款要求,或者增加抵押货款和分期贷款的定金。
* _: ~9 Z$ e9 l$ k  A:Well,let’s hope we see an improvement soon.People on fixed incomes,particularly retired people,6 H5 F& J6 u( P# v$ C! L& ?
5 g/ R' S( ?9 b# T! L9 Y: `# J- @4 B  must be having a terrible time making ends meet.
! f2 v4 N4 o# ^- Y9 D- A  为维持生计一定会碰到不少困难。

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