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[考试辅导] 金融英语口语辅导:Money(2)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  New Words  q/ t4 P0 G2 Q& H# B3 G$ {" o2 k+ T
# v- d8 X, E5 I4 e. t  buck      n.- v) V2 _) T, i/ C& I- {* j
7 K5 T1 M1 S+ F! {5 s# w3 f  greenback    n.0 f( G: m# r) m- l' {3 l
6 v& G+ o& O8 e* F0 ?7 f7 v* z  dough      n.
$ F" H% E. e. b3 B  (美俚)钱3 _+ w/ j+ \/ ?
  assistant     n.
  k+ o6 B5 K! K  售货员7 N* G' X! N/ X& i4 Q
  change       n.! y0 t' o" s9 m; x3 g, X
, A/ x7 K" O8 ~# Z% z- P$ k  sovereign       adj.
* Y1 G3 J1 f) y1 f  独立自主的
4 D- m& V2 x( ]. c% Z* Y( F; l- c  uncountable    adj.2 N: w* \2 {, k# Q
  不可数的$ h/ J% ~: K; j9 s0 X0 \- u
  mare     n.& ?; F  V( j( F$ L( @+ q$ Z2 s% h0 ]
- i0 O7 G$ Q$ [  Phrases & Expressions
/ }  ?1 }* Z& v/ E$ c  短语5 h/ p$ b' U% |# y/ K( t
  public money
- l# ^1 Y; n4 A% T  公款
5 a- q; v5 p  p  tax money
$ S. O' x  a! l- @$ v, M3 k  税款
9 h! D  D% ]( \# @  A:Now let's talk about paper money.
7 _; T: ]5 ~; c- E. @  A:现在我们来谈谈纸币吧。9 I- v% P! Q/ K8 O
  B:Yes, paper money can be folded into a wallet. Every country produces its own.; N' s+ k3 a7 L( P1 `7 o
5 c9 G, e) [) t  A:Another term for paper money is 'note' or 'banknote', we say a five-yuan note,
1 }& C/ h& N- }" v2 A  K& U  A:纸币的另一种叫法是钞票,我们一般讲一张五元的钞票,
7 j2 S( L; W9 n5 b, q  a twenty-cent note. In American English, 'bill' is another term.
* p4 s+ o6 N! l3 D$ r% O  一张两角的钞票。美国英语把钞票叫Bill。美国俚语中叫钞票的词更多,
* M. f/ |% ^& B0 Z. W# |8 x* d  In American slang you may hear 'a hundred dollar bill' or 'a buck' as 'ten bucks' or 'greenback' or 'long green(folding green)' or 'folding money'.
% ~- b( M3 q2 [5 M  我们到听到一百元美钞,一元,十元,以及greenback ,long green(folding green ),folding money等钞票的各种说法。% @5 v' ^  B) F( G) E* s
  B:How complex it is!# P, s4 Z. l" p+ T" f! u
/ |  L0 W! q8 ]! I( m" s  A:Yes, we'd better understand these terms when we deal with Americans.% j8 g1 ~+ x  b4 [4 u1 }: M
% O& d. A8 A5 N) }  B:What's cash?. e7 j0 W/ |7 v- s' X4 X
' c: g- S2 d1 p% b1 {  A:Cash is really a common term including everything - currency, coins, paper money.
4 f$ C1 e  q8 g; p) I0 ?  A:现金是对流通货币,硬币,钞票的共同叫法。. w! U$ X1 q/ ?& e* }
  American people may also say 'dough' for cash. When you use one dollar to buy something worth less than one dollar,
, r8 X/ d$ N  x  美国人民把钱,现钞也叫做dough。当你去买小东西不到一美元时,
# P3 p% Q' R( ]+ [# z  the assistant will give you change. We always say a dollar note (banknote),' }, B  t1 z3 Y2 r' A
; f4 t0 s) y6 L1 X8 D4 p  a fivepound note, a ten-yuan note.
% v5 h; h5 L# R+ p  一张五英镑的钞票,一张十元的钞票。
( q: y$ P% q! @, t6 Q9 [  B:Is every country's monetary unit different?7 e' Z1 p/ n( p7 [2 d8 z
6 U0 H: J3 K' d5 \9 {  A:In general, each sovereign state has its own money.
4 d9 M* S" X6 P# Y" A  A:一般来说,每一个独立自主的国家都有自己的货币。
# Q. ~; ?( x$ q2 A4 b" O# N  B:Does your family have many money?: O  e. K1 u8 h- Y( j9 X
) w& X, F/ S. D3 x  A:The word 'money' is uncountable, so you'd say 'much money'. My family is the same as yours,( I8 S$ T7 A* F9 [8 K
  A:“money”这个词属不可数名词,所以得说“much money”表示很有钱。我家同你家一样,/ Z' f) H1 d$ S0 Z" n8 z
  We are living on salaries, our deposits in the bank are limited.9 h7 c; |( O7 _7 E( B
- ~4 \+ o/ [4 a# S- s  B:Is the word money used in other ways?
( @) _+ L  x7 p+ n& E* t9 x7 b  B:money这个词是否还有其他用法?
* h8 t4 W  ]4 U" t  A:Yes,in many conditions we still use money to show things,# n9 `$ G: b+ l! _" g8 ~" i
  在很多情况下我们仍然用money指很多事情,* ~$ p( f+ t$ u( `+ w
  for example, 'big money' means a large amount of money; 'good money' means a high salary.* l0 R, E7 A  ?7 L
  例如,big money表示挣大钱,good money 表示工资很高。
1 h3 B* \! k$ ~, R: D: s4 d  B:Anything else?
# g. [  G* V5 h% E% v  B:还有其他用途吗?3 w- v6 q6 [+ k* u5 i7 O4 O$ p- S
  A:When foreigners come to China,the first thing they do is to go to the bank to change American dollars into Chinese money.3 V% u  Z2 U4 U1 {/ I4 H3 h( P
  A:外国人来中国时第一件事情是到银行兑换成中国的人民币。5 ^' s& i: Y, z, ?" k- I
  When we have money left from monthly expenses, we'd better put some in a savings bank.9 t) G1 A9 h% p; D
  当我们每月开支后尚有余款,便把它存入储蓄所(银行)。% V. N/ x( ?7 U, [
  The problem is many businesses are mostly 'money matters'. So time is money and money is life.
# D; T% I, u+ T  g7 z  问题在于忙忙碌碌的很多事务主要都同金钱有关,所以便流传有“时间就是金钱,金钱就是生命”的说道。
$ L8 v  x  n! t7 B( Y9 h& Z  Do you know the proverb about money?$ W! X+ v* n" T: R
  你知道这个有关“钱”的谚语吗?- O# B# V6 o& s/ [* `4 N: D/ |$ t( Y
  B:Of course. I know another one:'Money makes the mare go.' Or we say 'Money talks'.
7 N' f$ T/ i: P4 g  i8 X  B:当然我知道。我还知道另外一句谚语:“有钱能使鬼推磨”,还有“金钱万能”。- x3 u+ M( m' z, T0 ]0 f) h3 n4 {
  A:Yes, good. You understand well. You know 'make money' and 'lose money' in business, don't you?
) o* c, Y( w3 G# c% h  A:对,很好,你知道的也不少。你知道商业上的赚钱和赔钱吧?
" c" R# q, }! f6 V( j. ~  B:Can we use money in its plural form?
! z* }' C3 w' I, C  B:我们能不能把money这个词用作复数?
% W/ P  c: ]: L& l4 b9 S$ r  A:Yes, but it's not the same word, it's spelled monies or moneys.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:43 | 显示全部楼层


  A:可以,复数的money写成monies或moneys ,但其词意不同,
/ u! n# D  m  c9 u5 z3 I  It means an amount of money, for example, public monies and tax monies.6 B) Z! e7 e0 C9 N. n6 c
  表示一定量的钱财,例如:公款,税款。- Q5 ^. P* N; g4 e. s- D8 i5 x
  Anyway, there are many other places for us to use the word 'money'. Let's work on mastering them.$ ]! J7 L$ K) |7 ~9 M
  不管怎样,还有其他很多地方也都用money 来表示。我们多多学习后逐步会掌握它的用法。
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