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[考试辅导] 金融英语口语辅导:ARE

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
New Words; C; y! E0 I$ o. p0 w, [
9 G: o- Z: n" Aabsent        adj.
  E2 p* S- m8 `( B' t# k6 {缺席,不在6 {; w: F4 |2 c! t; R
loan      n.0 B- i2 c4 X1 V, d8 ~( B6 A5 s
- F6 w) p  {0 H9 g, J2 v( c- A) Habacus     n.
% j6 W9 k  P: M9 l算盘2 B7 O5 y( x3 |$ A- g
competition     n.1 O( I6 f- Y9 |2 n* u8 @- `
3 {6 n3 x' Z0 b' V' wadjustment     n.$ @- [3 Z* @( `& h0 A
6 ]' N- D& ~1 [% X0 A7 cgrain      n." U! a' [& d) d* `
/ [; B5 A8 k# |5 G7 `2 C3 zencourage     v.
; m. s$ A6 Q1 P; ?促进,鼓励
6 D) ~6 f( f/ z3 Magricultural     adj.7 V% W$ W! F8 W9 B* k) Y$ O
农业的7 ?/ M' t; E3 _1 i& @/ `1 ?
review      v.
1 V% A. H  V2 x9 z4 r2 J复习
8 v5 H' k8 }/ `; e, U( }. I3 d$ Jaccounting    n.
4 P: O! C  r8 _9 ~会计学2 Y% t+ [. }# `
principle      n.
; y- M3 ^6 Q* Y% K3 R5 l3 u; Z% E原理,原则1 E6 i% l+ Y3 y2 H1 Q
Phrases & Expressions
$ v, L$ k5 d5 q; k3 t9 ?7 O短语3 g5 G" j- H% M+ O- _2 y. i$ }
the Department of International Finance: q# ]  A; y# L3 B  }( o
国际金融系$ A) x- k9 N! H$ V; j4 h
duty free
7 h9 f9 i8 M, H$ X" T6 J  G# H免税
2 @2 C/ j; t9 Z5 g, C, l1.Are all students of the Department of International Finance here?
+ x- h+ A/ f" e# ]! j3 g国际金融系的学生是否都到了?
" ]# a# t5 k1 \% Z" p# i6 Y9 c' a-No, some are absent.! n2 @  f9 i1 z
不,还有几位没有到。+ s, p  q# B" @4 X& O0 k# R
2.Are all these goods duty free?
5 t9 v* t0 r- ^( {  i( G9 b这些商品是否都免税?3 T- P+ j$ H; X* G
-No, only half of them are.
8 m6 Z; n& e/ [% x不,其中一半是免税的。( m% Z  g( J$ E$ e7 `' B
3.Are there any other opinions?
/ R0 a& G* p) [2 i: C3 G* U还有其他意见吗?, P6 E: r8 l2 S" F; H
-No, there aren't. We all agree on foreign loans.  P  }+ [' P, u8 ]3 B8 h3 S
8 I: ~$ N  V  h4.Are the students ready now, Ma Ling?+ G! d7 b, |# L$ N
4.马林,学生都准备好了没有?1 U+ T6 Y: s; @' Y
-Yes, we can start the abacus competition.) Q* O' @9 @0 q: _4 F' ?/ W
都准备好了,现在可以开始珠算比赛。6 l0 n) x* W6 K9 a* O4 |" V! P
5.Are Sam and Ann in high school or in college?0 a( }- _  F: @. h; w+ a  P$ {$ \4 L
# m) T' {' l8 X/ |8 V5 N/ _-They are both in college?1 j) i* x5 X. i# {
2 k3 v+ a4 k6 X+ K( \3 `0 ^6.Are you feeling more at home in your new job?5 B, B' B8 \0 s2 i! s& U; h
* H6 ?# V) T- O- g8 N  }% x-Yes, I am. Sometimes there are problems, though.# q- T' q+ H# K4 U1 d
是,不过有时还会遇到一些困难。( x+ J$ \: x& g4 i
7.Are we going to see an adjustment in the grain price?- Q: }$ Z9 v$ R5 k9 ]% g
8 ]8 U" G: l( {  k0 |2 m5 X-Yes, we will. We hope it will encourage our agricultural production.
# _5 x. @4 Z! h2 i9 j会上调,我们希望通过上调鼓励和促进农业生产。
; h  I) n. e1 O' C' I8.Are they reviewing the lessons on accounting principles?
# W! r& P. h$ Y2 J8.他们是否在复习会计原理?) z/ f: M+ m0 T% m7 j* }, q
-Yes, they are.# \! k' i% c0 l9 D
0 q( ]- \' V" D1 M  z! e8 J9.Are there any oranges in the kitchen?
' ~( j5 K( x7 v厨房里还有橘子吗?8 b# @' S4 s; F/ B
-No, I'm sorry. There aren't any.5 c3 k, v; l3 I0 e, \
) Q* K. ]  h- L! c5 U- H4 s5 l2 J10. Are you leaving for the bus station at nine o'clock?1 X+ `8 a4 v& d2 C
10.你打算9点钟去公共汽车站吗?' l6 a* K$ n" A: h
-I'm going earlier than that. My bus leaves at nine fifteen.8 K9 a3 t4 |8 X9 f
我要在9点以前走,我那班车9点一刻就要开。" ~  M" u! j* l5 `* b
11.There are some factories in the city, aren't there?
$ `4 [5 L1 V8 [+ w11.这所城市有一些工厂,是吗?
7 H% S) Q9 d" R7 {4 f7 M3 f7 r-Yes, there have been many.
6 f: g" |% ^( z) r9 J是,这里已有很多工厂。# n1 F8 L  O4 n! {. B
12.You are doing your homework tonight, aren't you?; Q( F9 ?; C$ y% d( N3 Z- k( E
12.你打算今晚做作业,是不是?4 D( \- l& N7 p- X6 q
-No, I'm not.+ E& S/ k; O: T( q

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