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[考试辅导] 金融英语口语辅导:Banking Operations (2)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  John Anderson and Betty Rogers continue their discussionabout the operation and organization of her bank .
, x% i  n3 a1 @2 t* v, {/ Q# y  约翰·安德森和贝蒂·罗杰斯继续谈论有关贝蒂所在银行的业务和组织机构。 ( Q4 h% d3 g8 H- G1 l
  Anderson:Who is the highest officer of the bank ? 0 l( k/ g9 z: }. y1 k
) Y$ [4 l  b+ m$ _; x1 ]/ x2 j  Rogers:That’s Mr.Sunderland ,our president .He is responsible to the Board of Directors,
& {( w( ^# ^5 u, k! S/ f: M  罗杰斯:我们的董事长森德先生,他负责董事会的工作。
& r. {$ R5 _7 t: t- w, U  Which is elected by the stockholders.He is assisted by the senior vice-presidents , ' e; D2 b( h/ q" ~
3 n+ u. j$ H2 O& t  vice-presidents and assistant vice-presidents . & D9 G$ c9 U4 ?/ |  L
  还有副董事长和助理董事长。 & ]4 p4 n: @# b' i) I' [
  A;How many vice-presidents do you have ? / ~, [. @$ P! r
  安德森:你们有多少副董事长? ( |* d+ q* }( f8 W2 Y% D
  R:There are quite a few .Usually each department is headed by a vice-president or an assistantcashier .
; z$ c" R- Z; f8 _! Y2 k6 q  罗杰斯:有不少呢,通常每个部门都有一个副董事长或者一个助理司库作为领导,
& b( [7 o- n0 @" Z  p8 i# y+ o  That’s the lowest -ranking officer position in most banks. 7 A  y7 `' Y2 g' L: ^' W
& D' O- H3 M0 y4 r" t; s4 h  A:Aren’t all department managers officers?
1 {! m$ ?; `8 _% H; q  Q) O3 @  安德森:并不是所有部门的经理都是主管级的吧? 3 T) i+ r0 b' n5 s, R4 z
  R;No,not all of them are .Actually ,the word officer means a person authorized by the Board ofdirectors to represent the bank in certain dealings .
- j0 S+ Z& ^* Y% v- ^" `6 U  罗杰斯:对,不全是主管级。实际上主管人员这个名词表示这个人得到了董事会授权,代表银行经营某些业务的人。 9 h  X  ?$ u8 d  Q% [
  It doesn’t necessarily represent his function in a department . ! s5 K& m* `- ]* C; u
; G9 |; j. z' F1 G* ]4 Z# h, G  For example ,my boss is not a bank officer ,he is chief teller .
+ [% Q4 v$ X6 H* k9 h  譬如说,我的上司并不是银行的主管级人员,他是出纳主任。
( y( }  K; E. ?) v9 s5 h  If we were an officer ,his title would be assistant-cashier and chief-teller.
0 A/ j7 d, P! N' [  如果他是主管级人员的话,他的职称应是助理司库和出纳主任。
5 }4 F& D! @9 g- L5 [# v  A:That sounds very confusing .Why don’t banks just make all department managers officers?
1 G% g; a. ^) ]! h1 h# w  安德森:听起来另人费解。为什么银行不让所有的部门经理都成为主管级呢?
- {' g  o) @; e- U' F5 w, D0 N7 }  R:It’s part of the bank’s system of assigning authority and responsibility .
: t- Y2 i. ^- [+ A  罗杰斯:这是标志权力和责任的银行制度的部分内容。 , N6 x/ c  X3 I. I% x, X0 A
  After all,banks have special obligations to their depositors because we are handling their money,not only our own.
, [( |, c" r9 ^  N9 U  银行对于它们我储户毕竟有着特殊的责任,因为我们正经营着他们的钱,而不仅仅是我们自己的钱。
7 G9 @' I& c4 D4 I  A;That’s right.And I am a depositor ,too.I’ve got $37.50 in my account.
4 A! K8 l* T# A- t9 n  安德森:是的。我本人也是个储户,在我的帐户里存着37美元50美分。

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