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[考试辅导] 进出口货物名称中英对照辅导(10)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:28:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  bottle glass 瓶罐玻璃: ~3 r/ U6 W  L$ j( Q" C7 r( }
  bottle gourd carving 葫芦雕刻品
0 R/ {; d$ ^) ?" d0 k  bottle gourd 葫芦$ `) ^8 x) }( K
  bottle gripper 夹瓶器
: P' R4 {) `& k6 R  bottle inspector 检瓶机
0 p# f( H& ]% L; v+ p: g  bottle jack 平式千斤顶
) x1 e1 d) M" z0 i1 @& o( e; n* J5 _+ z  bottle kiln 瓶子窑# `- Q$ v! ^0 D4 }/ `& i' |
  bottle labeller 瓶用贴标机0 G2 |7 C4 Q# I2 u/ \* ^' S" j
  bottle oiler 瓶式注油器2 k" X7 D$ i- e2 t7 i, ]8 Z6 }) p
  bottle opener 开瓶器
! ]( M# U$ Q. d+ Z! V  bottle packer 瓶子装箱机
# J! T8 X& i8 q  ^  bottle packing machine 装瓶机
7 ^3 K% _! l, V4 H. b  bottle packing paper 瓶包装纸+ ^( t8 q( |$ U5 m, e
  bottle rinser 洗瓶机+ N& q% G9 c( t  \# j
  bottle rinsing machine 玻瓶冲洗机" N; Z- y" r' L; a7 `& I
  bottle robbin winding machine 红木锭摇纱机
5 t* b+ l; [! D+ x+ l8 j  bottle seamer 封瓶机3 K8 O8 Q  j1 C* L" ?' `
  bottle shape filter 瓶形过滤器& @% |. p: \4 A, C& `; h+ q
  bottle soaking machine 玻璃瓶浸洗机
) ]* J0 `& e7 z- X  bottle sterilizer 瓶子杀菌机
) I% [% E! c1 L* W! u* Q  bottle stopper machine 封瓶机9 ]9 `/ u' S  f' d! r
  bottle stopper 瓶塞
7 `0 T. N9 f% k: |1 o  bottle stoppering machine 瓶子盖塞机7 K4 Q1 w. x% R8 ~
  bottle thickness gauge 瓶壁厚度计
8 D% i# {3 I" I6 R8 @6 g& T  bottle washer 洗瓶机, C. o& D3 [/ p# n; b
  bottle washing machine 洗瓶机
' ^7 M3 `2 L- `: @+ r8 v. [  bottle wine 瓶装酒- v: b1 b# v$ q# s) {9 v3 `
  bottle wire net 线织瓶网
5 n8 c" L" H7 ]5 B& u; Y+ |  bottle with two necks 双口瓶
; N' H8 O/ q. Y. @! m- T9 t  bottle wrapping paper 包瓶纸7 Q$ G0 x7 k  m- n' K
  bottle-making machine 制瓶机8 I: V# J8 H8 p
  bottled beer 瓶装啤酒$ J; V9 [" J/ K$ s2 J/ a) X
  bottled juice 瓶装果汁
+ [9 o0 [1 M  p+ @1 t7 @  bottled milk 瓶装牛奶7 u% \7 V. F2 o) L
  bottlenose oil 海豚油
& a: v9 X" i+ F# [6 T! ?  bottling machine 装瓶机
; z9 i9 w: P# i0 |- s6 A2 t  bottom bracket axle 中轴辊
: [/ O% R% z* b* B  bottom bracket cup 中轴碗
: A* r' R! x9 W  bottom cloth 衬垫织物3 [$ O% j/ s2 ?6 Y2 _9 w% `  c# E3 E
  bottom collimator 井部准直仪
% m" L9 g7 x+ Q( n  bottom condenser 箱底冷凝器
1 r- g; P& a4 y( ?, `/ w$ s  bottom current meter 底层流速计% B; _# V. A+ _: h- s
  bottom die 底模
$ N, R- I! O8 C( {2 C  bottom double seaming machine 罐底双重封缝机
  H  V. Q1 Z: B! |) X$ F9 z# M  bottom fastening bolt 底螺栓& S$ p( S4 b" W
  bottom fired heater 底烧炉) _. _; ^& Y) a* c: t3 }  h; k
  bottom fuller 下刻槽模+ M0 _5 C2 s+ p: R/ r* P
  bottom gravimeter 海底重力仪4 }, G; c4 L" d0 a- `! w
  bottom hole bit locator 井底钻头定位器& ~: |8 ?! l) F
  bottom hole flowmeter 井底流量计5 R2 h/ k: f+ l; p, j
  bottom hole heater 井底加热器
1 P6 r* r8 d# b9 a0 x/ A/ _' G  bottom hole inclinometer 井底测斜仪
% i3 o  G4 v# Z1 V$ b" K  bottom hole packer 井底密封器
( Q4 {8 e2 ?, o  bottom hole pressure gauge 井下压力计
1 D! W) [2 W5 o6 ~; s8 a; ?: m  bottom hole pressure indicator 井底压力指示器% @0 d2 o$ w* l* ^
  bottom hole sampler 井底取样器5 c, q# q5 f. z
  bottom hole thermometer 井底温度计
4 P. [5 l8 T* y  G) ?  bottom lining temperature recorder 炉底砌体温度记录仪
) ~4 P0 |# m! T2 u0 ?  bottom paint 船底漆
+ T1 q) p- i) Z- \, }  bottom plate 底板) V+ ~) Q/ d: Z4 X
  bottom pump 深井泵/ ^) w# s( i* s; u' ]7 a( x
  bottom ramming machine 炉底打结机- t. c6 e% j' p8 T- a" W6 {! ?
  bottom scanning sonar 海底扫描声纳
. G- ^8 V! O! b+ d  bottom singling belt conveyer 下吸式单板皮带运输机
6 O& |0 ~/ ?: t5 [" j  bottom squeeze moulding machine 底压式造型机
+ l* J* [! n, o. y  Q8 o6 L6 p7 u  bottom stitching machine 封底钉铆机) N' O  K! U( l6 a
  bottom swage 下陷型模9 M/ F7 T1 w; `* }" Y; q
  bottom-blown acid converter 酸性底吹转炉
! \; g# a+ A& Y& [) m  bottom-blown basic converter 碱性底吹转炉6 S% r' Q: n- M$ [) X% n( L
  bottom-blown converter 底吹转炉7 O  h+ N7 X# Y' ~
  bottom-dump bucket 活底铲斗6 g5 l9 p# j6 X/ y: H, [
  bottom-dump hauler 底卸拖运车+ ]: _" D  v: V
  bottom-dump truck 底卸车# x3 r. b- R  {6 W
  bottom-dumping hopper body truck 底卸料斗式运货汽车
) N# S1 r, {1 z6 E/ y  bottom-fed evaporator 底部供液的蒸发器" r9 Y9 o* p) F
  bottom-feed wick oiler 底吸油芯加油器
3 g8 n( _. Z0 M' p- V  bottom-grab 挖泥抓斗  L# W) r, R6 P; y
  bottom-hinged inswinging window 底悬内开翻窗
; ^* k; A( ?6 ^0 E! O3 h  bottom-mounted current meter 海底海流计3 q1 g9 w) D; h: d
  bottom-mounted tide recorder 海底潮汐记录仪
+ Z; q! [( O" ~* x" b8 k- D  bottom-mounted wave direction meter 海底波浪方向仪) i2 p& P( E  ~* p! g0 o8 K
  bottom-mounted wave recorder analyzer 海底波浪自动分析仪
% h4 i5 P0 Q  Q' \: B$ q  bottom-opening skip 开底式翻斗
1 u/ }9 T* r+ f1 K+ ~- t0 k  bottom-plankton sampler 海底浮游生物采样器- k# d9 e9 v% V3 y9 w
  bottom-supported platform 坐底式平台& ]. j% Z& p9 _4 @+ n
  bottomdump tipper 底部可拆开的自卸卡车5 B& @6 _! D9 f) ~' c: H! [- O
  bottoming tap 平底螺丝攻+ \, j% I+ \7 g$ h
  botulin antitoxin 肉毒抗毒素
9 @' h* k/ n/ m  x% P! G1 R  botulinum vaccine 肉毒疫苗4 j: e# N7 l. D+ {$ S6 a: ^
  boublin 鲍布林闪色斜纹布! H3 u5 y7 G- K# ^+ B
  boucaroni 包加罗尼变形丝
3 y6 s) Z' V0 w' \2 ~4 e) K( Q% ~  boucassin 布卡森里子布
( W( j) `0 S3 X8 D% h  Boucheron speculum 布谢龙耳窥镜
1 Z; E* W; [% j( }" d  bouché 布谢原色细呢
& C0 X8 V* d: t7 r7 W% w  boucle loop fringe 卷结流苏
; r! @7 R5 H# m$ c5 s  boucle taffeta 节绢塔夫绸
# _8 @2 U; q- n+ x  bouclette 珠皮细呢
% b0 k. m* J+ A: T: f3 O  bouclé rayon 毛圈状人造丝
' f+ C" a) ?' _) @7 l3 T% e  bouclé yarn 结子花式线5 N, x: l9 N& T2 q, Z7 l
  boudoir carpet 正反异纹地毯$ F* I. o3 [6 P+ |4 l! G( T
  boudoir chair and ottoman 闺房椅及搁脚凳# [8 Y; X  y8 X* r4 u6 x$ i4 j
  bouffant slip 膨松套裙
8 |4 v  S1 E' Q: E5 b  bouffant 膨松皱裥领巾
/ L5 i" E. z2 k. j  X  bouge 布什精纺白呢
' I- @  |  m# \1 g/ c1 X  bouillon  金银线花边
  k" C# u* G( W* X( V  bouillon cup 肉汤杯. p, f8 e7 t6 r* L; h" S7 z
  bouillon spoon 小圆匙
, h! u' z1 l8 r. h0 _) ]  boulder 圆石7 P# L6 g: _9 E- _
  boule 人造刚玉
) L% J0 D" Y( e$ b/ P/ U2 n' ?' j  boulting cloth 筛绢
# Q) P& @1 @4 q7 ^$ y  boulvardee 半漂粗大麻布
* l& y( D5 J, w  bouncing bed 蹦床1 g1 U; n% s# Z7 w4 C5 C4 s* D* S
  bouncing board 弹跳板! X* i3 v7 g6 D  R/ q
  bouncing table 蹦床: I- G' l( w. Y& o! h5 D9 \+ M
  bouncing-pin apparatus 弹针仪
) k. r2 g# k0 y! V4 f  bouncing-pin detonation meter 弹跳杆式爆震计
' s- E8 M  F; v0 s* z( _2 X  bound nitrogen analyzer 极限氮量分析仪

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