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[考试辅导] 进出口货物名称中英对照辅导(62)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:28:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  compound diode 复合二极管4 O9 C6 E. v' w% R8 `
  compound dredger 混合挖泥机
2 U/ {/ S/ c2 |  compound dynamo 复激发电机, i* K6 z' v8 N' x
  compound engine 复式发动机
( g3 R9 Q$ G; G5 r# K7 P  ^% G  compound essence 合成香料6 o) Y8 A( M/ c2 q  X# O
  compound extractor 复式萃取器
  p' c$ o7 r( N% w3 }0 \$ x  compound fabric 复合织物
: V# q% K, N5 {: y! `4 U  compound feed stuff 混合饲料1 \  Q1 |1 N1 c$ p2 K' m
  compound fertilizer 复合肥料5 ]5 F7 v5 l" Z- e- h
  compound film capacitor 复合膜电容器* N. ?  Z. p; ?8 g5 {; @4 R
  compound filter 混合滤波器+ Z9 x! @# I5 S) ~: U
  compound flow turbine 双流式涡轮机3 @! _7 X  w; ]5 A, K$ W) q# ?2 J
  compound gauge 真空压力计' l7 z7 X# [8 M5 ?0 \- \) b
  compound generator 复激发电机
% a5 i" D* s% u7 g& ^6 v8 ?" h  compound hepatitis-treating infusion 复方肝炎冲剂2 v. R3 I& W7 S  |3 T5 S
  compound impulse turbine 复式冲力涡轮机* l% ?; E- }# D. r& Y5 O
  compound infusion of honeysuckle flower 复方金银花冲剂+ j. g" d( h& R% t
  compound infusion of isatis root 复方板蓝根冲剂1 u1 z. |$ [9 R, y
  compound injection of red sage root 复方丹参注射液
$ v/ W) k3 i  o4 |( ]8 y* C/ o  compound knitting machine 复式粗针织机% E+ z7 c4 o9 e( X! {7 r
  compound lens 复合透镜
  W! L* ]; M0 O* L+ w  compound loudspeaker 复式扬声器, L3 H4 i* R8 {
  compound machine 复电机4 `- g3 [! O. m" @
  compound magnet 复合磁铁
1 J# T# @4 B9 e& X2 l  compound meter 复合流量计
  D3 W/ z: I- T; U" ]& `  Z  compound microscope 复式显微镜
) H/ ~( f- j) k5 r4 L2 g! M  compound mill 多仓磨6 |( ]" a; I, t, K1 d5 t
  compound mixture of liquorice 复方甘草合剂- S1 _* F3 Q! D' F! G9 q
  compound motor 复激电动机$ ~; z6 `9 {/ Q* B$ K
  compound needle machine 复合针经编机5 l5 z! X+ O$ ^! j
  compound neomycin eardrop 复方新霉素滴耳剂
2 y4 t  Y% j7 k0 Y  J  compound of glauber-salt and liquorice 玄明粉
6 L( H+ Z5 `8 @) v; f0 y  compound oral liquid of isatis leaf 复方大青叶口服液
$ t$ m8 D6 g9 ?) K! M6 M8 i+ t0 d  compound planetary gearset 复式行星齿轮组
5 @" c, w7 U  r% n/ I- }  compound plate evaporator 复合板蒸发器) H" Q" B1 |7 V+ ~) s- E
  compound powder of snake-bile and fritillary bulb 复方蛇胆川贝散+ w' Z( F% V$ y5 X2 t
  compound pulley 复滑车  c( [$ ^0 A* c8 `& g; O
  compound pump 双缸泵7 |! G; R! B" L) d0 w
  compound rectifying column 复合精馏塔, W4 J* O4 G3 E1 N& @2 w
  compound regenerative oven 复合再生炉
) r! Y# q# F/ f8 Q& L. n  compound relay 复合继电器: L) e2 z- p7 n$ k  E
  compound rope machine 复股制绳机) F) y' ~/ \" T+ n. G
  compound salvia miltiorrhiza tablet 复方丹参片  R7 O6 m! A& ]# j
  compound salvia tablet 复方丹参片
( Q9 H1 _0 Z) q2 i. e0 J  compound scanner 混合扫描器% W; \: F# B; ~
  compound self-excited diesel generator set 复式自激柴油发电机组! K! d8 j: s+ ~- I( |5 L
  compound semifluid extract of red sage root 复方丹参膏
" D0 ?( R* U" q* B+ X0 H& s! j  compound sieve plate 复筛板
- J. x; C1 b* X% j" Y) Z7 I' v# D6 a  compound silencer 复合式消声器
- u9 F' g; w( I/ t. T  compound slide rest 联合车刀架
1 r- N3 q0 j) X5 q" e* r( D2 @7 }' |- d  compound soap powder 复合皂粉
( E' q: N0 z; l  compound soap 复合皂( q; ]* y% k; _& N- T1 k' g
  compound sodium chloride injection 复方氯化钠注射液: x7 y( d/ D4 f) |; c) O
  compound steam engine 复式蒸汽机9 X- s0 u$ J; ^* ^% G9 N3 g1 g
  compound steel 复合钢
7 T) [: |$ B! I( \  compound swinging type jaw crusher 复合摆动型腭式破碎机; Y% P2 X0 G0 _: I% j
  compound tablet of red sage root 复方丹参片
- J6 ?. o  \. Q: B  compound tablet of {Sichuan} fritillary bulb 复方川贝精片. f; Y9 X/ k, U9 L8 B/ r
  compound temperature relay 复合热动继电器0 I" M& i! y& ]/ X
  compound theophyline 复方茶碱
/ K6 q- o3 F+ S) Z' \! F) F9 d6 x  compound throttling refrigerator 双级节流制冷器
% J; `# r: {! R  compound tincture of camphor 复方樟脑酊
* ?/ k; t# L% M8 w$ v$ q  compound turbine 复式涡轮机
; p+ W( J1 L: _* X  compound turbo jet 双级涡轮喷气机3 O% E/ z4 a2 c' ~) e' J/ F
  compound twister 复捻机' D- p( |- ]2 s4 u1 A
  compound winding 复励绕组/ ]& b5 t$ {  p6 d: A# f
  compound wound generator 复励发电机
8 Z  b, V# Q8 ]3 V! g( u+ T  compound yarn 股线
3 t4 ^  F5 G* h: b  compound {hoshouwu} tablet 复方何首乌片
" D$ H- G1 }2 `: T/ ]  compound-glass optical fiber 复合玻璃光纤! s) S; A7 {- ~
  compound-semiconductor photodiode 复合半导体光电二极管* i8 V" O0 D8 N7 u! e4 m" j* ]
  compound-twist silk thread 复捻丝线; u9 E2 r9 V5 y; L) ~
  compound-wound dynamo 复激发电机
% v5 U$ n& r  Y5 [  compound-wound motor 复激电动机
' \' p. d( z, |; z0 r8 N( |9 ^  compounder-extruder 混炼压出机  x" j7 ?" U; L$ I, l4 r7 t, l) h
  compounding paper machine 混合型造纸机: E* B9 d3 M) S* s
  compregnated wood 胶压木材' ?, A4 ~- i2 K1 [0 M  u6 m
  comprehensive observation instrument 综合观测仪" f3 u  M& y* u0 d1 e6 j! B! f
  comprehensive operation table for obstetrics 妇产科综合手术台. k$ y" }  I+ B2 {+ E% ^( R
  comprehensive test instrument 综合测试仪
% ?8 o2 A4 J' r" X/ |5 f  compressed air accumulator 压缩空气储蓄罐" C! A1 r. q5 c0 W
  compressed air breaker 压缩空气断路器
4 K& {1 g7 p5 e2 I2 B8 c1 Y  D  compressed asbestos fibre jointing for cold and hot water 冷热水用石棉胶板+ h6 F& j' t  M5 b0 v
  compressed asbestos fibre jointing sheet 石棉胶板
4 `: p- i% C+ Q+ T  compressed asbestos fibre jointing with steel wire 夹金属丝网石棉胶板6 R" y# w1 O# J/ U* B  a
  compressed asbestos fibre jointing 石棉胶板  ~  m) O. `/ k+ ]& L3 s, {& K
  compressed asbestos sheet 夹胶石棉板8 Z/ w; q& n8 A5 V: k9 }3 h6 ~
  compressed ashestos fibre 压缩石棉纤维% G' L( E) y- z! F
  compressed asphalt roaster 压制沥青烘烤机
0 z2 _9 L; H, ]( T2 j  compressed gas condenser 压缩气体电容器- Q- Y$ j& p4 G2 Y; R! s, p
  compressed gas cylinder 压缩气瓶# n1 w" B6 w7 ~; d+ `3 Y8 Q) H
  compressed gas machine 气体压缩机9 L5 K: p+ V, Q8 i9 Z! m
  compressed gas 压缩气体
4 p* {0 z& n: x( y. q* q7 n% T9 b  compressed jute 紧包黄麻/ T; N# G. Y6 A% Y
  compressed wood 胶合木材  ~; w! `- W+ G6 i; B. Y
  compressed-air capacitor 压缩空气电容器
2 e& \# S$ Q- Q: p- J* n7 P) V  M7 b  i5 @* }7 X1 S. H- Z# R, l4 L; a
  compressed-air condenser 压缩空气电容器
- q1 Q) G$ n, P2 c  compressed-air distributor 压缩空气分配器
, S; J% j6 x& }5 a  compressed-air drill 风钻
6 Q" F& E& _2 R  compressed-air driven roller covering machine 压缩空气驱动的套皮辊机

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:28:35 | 显示全部楼层


  compressed-air driven waste processing machine 压缩空气驱动的废物处理机
1 j: N% a+ `! e0 M  compressed-air engine 压缩空气发动机
( Y) B0 D: n  ?5 P  compressed-air filter 压缩空气过滤器6 W& H% Q+ A9 i6 h8 q) S/ X9 \
  compressed-air gun for the extrusion of mastics 玛碲脂挤压压缩气枪
6 I2 C' f0 v3 c( f) Z3 \; `  compressed-air hammer 风铆锤
1 Y0 S) s- @# ?  compressed-air hose 压缩空气软管/ {. B1 v3 y2 [  E# X6 t0 S
  compressed-air jet 压缩空气喷射器! i4 [5 @" _8 T, P
  compressed-air mixer 压缩空气式拌和机
" s* {! P4 j: c7 A7 z1 W1 C  compressed-air pipe 压缩空气管8 c9 K2 t& @1 @; q
  compressed-air press 气动压力机% a2 s! g0 ^: [2 J9 ^8 M! j
  compressed-air ram 压缩空气冲压机
4 t  o5 U" j8 W8 X; c: [  compressed-air sampler 压气式取样器. i9 R3 ~5 Y' {4 g  X/ R4 n9 ]
  compressed-air sprayer 气压喷射器
; \1 [' v5 J9 X1 H0 M  compressed-air starter 压缩空气起动机- [0 Z/ V* ~# k, B
  compressed-air steel cylinder 气体压缩钢瓶" @; Q9 c( I9 }6 p
  compressed-air stirrer 压缩空气搅拌器
' w4 ?  h$ {  U1 _  compressed-air tamper 气压夯
  `& f) {+ E) c3 F  compressed-air type shaper 压缩空气定型机
3 T0 {" ]4 q" W  compressed-iron-core coil 铁粉芯线圈
* A) d) W/ S  ]" \) Z4 T  U1 h  compressed-nitrogen condenser 压缩氮气电容器: R* z' Y2 d2 G0 c+ \. X9 D0 n9 z! ?
  compressing machine 压缩机
) x" P' ~: b7 z7 K) ^' U2 {& V  compression bar 压杆
; ^6 }- ~" _  Q4 k# @& G  compression capacitor 压缩电容器* u6 ]* p  P( B: D# ?% t
  compression chord 受压弦杆' h( }5 l% d. _/ n" B
  compression chuck 松紧夹头6 b& ]3 H. S0 v2 F4 @
  compression condenser 压缩电容器! L' e4 _! J4 q: y/ q
  compression coupling 压紧联轴节6 A. B* G' Y9 E, U/ G
  compression diagonal 受压斜杆& _. K, u  w' H/ w( q( F  |  ]
  compression die 压模
5 u9 J! I4 _+ ~  compression dynamomoter 压力测力计
% j, q' Y$ t- v  compression engine 压缩机
( e* ~9 |& p9 R2 p/ [$ q, n9 {4 U! {  compression grease cup 加压润滑油杯9 C& }1 H$ k* n9 l6 S$ @. y
  compression ignition engine 压缩点火发动机. w; E9 ~2 L1 X- x! E
  compression indicator 压缩指示器
5 }; L; [5 \2 y- j  compression manometer 压缩式真空计# \2 ?2 y* O" ]3 L( F: ~
  compression moulding press 压力成型机: i5 r. g  K( Y# m6 O1 d( V
  compression pump 压气泵
3 [; k9 b" M- e- |% {  compression ring 压缩环; b: J  ]- H0 c3 c9 O6 N
  compression rivet squeezer 铆钉挤压器
# k( u8 ?2 ^5 v5 {" q7 u+ f  compression rivet 压紧铆钉3 D6 O1 U4 t% A6 U( X6 ^
  compression sprayer 压缩喷雾器1 W% h/ |& _0 l# M( {' h
  compression spring 压缩弹簧# J8 [) \1 v. z$ @3 k  l
  compression tap 压缩龙头
( o  @# o9 W; k. V* m( |" ~/ s  compression tester 压缩试验器</p>
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