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[考试辅导] 进出口货物名称中英对照辅导(50)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:28:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  chinese style bed sheet 中式床单
$ @0 a/ C+ X0 l1 Y, w" B  Chinese style frock 旗袍, ?* D0 o& T0 Q* \. J6 l
  Chinese style garment 中式服装* k- c: @+ H& Z# S' o  C0 D3 z/ V3 Y- n
  Chinese style hotdog sausage 中式热狗肠
2 b& m4 s2 l' Z) N/ F& S- P  Chinese suit 中式套装! I# M1 D0 H( n, R+ E* u( m
  Chinese super washed carpet 中国高级化学洗地毯
. h. X; C* l' j( n, r! ]  Chinese super woollen carpet 中国高级羊毛地毯
$ l* \& a! Z, B8 o& Z, P$ c  Chinese superfine groundnut oil 中国香味花生油
4 V& j3 V( ?+ S2 B+ ]6 K  Chinese sweet apricot kernel 中国甜杏仁7 ?1 u3 d) b$ v
  Chinese sweet-potato 白薯
2 f- ?' w8 K+ v  Chinese talc lump 中国滑石块% i, `& h1 x8 F3 L2 Y4 {  F3 r  k( Q
  Chinese tamarisk 西河柳0 s% l6 {* V* v9 O
  Chinese teasel root 大黄% ]+ g8 o! `: u8 o
  Chinese teleprinter 中文电传机
4 K- {+ D8 q/ r0 D  Chinese terminal 汉字终端机! {# k  Q" p/ k; ], y9 q
  Chinese thorowax 柴胡# [- |1 U/ |0 M9 z3 l
  Chinese toon 香椿; @) R9 _& X+ F* R
  Chinese torreya seed 榧子
$ U, S* M* |7 N  Chinese traditional furniture 中国传统家具" @! K! k; t: c! m* l+ G* T7 P
  Chinese trumptcreeper 凌霄花4 [/ G! ]& T( t& \  F
  Chinese tumion seed 榧子
& a% _$ h/ V+ ~8 v- G+ t1 P  Chinese tunic suit 中山装# g7 Z) s1 z6 o1 s* r) i+ E* p
  Chinese Turkestan 中国新疆地毯2 a# l! M+ X0 }3 `1 I0 ^
  Chinese typesetter 中文活字排版机; i& C4 F6 b( `2 i
  Chinese typesetting & laser printing tool 汉字排版激光打印工具
/ u2 B$ n  \: V  Chinese typewriter 中文打字机9 @9 @9 d& J. P" U
  Chinese vertical bamboo flute 箫
9 r/ W& Z* m, W% j9 s  Chinese violet 紫花地丁
/ b" C. m: e) {8 l- c8 l  x  Chinese wampee leaf 黄皮叶
3 V# f* v" `+ @$ U. W' I  Chinese water chestnut 荸荠
$ C$ N. D. H" ^1 p: M% h3 [  Chinese water pipe 水烟筒
6 m5 A9 \7 A0 n% _9 z( ~  Chinese wax 白蜡, _8 ~, n4 b/ u" G
  Chinese waxgourd peel 冬瓜皮
: }0 V  ?2 _( R( a1 O# A4 F  Chinese waxgourd seed 冬瓜子
& I2 Y' ^) W# z, P! X) \1 g  Chinese waxgourd 冬瓜
" O2 C1 C/ R6 ?; V9 ]2 e9 i  Chinese wheat straw picture 麦秸画
1 Z( r0 j- W7 h. `) t  Chinese white duck down 中国白鸭绒
3 f+ K5 Y: H4 k7 M  Chinese white duck feather 中国白鸭毛
1 _1 T8 q8 i. U: o  Chinese white goose down 中国白鹅绒
" r4 M1 V! J8 E$ q  Chinese white goose feather 中国白鹅毛' Y( A2 o# n  i+ P* x0 h/ g) B
  Chinese white rabbit hair 中国白兔毛& \. a& N0 x  a6 q; J; x
  Chinese white ramie 中国白苎麻
' j, r0 f* ~/ _4 q. U" H  Chinese white steam filature 白厂丝& d: U0 m9 g( t+ M( s4 J* Q
  Chinese white wine 中国白葡萄酒
' A" ]  u3 v! L" a2 q# U  Chinese white 中国白
& z1 N1 U. Q/ n! F  Chinese wild onion 野白头6 L9 r; g7 Q0 @1 X. V
  Chinese wind pipe 笙
" @0 A" [# U# q6 q1 F  Chinese wine glass 中式酒杯7 @+ H$ {  {1 O& [1 T# M, r, f
  Chinese wolfberry 枸杞
# r. M& s# [: l1 _  Chinese woollen rug in Persian design 波斯图案中国羊毛毯
, b; ]! r6 N" z1 l  Chinese word processor 汉字处理机/ o3 h3 v$ c& s3 V# k0 U0 H. {3 O5 P' ?
  Chinese yam rhizome 淮山药
5 W% \+ D% ^/ ~5 f  Chinese yam 山药
0 U) \5 S! @( K& d  Chinese yellow azalea 闹洋花* r! ~) }1 u* l* {
  Chinese yellow soyabean 中国黄豆; i8 W; N) ^3 ~& X+ U! F/ [2 V
  Chinese {Jilin} wild ginseng 中国吉林野人参
$ u( F7 \) K/ I  Chinese {Kwangsi} kenaf 中国广西洋麻
! a% q; B+ |; _+ x  y% Y. b& q4 U  Chinese {see-mew} rice 中国丝苗米
! d  a# P% v! q: f8 m5 E3 P* Q  Chinese {Shaku-do} bronze 中国谢库多铜合金! C. H( J' V& y" ]" ~" e/ t  d! \9 b3 j
  Chinese-English typewriter 中英文打字机" T) i  Z* o& Z5 w" C9 P; L
  Chinese-foreign language word processor 中外文文字处理机( _' N! w- D0 _& y1 N* p2 O1 Z5 ?2 F
  Chinese-foreign typewriter 中外文打字机
" z/ M% j% h: Z( @& e% P, T  Chinese-styled long gown 旗袍
4 _/ f: m/ M" R# v  Chinese-wear 中式服装- t* g! S. x' M
  Chini silk 奇尼丝
! z+ z9 j1 b# S. E- J2 C; L0 x$ v  chinine 金鸡纳霜9 @$ G  Y1 N- m9 u; J  u/ c
  chiniofon 喹碘方
5 ~( {1 o  T, ]: H8 }  chiniofonum 喹碘方
& V4 z! h7 x2 V( ^& }  chinkuning 筋骨宁- O4 y$ J2 `$ q/ f! Z9 a
  chino cloth 丝光卡其军服布
1 O' N% D8 U4 N8 `  chinomethionat 灭螨猛
% X1 P! B5 q7 V# C3 g  Chinon 企诺牌照相机$ D- G" }# ~9 b" O8 m  k
  Chinook salmon 大鳞大麻哈鱼2 X$ I2 L. U* {8 w( h
  chinstrap 妇女头巾: J5 p( b( e) |! ~. D2 U! u7 j; J5 u+ [' n
  chinthionat 克杀螨1 n) H5 T3 Z  S. h- y; C7 e
  chints  摩擦轧光印花棉布
: y7 f/ b0 }/ e8 F) `; ~' q* e  chintz braid 印花有光编带
1 ]; h" i* l5 l. g  chintz drapery 花布帘9 C& x  n* O$ `3 B6 X
  chintzah 上等废丝
  b6 W' Z2 N, {* b# K) ?- l8 h1 U- E  chioggia lace 契沃吉埃花边' I) z6 O# j! V. D% B% v: {
  chiolite 锥冰晶石) X$ N' X: k/ s7 T: C
  chip blender 切片混合器2 r: P7 {" V$ H; I
  chip blower 牙孔吹洁器/ J* @# o6 s  Z7 [
  chip breaker grinder 断屑台磨床
1 ?: s& d' }1 t) {  chip breaker 破屑机
& E) a) `# g  p, ^* G  chip capacitor 片式电容器
& b9 X$ x# w" p" d  chip conveyer  切片输送机
+ ~9 Q$ k) ]- q1 L" [  chip cutter 切片机8 k1 d6 @+ Y1 ^- ^
  chip distributor 屑片撒布机
  G% M8 I/ t! i4 C  chip dryer 切片烘干机
' F) v+ k* F- Q5 Z4 W  chip guard 切屑防护器6 @) T# m. P: ]( [
  chip machine 切片机
& |; o% M6 e  i) ]  chip microcomputer-based VLP detecting instrument 单片机心室晚电位检测仪
6 l) c. z* |+ K/ X7 t" q  chip microprocessor 单片微处理器
/ X8 S2 `. A5 r* w# N  chip monitor 芯片监控器5 M5 y6 |3 k) s' b8 j6 G
  chip of micro-computer 微型计算机芯片2 w/ ~" G) q- I
  chip pan 承屑盘
/ M2 U6 ~. D( x  chip resistor 片状电阻器# S! _- w# H0 @1 F- H2 C
  chip spreader 屑片撒布机
- h8 k5 h: i+ N  O0 {+ U  chip tray 切屑盘0 U" `  t" O. n* C, @+ J; w' x$ P! j
  chip 金属屑
; b& c- U5 }  |  chipboard 刨花板
, r, K8 |. U7 E4 N- Y1 J. B7 F8 S  Chipco turf kleen 甲氯滴混剂* d+ X0 N' Y6 o9 _+ M
  chipper with dust extractor 带收尘器的碎片机7 i; H7 N7 I# \. b2 m
  chipper 切片机, [% P5 i  y) A& u" O7 Y
  chipping chisel 平錾6 A  y* M- k1 `. T- c2 w9 k
  chipping hammer 錾平锤
  U( ]& e, ?! t3 t+ d: t8 R  chique silk 奇克丝2 o0 P  Q! b2 R! N/ X
  chiquechique fibre 奇克奇克纤维( w  @. _/ W2 Z0 W/ @
  Chireix transmitter 希莱克发射机; z& i) Z# P9 `2 R2 j( S
  chiriman  无光绉绸
8 K6 q1 Q, J, n* K$ d  chiripa 方形毯子6 D7 L+ |( \1 \3 u
  chisel bit 凿形钻头; \0 w# @+ \# M* i; m
  chisel for cold metal 冷錾" K' q: f3 w% b; v4 Q
  chisel for warm metal 热錾
' h) K: K- n5 |% M5 E' v' [  z0 L  chisel for wood working 木工凿
0 e0 P- X( L$ E+ j% G4 H1 D  chisel plough 凿式犁
) |+ s8 t4 _$ O/ ~4 u, u  chisel set 成套凿子5 [! ^9 L) r6 v
  chisel tool steel 凿用工具钢
7 e. A' y% `/ I/ s; o7 G) K; z) `. g
  chisel with fish tail end 鱼尾凿
) T9 M6 E/ T# Z) M  chisel 凿子
8 A7 F# @% R8 S2 [9 H- M( J  chisel-tooth saw 凿齿锯# k4 [& D0 n0 I
  chitin 壳多糖" b/ {# C" f* I7 T6 @
  chitosan gum 壳聚糖胶
3 p; U7 D, {4 x+ l& ^  chitosan 脱乙酰壳多糖0 _0 _+ M8 A! I
  chitrak 奇特拉克棉经丝纬织物
. I! ?% T2 o% v! Z4 X4 ?  chitrang fibre 梧桐树皮纤维1 w/ X7 _' P5 T# h* Q/ J
  chitterling cleaning machine 猪肠清洗机

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:28:35 | 显示全部楼层


  chitterling splitting machine 扯肠机7 h3 ?0 w- H+ ]# K% f# }0 T
  Chivas Regal Blended Scotch 头等醇酿-苏格兰威士忌6 q1 y  [8 k9 O0 i0 E+ }
  chive 细香葱' ]! T/ Z" T& L' P+ T4 H
  chlamys 男式优质呢短斗篷
8 m' X+ S8 W! i' h: Z) e0 ?2 ~+ Y& G  chlidema squares 奇利德马小方地毯4 w9 n/ ?, u, `8 X# B6 X
  chlofenamic acid 氯灭酸抗风湿灵8 D2 O5 F$ P; R% e
  chlomethoxynil 氯硝醚除草剂
6 h2 Y8 b0 E  l" h% d" [7 j; n  Chlon 五氯酚木材防腐剂
$ o+ ?/ q- k: p* J6 `* O% I- k  Chlonitralid 贝螺杀
! |9 ~( p% ~9 p1 w5 h8 r+ A" \- L  chlophenacemide 苯氯乙酰脲; m  m+ g; k& n# l, S( w
  chlophenamidine 苯氯甲脒
5 ^7 G- w6 n/ J, J; \8 Q( k  Chlopyrifos 毒死蜱* ?3 _9 p  @3 j3 s$ N
  chlor kil 氯丹杀虫剂
0 T# L+ d: \! x+ p% z5 b  Chlor-O-Pie 氯化苦杀虫剂</p>
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