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[考试辅导] 进出口货物名称中英对照辅导(77)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:28:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  cotton covered wire 纱包线: d5 d0 B7 A/ E+ X6 g$ P
  cotton covert 棉芝麻呢
+ F, `& j: g! W: Q: \: x  cotton crepe 绉布: B, ^6 o% N9 j/ N$ ]
  cotton crinkle crepe pajamas 绉布睡衣裤
: S; W, g# V* _0 i  cotton crochet articles 棉线钩针品
* f4 A3 q6 C( T- }3 b  cotton crochet bag 线结袋
/ V6 l3 P: Y5 G  cotton crochet bedspread 棉线钩针床罩& L1 H" N2 o( Z2 t
  cotton crochet blouse 棉线钩针女衣
( E* f+ h! w! a5 n1 @  cotton crochet collar 棉线钩针领圈' B6 p& ]1 N- D8 f8 }/ p- K) L* y2 O
  cotton crochet cushion 棉线钩针靠垫; J1 G6 q, b7 w% r$ ~3 R
  cotton crochet gloves 棉线钩针手套: I7 g% z  T+ m7 E& o) D- p6 n, x+ V% f
  cotton crochet hairband 棉线钩针发带) V' d8 ~/ [1 S
  cotton crochet hat  棉线钩针帽
- A! [, K# [5 K* X* S' X+ Z  cotton crochet lace 棉线钩针花边0 F9 N7 g; x; P5 K( L; n
  cotton crochet mat 棉线钩针垫布9 Q1 k; ]: |8 m1 }
  cotton crochet piano cover 棉线钩针钢琴罩
" o' S1 b- i0 z  `% @  cotton crochet pillowcase 棉线钩针枕套
+ y* L" {# ~# K* @5 G# |* X  K+ f  cotton crochet sewing machine cover 棉线钩针缝纫机套
/ }; o( e! c- l/ g  cotton crochet shawl 棉线钩针披肩; I- L9 n0 w0 o- R8 d
  cotton crochet sofa cover 棉线钩针沙发套" G" \- m3 \0 R0 O3 [' s
  cotton crochet tablecloth 棉线钩针台布1 u* W5 h3 C/ {0 V- o% D! U3 P
  cotton crochet window curtain 棉线钩针窗帘! V7 L- ~5 j9 U2 b$ |* _0 M8 C
  cotton curtain 棉窗帘2 {) q) B8 u7 V8 h8 Z2 g1 C
  cotton cushion 棉垫
, p% ?: F, b& x+ H  cotton Dacron 棉大可纶$ T' t! B# v6 H8 [
  cotton damask napkin 花缎面棉织餐巾
7 e0 e" Q' r% t$ D  cotton damask tablecloth 花缎面棉织台布. U/ x% X5 x- E: f, C. L" j
  cotton denim pants 棉坚固呢长裤
- K- e! _. `; A! B" X: B  cotton denim 棉质牛仔布
5 K0 \% c8 ?; N5 h( q- K  cotton drawers 棉毛长内裤
6 ~3 E1 e7 ^5 p! l% b+ o5 I7 |  cotton dress 女棉服( O% C2 E4 L3 ^+ b8 K% Y
  cotton dressing set 棉梳妆套
7 g' `8 G9 v; O2 `  cotton drill gloves 棉斜纹布手套4 e7 i/ S6 m/ F+ M/ l. t
  cotton drill 棉斜纹布
, _+ |$ Q: P) w7 U/ R  cotton drilling machine 棉花播种机! U4 u) n8 r! q1 B' h; G; s
  cotton duck 棉粗布! p  @- B2 k+ \, ^8 M" a
  cotton elastic braid 松紧带" k( H8 C: I, T! J9 U2 K0 n
  cotton elastic webbing 棉松紧布
$ k0 b  v( Z/ _6 \4 [3 B6 M  cotton embroidered bed sheet 棉布绣花床单( B4 H. S3 g, f. s0 m
  cotton embroidered handkerchief 棉布绣花手帕
1 w  E  W; p) K: y5 k* t; @+ \  cotton embroidery thread 棉绣花线7 e" l$ r" c7 x# m  C) n
  cotton eyelet blousette 通眼洋纱小上衣2 n( z5 `* l  E1 j  E* {9 W
  cotton fabric 棉织物* z0 H1 v. E8 ?9 G
  cotton face cloth 棉方巾
7 T9 p4 u  t, [3 u6 I  cotton face towel 毛巾" q8 j: e8 ?  t( W% V6 _$ `
  cotton feeder 给棉机8 _# }6 F$ F8 A
  cotton feeding machine 给棉机
3 c5 G! Z( n0 o. X/ o/ b  cotton felt 多层棉毯
2 U- N+ Q1 h/ U  \  cotton fiber content paper 含棉纤维纸
6 B9 j- |& C( u  cotton fiber strength tester 棉纤维强力试验机7 O/ o/ Y( |, Y( o8 E- R
  cotton fiber 棉纤维, Z# m" n  ^- A. {$ d
  cotton fibre sorter 棉纤维分类仪' A4 l7 e9 G! F% T6 U3 l
  cotton filet gloves 棉线网结手套) U# V8 D0 I% ^. B+ f. d
  cotton fishing net 纱鱼网
; _: a' |: k& h9 |& e) b  cotton flannel gloves 棉绒布手套
* K: M- ~7 L. i$ Y7 J0 N$ \2 H9 E8 J  cotton flannel shirt 棉绒布衬衫5 B3 t; F! T. }" c6 ]) m
  cotton flannel toy 绒棉布玩具
  C! v# N5 V$ [. {. D. @4 F( O  cotton flannel 棉法兰绒0 @3 Q, Y( e( @5 S! R5 |, q2 @
  cotton flannelette bed sheet 拉绒床单* {) O; h6 J4 O, D
  cotton flannelette bed sheeting 拉绒床单布
3 K( i# R6 c. C" S  cotton flannelette pajamas 棉绒布睡衣裤
7 g6 U3 Y4 b: Q" M6 M  cotton flannelette self-help belt sleeper 棉绒布束腰带睡衣; W, Q3 F3 `; g* |# d
  cotton flannelette shorts 棉绒布短裤
9 `/ b6 C* t  ?3 N5 E1 c6 h  cotton flax 棉化亚麻纤维% m/ a; X7 g( ^7 Q6 _1 X* n
  cotton fleece lined leather mitten 衬棉绒不分指皮手套' t8 T% g$ v$ j) g/ ~2 K
  cotton fleecy gloves 棉细绒手套& Y8 |9 X* U0 v5 b
  cotton fleecy shirt for men 棉细绒男衬衫
* P$ I/ S! B1 O# R  cotton fleecy shirt for teenagers 棉细绒童衫* O2 o+ P0 b3 m$ l; s
  cotton fleecy sport sweater 棉细绒运动衫8 ?7 N! C3 I/ ~9 L
  cotton floater 棉包橡皮包布和油包布
2 p3 |' h& ~$ J. B( h+ c3 P  cotton flock printed bed sheet 棉布植绒床单
/ d) A7 x* e2 |; l- `  cotton flock printed pillowcase 棉布植绒枕套( b9 c/ |0 s+ ~$ d0 L
  cotton flock printed tablecloth 棉布植绒台布
8 e1 C9 j5 q* s* L9 k  cotton flock printed traycloth and doily 棉布植绒盘布/ }: q* c4 Q- T8 i
  cotton for hospital use 药棉7 k9 O: S$ l0 S
  cotton foulard 软薄棉布" F' {& T4 B9 b+ [7 M7 V; N
  cotton gabardine creepers 棉轧别丁小孩连衫裤, R5 I+ y9 _' h) f9 x
  cotton gabardine 棉华达呢5 l' S& f$ x3 a) ~2 _
  cotton garment 布衣+ }) L0 l% Q- P4 w( \
  cotton gauze bed curtain 纱布床帐! Z, ?) Y' H2 B5 |; b2 S
  cotton gauze sun hat 纱布遮阳帽
2 |! A2 b3 t$ Y; Q  cotton gauze 纱布( U7 v5 J4 q8 ^& J0 ]2 u
  cotton georgette 棉乔其纱
3 r' K- h2 U8 }7 x/ D  cotton gin 皮棉轧棉机) L! C  G$ M! t: G' G- Z6 G
  cotton gingham 棉方格花布0 P$ h& r& B. b. r5 R/ U' ?& Y
  cotton ginning machine 轧花机( L6 U- P! H9 f
  cotton glazed thread 棉蜡光缝纫线3 @/ u' o. R' d: }( K# W3 T
  cotton gloves 棉纱手套
0 l8 |1 f, d! X  cotton goods 棉纺织品6 L+ g2 L3 J* y$ w+ O- Y9 Y
  cotton grey fabric 纯棉白坯布* {' \. G0 l' J) o2 l# l- E
  cotton gum 棉胶7 U, P. {3 O+ i
  cotton hand embroidered tablecloth with hand knitted lace 棉布手绣镶针织花边台布
1 {$ k" Y7 P1 z9 `7 B7 ~: x  cotton hand-embroidered bedsheet 棉布手绣床单

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