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[考试辅导] 进出口货物名称中英对照辅导(78)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:28:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  counter-current boiler 逆流锅炉
5 y. r' Z. f5 L! J& A9 s: ]: X  counter-current classifier 逆流分级机! ]1 t4 W6 N+ K  U
  counter-current condenser 逆流式冷凝器/ z. b: ?- W5 C5 ~
  counter-current diode 逆流二极管* o, Q, |% e% r5 m1 a
  counter-current drier 逆流式干燥机- w# ?# L# V3 N+ Y7 L0 B
  counter-current extraction tower 逆流萃取塔& t. ~+ R( D) ^3 p" O, r
  counter-current induced draft cooling tower 抽风逆流式冷却塔
3 o8 T% @' u3 Q- _  counter-current jet condenser 逆流喷淋冷凝器1 W. G$ x3 b) G. M' F
  counter-current pipe exchanger 逆流管式换热器
. |' S* q5 L+ F5 j  counter-current washer 逆流式洗涤机1 I6 a, ^5 ?8 }9 R6 M4 L
  counter-measure machine 运转计时机
7 `+ q# q' x3 m: q  counter-rotating turbine 正反转涡轮机, t" |" e* d7 t; q( J
  counter-sinking tool 尖底镗孔工具
' F4 ^2 ~- c' H$ A3 o  counterbalance valve 平衡阀
2 p) U5 R& |5 z7 L+ V2 j  counterbore drill 平底扩孔钻
9 s/ m) Z( z1 p, `5 B* R6 K9 C( t  counterbore 平底扩孔钻
" h% `0 y' l: W! M  counterboring tool 平底镗孔刀具1 D$ T& t2 |; _& p% ^+ W: `
  counterfeit coin detector 假币检测器& X& Y% l. K( f  c  L3 L# n) l0 W
  counterflow condenser 逆流冷凝器
; k; n: V. }+ i  y  ^  counterflow cooler 逆流式冷却机
' W8 V3 \) z( {6 ]+ L/ {! n$ K6 _+ C  counterflow deodorizer 逆流脱臭机: }4 K- D6 x; C+ ^' ~( [+ d; {9 u
  counterflow drier 逆流干燥机
" J, \# g& R! Q" ]9 y  counterflow heat exchanger 逆流式热交换器
' C0 L$ N) o: ^1 P  counterflow jet condenser 逆流喷淋冷凝器
% H; `! \: W& A+ z, q8 l6 _  ]  counterflow rapid action mixer 逆流快速拌和机3 n# U! W+ c& g
  counterflow spray drier 逆流式喷雾干燥机' o1 D0 r- c5 E0 S
  counterflow superheater 逆流式过热器1 f2 K; B  ^- k3 u; E
  counterflow tower drier 塔式逆流干燥机& E0 Y% Q. d3 L9 Y6 q) V
  counterpane 床罩! p3 z7 j, X7 A$ s3 {- D$ ^5 Y
  counterscrew pump 双吸式螺杆泵
. j' [( P" O1 y- I" Q3 ?  countersink drill 埋头钻% w: r: P: y- F/ u9 _1 A
  countersink for wood working 木工锥口钻+ g. G# l, K5 J/ G, q
  Counterstat 康特斯泰特耐纶长丝) C7 r9 d& S* k+ g  q* u$ x- A, M
  countersunk and chipped rivet 埋头铆钉4 l- u7 n& j. e
  countersunk bolt 埋头螺栓
# I2 P# [' v0 B& J8 ]  countersunk chequered head nail 埋头带槽钉
; R/ d- [! f+ T  countersunk drill 埋头钻8 I7 p, d2 E$ f6 ]
  countersunk flat head bit 埋头平头钻头
% z+ @' @: Z7 U: k  countersunk head machine screw 埋头机螺钉$ r' q, X7 q. d- e- H# B
  countersunk head rivet 埋头铆钉% R" I; K, p- T6 z' r8 l) T- g
  countersunk not chipped rivet 半埋头铆钉$ _5 \$ R  Z8 h/ @
  countersunk rivet 埋头铆钉
/ ~8 f$ \! u" V4 D3 N/ D2 K  countersunk screw 埋头螺钉+ c1 K9 l4 _( S( r  `0 G* `% k
  counting assembly 计数装置" g: i5 G" [  a& Q9 l$ ~
  counting balance 计数天平: }3 j3 c& e% d; M  X2 k
  counting machine 计算机
8 y  b2 S9 L$ Y2 s4 F2 a- y! n  counting rate meter 计数率计5 w9 q4 G+ Y" }! \5 _8 i
  counting tube 计数管
/ I' Q. Z& g: Z$ @; \' D" x  Country Squire 乡绅牌汽车- [$ F+ v6 ^; v$ Y5 ]" m9 r8 e
  country suit 乡村式套装% a) V1 H  N, ~" N
  coupe 双门小汽车6 b0 h- O) D* V) N+ f; n& t
  coupled harmonic oscillator 耦合多谐振荡器
8 L5 u, Q9 v" I0 E* j  coupled inductor 耦合线圈7 D$ w! z! F% a# t( _
  coupled laser 耦合激光器
: K+ h+ [5 _2 f; U. U6 p  }' M  coupled pole 复合杆
  c& j5 V1 M; o, F  coupled truck 拖挂式载货车8 M9 x4 C. w+ Z8 v
  coupled twin switch 双联开关
) l! O2 `% N  E) |: W3 B  coupler knuckle 车钩关节" m8 U' i# F8 `4 z4 E" {  V2 q
  coupler plug 连接插头
* k# `, E9 {1 w  coupler 联接器" ]" t5 C- s( v4 o  U8 K9 p
  coupler-in-developer type colour film 外耦式彩色胶片- A# s  q$ {1 O4 D; V. P) J
  coupler-in-emulsion type colour film 内耦式彩色胶片! u- C) m. P' n: f" d! t
  coupling agent 偶合剂* b- _+ d1 D9 X) e' v
  coupling amplifier 耦合放大器
# g: g$ v$ h( l& V  a# V9 p  coupling bolt forcer 连接螺栓压入器+ R" L* U/ A$ x( ~
  coupling bolt 连接螺栓/ G5 J0 I. z6 B6 d( I
  coupling box 连接器箱
7 V% N( M2 A% A% U7 g4 u  coupling cable 耦合电缆" }1 w, n' [+ E. Q4 R* E
  coupling capacitor 耦合电容器
8 t& p) Q$ l+ a1 F/ u; z- [  coupling coil 耦合线圈
; n1 B* A# f& t- ]9 p( I" b  coupling condenser 耦合电容器3 a' }# b# L! d" y: M8 q
  coupling disc 耦合盘
" L: ^/ X& I: A, r  coupling dye 偶合染料
3 R0 U3 D1 f- }7 V" W  coupling element 耦合元件
5 i. |* T; k* x# F3 y  coupling filter 耦合滤波器
% \& ~3 X0 E4 m( B- T  coupling flange 连接法兰
) U* X1 T# E8 G5 C* |+ v# u  coupling for land vehicles 车辆连接器
3 _7 b0 C1 ^; _# n6 ?' z  coupling fork 联接叉% ?! {& e. H0 H- [, P! F$ F
  coupling hose 连接软管* L: Q9 e6 |3 H6 M  _
  coupling iris 耦合膜片
; a( b0 N7 j4 w3 s% _  coupling link 连杆/ ?$ L$ u3 P  E
  coupling loop 耦合环$ r- v' b. l' m0 v# g/ f
  coupling machine 管接头拧装机1 n% A4 ?% q1 l
  coupling meter 耦合度测试器
3 S! r/ d4 ^+ m5 {# I  coupling nut 连接螺母
' K. B- m2 x, O8 O. ^  coupling pin 连接销
* T- A6 T2 V  y! W; T. A  coupling probe 耦合探针
' S9 O3 H$ D, n  ]+ v' z: X  coupling screw 连接螺钉) V6 L; {  l% u  Q( R1 b& t
  coupling screw-on machine 接头拧接机; z- `* v' _. R0 n: H
  coupling screwing machine 螺钉连接机
! e8 O0 A; C4 i! x5 I  coupling shaft 联节轴7 ~, Q; f+ H) Z8 q7 p
  coupling sleeve 联接套筒  ?$ W7 b# y5 c( l; i4 T. H( A
  coupling slot 耦合槽' H2 Q, h( @2 s" }
  coupling transformer 耦合变压器# M1 ?9 ^1 |: q8 _4 S2 o2 f# m/ `
  coupling tube 耦合管9 J/ Q9 @8 Z8 Q1 s" I
  coupling yoke 联接轭
9 O5 H- ~/ @4 e2 S$ t, K' T  coupling 联轴节
/ d& b, j/ L" Z* g) D  Coupor 库珀牌手表
, R8 |/ }! C3 }& G& g8 Z! f( r  coupure 开士米斜纹织物
5 a7 `' Z4 A) h8 m; [1 j. d: N  Courlene 考尔纶
( N" G' i0 k0 D* g  }( A& b' N  Cournova 考诺瓦聚丙烯单丝
  `* d' m5 ~; G5 \: N/ L1 f0 t* v  couronne 花边外缘饰圈
3 J$ N) {0 T1 h$ j  j9 |  Courpleta 考普利塔三醋酯长丝和短纤维6 \: V; B" J7 _2 m$ M
  course and bearing indicator 航线方向指示器" e( Z2 M9 V* q5 D: w
  course and distance indicator 航向与航程指示器
8 U( N/ B* @. O3 b& \6 W5 F2 r/ S  course and drift calculator 航向与偏移计算器
: p0 Y$ c' x' Q3 N4 h' R' i! T9 R% e4 {  course and drift indicator 航向与偏移指示器
$ x5 J9 E; C5 J' F, v+ @" D  course and speed computer 航向-速度计算机) O' _7 L: x- t, s, F
  course computer 航线计算机4 B% T& C) Z: [' l4 N+ b; ~. J
  course converter 航向变换器) N" |" I8 C. X% G" N/ e; x8 e
  course director 航向指示器
; k. q5 U* r! e% p0 k) G: f  course indicator 航向显示器
3 j6 w  ^2 \$ Z9 u  course light 导航灯+ ^# t$ K+ i$ ]4 ?! M2 P/ a$ ~" e$ ~

: V, N, y. E: e' G" K/ \  course line computer 航线计算机

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:28:35 | 显示全部楼层


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