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[考试辅导] 进出口货物名称中英对照辅导(75)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:28:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  cotton women's shoes with cotton sole 千层底女棉鞋
; B- l6 v# H1 Z8 U) S  cotton women's shoes with plastic sole 塑料底女棉鞋$ r/ v7 G0 J' @3 ]: z0 i
  cotton wool for cosmetic purpose 化妆专用棉绒' N. a5 o) R0 {8 Z  s
  cotton wool shirt and trousers 棉毛衫裤4 ?0 @( i- }8 o  |) M
  cotton wool 棉毛  R1 _, l0 p3 t9 }9 \
  cotton working drill gloves 棉织斜纹布劳动手套4 u  g# S" n( p6 r4 e. k
  cotton working gloves 棉纱劳动手套- C" h! ^" `4 S3 U* Y
  cotton worsted 充精纺毛料棉织物
5 Y) A8 P% X3 h8 q' @2 |' u2 m  cotton woven kitchen towel 棉织揩巾4 U; ]! |  e  a! c" [9 t4 [
  cotton woven tablecloth 棉织台布
: L- y- g/ h5 q7 q  cotton woven tea towel 棉织茶巾
4 g5 u1 F/ `4 f8 r  cotton woven traycloth 棉织盘布9 |4 m2 }! L' g2 H: N; ~
  cotton yarn flannel shirt 全棉织法兰绒衬衫( x; g9 W$ L, o7 p! ~1 o
  cotton yarn hosiery 棉纱线袜
# M7 D6 l! p( ?3 C4 ~  cotton yarn in cone 筒子装棉纱/ X7 o- v, J/ Z
  cotton yarn in hank 棉绞纱
# V  I& ~; N% u2 P/ h; v" k  cotton yarn in skein 大札绞棉纱& [6 g0 P0 D# H2 q% G$ A( I* M; ^
  cotton yarn tape 纱带* Q! m  g9 K8 J, q9 G
  cotton yarn 棉纱# W, h2 Q9 w& \
  cotton 棉花0 q3 G. B3 K$ g& t$ z9 u
  cotton-covered cable 纱包电缆
" v. }: G7 @" c$ y  cotton-covered copper wire 纱包铜线( Q) U0 Z1 u; s' y9 F2 q" }
  cotton-covered cord 纱包软线+ Q' e1 S9 D" a* s
  cotton-covered magnet-wire 纱包电磁线. U3 S# H+ Y) H( B* I
  cotton-enamel covered wire 纱包漆包线
0 ?& d# o4 j4 {# A+ {3 H1 ?- X1 |8 [  cotton-filling machine 充棉机: O  q7 S/ w$ w" y4 F+ C7 _
  cotton-fleece 棉网: I8 `& n4 h' J
  cotton-nylon stockings 棉纱尼龙长袜
5 }' }+ ]6 K4 |( [  cotton-padded clothes 棉衣
- k; m8 c6 [( v+ |* ?  i  F  q  cotton-padded hug-me-tight 棉紧身短马甲
1 a% Q& a" F5 t9 @& ~* N  cotton-padded vest 棉背心: P; f$ d( v* X& j' }4 r
  cotton-polyester blended fabric 涤棉混纺织物( S2 O3 \4 f* s1 o2 m
  cotton-polyester blended jersey 涤棉混纺紧身织物
* f+ Y- s+ q0 r  cotton-polyester burnt out with cutwork 涤棉烧花刀绣
: N% y% D2 l3 d. d% N2 b  z  cotton-polyester burnt out with embroidery 涤棉烧花绣花2 u3 F$ i8 w8 n1 ?, s, q
  cotton-polyester burnt out with printed work 涤棉烧花印花
8 _5 W, {- A% F" j  cotton-polyester burnt out with square insertion 涤棉烧花拼花
" p2 E( A8 J+ @$ a8 a5 j  cotton-polyester burnt out 涤棉烧花
$ f. [; n% S& ^$ b- ^3 S# |( J  cotton-polyester fabric 棉涤纶布
1 z' C: S1 \1 j! o  cotton-polyester machine embroidered apron 涤棉机绣围裙
# B$ d  R4 I3 R& `, k5 Z- [6 q, K  cotton-polyester machine embroidered cape 涤棉机绣披肩
7 D" n4 z5 y0 ]# T* ?' {  cotton-polyester machine embroidered pillowcase 涤棉机绣枕套1 e0 V. H: p. `, E$ }
  cotton-polyester mixed fleecy underwear 涤棉交织卫生绒衫裤5 E- C6 Y& u: Q5 L: N& D
  cotton-polyester underwear 涤棉混纺针织内衣
! ^3 ~; X0 X4 g5 U  cotton-seed  mill 榨棉机
: B4 T2 K; a1 u# J; t, r+ z  cotton-seed cake 棉籽饼' n  a% l. F  b8 }3 \5 B# W
  cotton-seed cleaning machine 棉籽清洗机
5 C% [  g5 [% n: R$ W* ]( u  cotton-seed meal 棉籽粉
/ d  {) d2 v5 h" h  cotton-seed meat 棉籽饼+ k  X( e% T; F1 C4 I
  cotton-seed oil 棉籽油
1 _0 e9 Q  ^3 w! n& O+ _  cotton-seed 棉籽
; P( G4 }7 e3 H6 Z9 P6 L1 e  cotton-warped straw mat 纱经草席* o* E3 i: M+ h; P
  cottonacrylic mixed fleecy underwear 腈棉交织卫生绒衫裤
) R* ]5 I; A* Q5 d+ B1 C  cottonade 充开士米厚棉布0 K6 Y# c* u1 m0 X+ f5 p4 }
  cottonee 丝表棉背缎纹织物, q+ x# ]' U6 Q5 M+ C! g( G" `
  cottonette 棉毛混纺织物/ j  P7 x2 E$ W
  cottonin 棉化纤维& c8 `  y3 N/ n6 ?: j3 {
  cottonized flax 棉化亚麻纤维
* V7 Q7 d% \% l8 W3 i- G( E$ A4 O  cottonized ramie 棉化苎麻纤维
- A4 D8 V5 w2 O  cottonopolis 棉天鹅绒  t# I1 N( E$ I, H" X, {; z
  cottonwood fibre 三角叶杨树皮纤维: V3 }. t* D0 c# l- q
  Cottrell dust catcher 科特雷尔静电集尘器% K% H; S5 b! s' Q
  Cottrell dust precipitator 科特雷尔静电集尘器
0 b  ]0 i6 A& h  Cottrell precipitator 科特雷尔型静电集尘器
+ V0 a6 @9 |  \  Cottrell rectifier 科特雷尔型整流器: O1 ~4 {* E. r4 E
  Cottrell 科特雷尔静电集尘器
7 h* l& z- X0 e; G8 W; x% L  cotty wool 结块毛) d& N! T& P7 D4 Y7 u+ T0 \* Z
  couch board 多层纸板* q- R: q4 @* w4 c
  couch sofa-bed 沙发床
3 u) K7 p4 M) }* |$ _/ B  couch 躺椅3 t8 }) f/ E6 ?3 L4 U9 o( Z9 D. g
  couchgrass root 茅根7 C2 I" @) y- l6 I
  couching stitch 贴线刺绣
$ q9 F5 F, e6 g5 A4 J. I  coudételescope 折轴望远镜9 D; {; p' ]1 n( p$ I9 b  R
  Cougar 美洲豹牌汽车' I3 |2 d% q& a
  cough drop 止咳糖
3 ?: c# H' [" f& ~3 N/ Q# q7 J  cough infusion of loquat leaf 止咳枇杷冲剂
' f0 T* a, }( o; |+ Q( l+ U  cough lozenge 咳嗽片$ z1 t2 }0 r0 b: e
  cough mixture 镇咳合剂
3 v- z0 Q8 h0 b2 B# q( y, z& G+ n  cough pill 止咳丸; d7 t! U& h$ h
  cough syrup bottle filler 止咳糖浆装瓶机
9 z0 j$ j5 Y/ A# L  |  cough syrup for children 小儿止咳糖浆
2 J6 j0 I, {' z  cough syrup of loquat leaf 止咳枇杷糖浆
! H0 {7 y1 P* g+ ]! D$ c( H  cough syrup 咳嗽糖浆
. i, I1 r+ ^+ F; R+ r/ T/ v  coulombmeter 电量表2 q! M' m# i0 ~$ l
  coulometer 库仑计
% l9 w: K. f: F+ C1 k  Coulter counter 库特氏计数器. P( M( Q  E# b& z8 v* K3 Y
  coumachlor 氯杀鼠灵
+ @/ p- ?* m, ^$ n  coumafos 库马福司
. F& Z& H. P* m6 R! I7 O  coumafuryl 克灭鼠
+ p. ^% f- g) b+ S3 ~& n, D1 M8 ?  coumalin 香豆灵- Q. M2 f* ^; ?. v  u, j
  coumamycin 库马霉素& J' d, s6 g; D5 x6 p9 E8 T/ ~# `4 U
  coumaphos 蝇毒磷
* M' f; p* g! X$ {5 C* X  Coumaran 氯杀鼠灵/ h5 f3 X- m4 w- g2 p, D
  coumaran 香豆满+ t8 y7 N8 A8 J4 ^2 i
  coumarfuryl 克灭鼠
4 y% h- c- x" d7 F  coumarin dye laser 香豆素染料激光器
' E( U& Q  h; {% j  h- k  coumarin 香豆素
' ]. P$ }( I& \: j5 u; \  H$ }  coumarone indene resin 古马隆树脂
3 z  |2 [& X. k1 P, v' I2 H: P  coumarone 古马隆; E3 g" b* J$ C7 D
  coumatetralyl 杀鼠迷% n4 a# O" g8 W
  coumazoline 库马唑啉' ^9 e* c; v' u' p0 V
  coumithoate 畜虫磷  I2 ]' s2 g' T3 u
  count detector 计数检测器
/ @* s8 O0 S: l, P) l  Countach 康塔克牌汽车' }& z. b. x/ Y3 m# y1 J
  counter balance 托盘天平
4 m- d; j' R% D  counter box 计数器箱
, u3 E+ \9 a4 _3 |8 {; h+ F  counter cell 反压电池
. u9 c7 P& N; U) Y  counter coil 补偿线圈3 p, S  p6 }; Z2 W0 P" H' X& a: N& R, b, s
  counter electromotive force inverter 反电动势变流器) y; r4 v1 k0 F, s% z
  counter electromotive force starter 反电动势起动器
9 g! r6 n) v% _! _* B  counter electromotive force type regulator 反电动势式调整器6 a7 k# E* b6 x/ [' l  X6 m- F9 ~3 m9 P

) |/ j+ q1 w2 i5 ~  counter flow type cooling tower 逆流式冷却塔& \5 W3 {5 _* r% t3 r
  counter gear 反转齿轮( u$ A9 L2 x7 k5 u5 f: o
  counter irritant 抗剌激剂
4 w6 `3 I  E% V. v- A  counter lamp 计数器信号灯9 [: G0 s7 f  f! x1 T
  counter machine 反向计算机; T1 G' f; J& H4 d+ C
  counter pressure turbine 背压式汽轮机

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:28:35 | 显示全部楼层


  counter register 计数寄存器- G% b) z2 h3 B  y0 f4 Y. T# D
  counter scale with weight 案秤
. x9 F5 s' k& x8 z  counter scale 平衡锤6 T0 E& v/ r: N4 K; d1 x( e
  counter shaft gear 副轴齿轮9 _) I2 X! Y) I2 C
  counter shaft 副轴
* w1 o0 d* ?6 u7 D  counter spectrometer 计数器光谱计
2 Z0 x& ?1 F0 _. Z5 e  counter stamp machine 邮票出售机
2 p4 e( z2 U2 w: Q3 y  counter switch 计数开关, f) x+ I& F* U0 _% z3 S
  counter tank 计数存储器
' L! P1 B" m' I- P! ~/ d, \  counter telescope 计数望远镜% J1 W  n3 V7 \0 h% v" G
  counter tube 计数管1 A8 O- x, s7 }6 y# c. C! l- S
  counter type chronograph 计数式记时器6 I9 a3 {7 o: {- j
  counter type distance indicator 计数式距离显示器7 m. L8 L( m, a; _  N" f
  counter type frequency meter 计数式频率计
: M5 x' M2 n9 [! l: h9 W: x  counter weight 平衡锤% a1 Q6 o& W/ E: [+ O, z
  counter wheel 计数轮
. C: Y! ]) A" ]" p! ^  counter 计数器
6 W1 |% X  u5 W* }0 E  counter-blow hammer 锻锤
& _4 ~" s# k$ N( h* N  counter-change check 棋盘花纹织物</p>
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