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[考试辅导] 进出口货物名称中英对照辅导(51)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:28:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  cobbler's twine 制鞋麻线
& A4 N/ P; j% l9 m  cobbler's wax 鞋线蜡
$ K3 [0 N: t- L- B. }- ]- E8 \7 L  cobblestone 大卵石
  {- o' A* |/ C0 L  Cobeko 敌乐胺除草剂5 b- c4 s- q5 x
  Cobenium 科贝纽姆恒弹性合金
: T2 R- h+ n3 ]! h! m3 d4 k  Cobex 敌乐胺除草剂/ f& D; @, E- W
  Cobitalium 科比塔留姆耐热铝合金4 W9 x2 j/ I$ |2 X: R  I* n
  cobourg 科伯斜纹呢
1 Q$ j* A, U. G9 \" e; Q  }  cobra venom 眼镜蛇蛇毒# @& W+ O3 H* d. E1 [2 e
  cobra 眼镜蛇
/ O4 C; c' F/ ?7 B$ _* z/ l  Cobweb cotton 蛛网棉/ r8 d* P- V% h* F% |, w
  cobweb lawn 薄麻纱
+ }& `: I$ G6 L8 I+ T4 h  coca leaf 古柯叶
* o2 y4 D, f5 Q) b  c% i$ F  Coca-Cola 可口可乐' m9 {% i/ O; D% n$ Q! S  W
  cocaine hydrochloride 盐酸可卡因
+ B, T3 a, }9 i& V0 |. a% s  cocaine 可卡因  D6 c. L* N) }
  cocainum  可卡因
, v1 r3 y6 n+ L" c- f  cocarboxylase 辅羧酶  [/ }9 N1 m4 i& K( l1 {$ r) a
  coccidioidin 球孢菌素) x9 l4 T' _4 s5 M' f$ u% F/ w$ V
  Cocculus trilobus 日本木防己
' _4 n2 Z. |  V  cochial red 胭脂红
" j# G! n& J' S% ~9 ?; K4 P1 d  cochin yarn 椰壳纤维纱
' m8 d* I' f( `) ]! [' X# y  cochineal carmine 胭脂虫红3 {# |. A  E9 k+ W( K) m
  cochineal coral handkerchief 红色丝手帕
. X! B. l* ?$ N" ~2 w- [* N  cochineal red 胭脂虫红
0 M. j0 J, D3 O% E9 K  Cochran cotton 科克伦棉2 n3 X+ |+ |! L9 h8 {4 n
  Cochrome 科克罗姆钴铬系耐热合金, O( U3 f  @% @3 O. Q
  cock feather duster with bamboo handle 竹柄鸡毛帚
. L. Y! z- g; {# Z! j) n5 o" {1 T  cock feather 公鸡毛. E: U3 S, i, p; O
  cock key 旋塞扳手7 d! |: [0 q$ d% I
  cock neck hackle and saddle with bamboo handle 竹柄统背毛帚5 u+ G' T2 a0 H+ p$ j
  cock neck hackle and saddle with rattan handle 藤柄统背毛帚- l$ J: c  w# ?& E* w+ k* d9 W
  cock neck hackle duster with bamboo handle 竹柄统项毛鸡毛帚- f* `* U5 E2 |" l- ?  m# h
  cock neck hackle duster with rattan handle 藤柄统项毛鸡毛帚2 ?( N& s& d$ Z- w+ U/ r
  cock neck hackle with bamboo handle 竹柄统项毛帚1 R" M7 p, j& F, {/ H
  cock neck hackle with rattan handle 藤柄统项毛帚$ O8 L" ?$ O9 b
  cock neck hackle 公鸡项毛
5 I% |1 u; T9 @" M5 r, j. b  cock neck skin 公鸡头皮
& V, \/ c( G8 G" R  cock saddle feather duster with bamboo handle 竹柄单长尖鸡毛帚
+ _" h5 C+ w" C0 y, O  cock saddle feather duster with plastic coated rattan handle 包塑料藤柄双长尖鸡毛帚; V2 }2 J8 v/ S8 X
  cock saddle with bamboo handle 竹柄统尖毛帚
7 w4 e# S7 e. V8 T  cock saddle with rattan handle 藤柄统尖毛帚
6 [' M1 g& l9 r2 G4 E1 S+ z  cock schlappen with bamboo handle 竹柄统泳子毛帚  h: s5 I. E4 x7 {
  cock schlappen with rattan handle 藤柄统泳子毛帚  \$ E/ B$ @5 l" a' c( m: t
  cock schlappen 公鸡泳毛
, j, l" @4 x, M9 k% H9 \0 @  cock spanner 旋塞扳手: S! k/ [1 u9 O: r8 q- @, a* [
  cock wheel 惰轮
& R+ d3 n; \! `% L0 P4 b  cock 龙头3 z0 s& g1 V' u' c7 O
  cock-liver agate 鸡肝玛瑙
- u, H0 W; @6 g1 a1 |6 D7 }+ z! h; k6 h  cocked hat 三角帽: @  P$ E. ?2 f7 z7 q4 E& V
  cockle stair 螺旋梯: Z' C2 a0 t2 w) q' q+ Z! D+ [
  cockpit panel 座舱仪表盘  p/ z6 m; G4 q: k- R
  cockroach killer 灭蟑螂药6 s0 ?; v0 I" y4 ^9 G
  cocktail cabinet 酒柜  y6 i' \% }( K8 j1 `# n
  cocktail cup 鸡尾酒酒杯
) n& @" J# c* {4 e+ M  cocktail dress 燕尾服
1 e2 Z5 f% e1 K3 J* g  cocktail feather duster with rattan handle 藤柄尾毛鸡毛帚- p: D4 u. z  r; V6 g) j
  cocktail fruit jam 什锦果酱
6 n5 n" E  ?/ h5 R2 G  cocktail glass 鸡尾酒酒杯. C/ y# v7 {& k6 v" x
  cocktail napkin 酒巾
6 p' i# }6 V3 i! Q  cocktail onion 鸡尾酒酸果- k$ h/ W$ _& I. g, [) O% E4 Y
  cocktail sausage 小香肠
& d: u# L8 L9 U; F2 H  cocktail saw 鸡尾锯
6 q4 v. S" s0 f/ B: _  cocktail set 鸡尾酒具
/ s) o1 k1 C1 S3 H1 Q  cocktail shaker 调酒器
$ G8 H2 {; ?7 K  cocktail 鸡尾酒
' ?7 F+ o) {$ M4 [  coco plum 椰李
# i& d8 ^9 f; R: J+ ~  coco 椰子
9 D0 x0 ?; Y, N  cocoa bean 可可豆
- k  D% \3 @: k9 X1 Q" k  cocoa beef filling sweet 可可牛肉夹心糖" f. n' X% S( s4 A( S9 l
  cocoa butter cookie 可可曲奇饼干  S+ \# Z4 C( i+ @$ c- S2 I% A
  cocoa butter 可可脂
5 W6 _1 v( c  Q* V, ^! [  cocoa colour powder 可可色素粉, y9 v. x1 n8 X; j' i$ Y
  cocoa cream candy 可可奶油糖! e' m3 K: @3 s* b' r9 @1 Z
  cocoa drink 可可饮料. j0 ]. K. h) z7 n* f
  cocoa ginseng tea 可可人参茶
0 G- d* C8 i; ^* G- z* \8 f  cocoa jug 可可壶
' h  q; f6 R9 y; s" \& v  cocoa knife 可可刀3 s- l6 y9 f# s* }: U
  cocoa mat 椰衣垫
9 O% t' {8 K. l; Z  c( q9 g% C  cocoa matting 椰壳纤维席纹布# j, B  d8 H. C9 u4 q
  cocoa peanut sweet 可可花生夹心糖6 a7 x2 l  h0 l' j; L2 o
  cocoa powder in bulk 散装可可粉# ?) k! |1 g0 I
  cocoa powder in packet 盒装可可粉
0 M& ]: C) ?8 a7 D9 |$ j  cocoa powder in tin 听装可可粉* s/ V7 K) r- x! Y' `9 F  }
  cocoa powder 可可粉
( q* v) I9 {- G6 A  cocoa shell butter 可可豆壳脂
+ e( [9 m9 _. M: m; B  cocoa tobacco flavour 可可烟草香精. Q) q; I- _) s' X. o
  cocoa toffee 可可太妃
0 H8 b4 N8 h: z& X  cocoa wafer 可可威化
; U3 I5 ^  F8 p4 S* y% ^0 f) [  cocoa 可可
4 j1 t1 i. b5 q& o8 ]5 X  cocoa-brown cloth 可可褐色布
" V+ s; h# h; o  A& L2 T- L3 i  cocoanut ball 椰子糖! R! O  {* @* @
  cocoanut broom 椰壳纤维扫帚
* V. l9 y) q/ o5 ~; B/ V  cocoanut fatty acid diethanolamide 椰子油脂肪酸二乙醇酰胺
$ r/ M( R( a$ _$ a  y  cocoanut fibre brush 椰壳纤维刷
+ a. ~4 {' A* a; Z, B1 [- `% p# w  cocoanut fibre door mat 椰壳纤维门垫
; I9 V2 B( }4 _% m0 T' ^' n& U  U  cocoanut fibre rope 机制椰壳纤维绳6 |# P) d1 t/ d
  cocoanut fibre 椰壳纤维& x( m( _5 n+ W! o
  cocoanut ice cream cone 椰子甜筒
+ a% q8 w# d1 O1 K( b$ F  cocoanut ice cream 椰子雪糕
' Y1 N1 X, b6 q* e. J: K  cocoanut jam 椰子酱
' X3 x2 k/ Z7 @3 r* p: L1 W% a1 M2 w  cocoanut juice 椰子汁
& s0 h' L% g* u9 o  cocoanut leaf rib 椰叶骨
$ u+ U* H, B. X  cocoanut milk 椰子奶$ s5 J& L8 C4 @8 `8 {0 R
  cocoanut oil 椰子油  N$ K- o& q: i& z/ j
  cocoanut shell carving 椰壳雕
. J9 A/ T2 q0 P, M7 l# c3 W  cocoavanilla tobacco flavour 可可香草烟香精+ K8 O! G9 ?( s6 n6 f0 m* R
  Coconada cotton 科科拿大棉2 E  h4 ^9 N& @
  coconada rug 科科拿大地毯$ x+ P6 Y, z4 p; X
  coconada stripe 科科拿大条子平纹棉织物
1 ^) z* {; Y8 r/ ]" w, V  coconut aldehyde 椰子醛! R6 x" T1 E2 h4 p* V6 ~/ N/ x- h
  coconut and coffee jelly 椰子咖啡冻
4 B& i0 a0 L* q+ v  coconut biscuit 椰子饼干2 m+ u$ k; Z! h' j5 ]/ M; O" o4 \
  coconut butter cake 椰蓉奶油酥( `6 A0 m( E4 O) _- d" L
  coconut butter 椰子果酱
  m1 y  x2 a- j' g! G8 h# T* ?2 F  q4 ?  coconut cake 椰蓉酥
' d" M- c# J+ j. Y! ?  coconut candy 椰子糖: ?# K: E  k& S7 @
  coconut capacitor 大型真空电容器
* n' ?' h6 [" K  coconut carving 椰雕
( _" k( J: L( A$ ~/ R  coconut chocolate 椰子巧克力

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