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[考试辅导] 进出口货物名称中英对照辅导(86)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:28:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  cylinder securing bolt 汽缸紧固螺栓
# Y9 [/ Z1 n0 o2 i, r: H+ @  cylinder shrinking machine 圆筒缩绒机
" E# w7 o# a, Q( r! g. _7 k  cylinder side rod 汽缸边摇杆2 O: Y& w2 r+ r, j# W, T: ]
  cylinder sizing machine 烘筒式浆纱机5 A- R0 k) q; i2 @0 c4 Z( s7 S- w
  cylinder sleeve 汽缸套管9 _# t7 A+ d/ `3 ^  I3 w
  cylinder stand 筒子架
  l' f. k% Q) V1 n5 u( O# Q  cylinder supporting bracket 汽缸下托架0 X! W: K( a/ h/ Q6 i4 D
  cylinder teaseling machine 滚筒式起绒机2 s( B2 @( D' {
  cylinder truck 钢瓶运输车1 `- V' n  w2 ~* l: c( Z
  cylinder type controller 圆筒形控制器  U* A! ]+ k8 S( U5 Y
  cylinder type synchronous generator 圆柱磁场式同步发电机
- o5 J* e- Y% d/ A* w  cylinder vacuum filter 圆筒真空过滤机$ Z7 x0 b# ^  d) V+ \
  cylinder valve 汽缸阀
# K0 g' p, s- Q/ g  cylinder vertical drilling machine 圆柱立式钻床
7 o0 H; B# Z8 H/ e% m, \" F  cylinder wet machine 圆网湿抄机( j; `/ m2 J; V' i$ J) q4 \
  cylinder wheel with dovetail groove 带槽筒形砂轮3 E" ]- Z6 d: \) a) T1 [/ i
  cylinder wheel 筒形砂轮: V7 F1 i# _1 v9 f: O* {- H
  cylinder wrench 圆筒扳手# w( y( _8 _/ B' a) J; [# }% F
  cylinder 钢瓶
7 E; s0 L# e5 g( j, j/ c  cylinder-liner dismantling gear 汽缸衬筒拆卸器: z2 r, ]7 x' k4 K- ]
  cylinder-liner extractor 汽缸衬筒拉拔器
* K9 ?' K$ ^: {+ \8 k  cylinder-processing machine 滚筒处理机
5 ^2 V  y7 S9 r$ S+ U# V  f  cylinder-type chaff-cutter 滚筒式锄草机; A# Q- l6 {, h6 J4 u
  cylinder-type side delivery rake 滚筒式侧向搂草机
7 ^+ A2 ?9 z% D9 e: Z! a  cylinder-type silage cutter 滚刀式青贮料切碎机
( ^/ T. a* B0 l0 H0 p/ S, k( a  cylinder-type vacuum drying oven 筒式真空烘箱
- [) l5 ^9 `! c( T* O  cylindric ball mill 圆筒球磨机" N! @* C+ p/ e9 h/ B* o( `, n: ]
  cylindric milling cutter with coarse teeth 粗齿圆柱形铣刀/ N8 m. x) l' X6 S& \" n- E6 n% c
  cylindric spiral gear 圆柱斜齿轮
( S( k  b) r# k# {8 u6 a( b2 t  cylindric straight-tooth gear 圆柱直齿齿轮% n8 `& R4 c  U8 D3 T6 u
  cylindrical anode magnetron 圆柱形阳极磁控管
# ^7 d. s6 f$ b$ t# r; A  cylindrical ball mill 圆筒形球磨机+ S2 J9 p/ O) A. E# u, T
  cylindrical boiler 圆筒式锅炉( w* B8 p* N" t& `  R
  cylindrical booster hydrophone 圆柱式增压水听器1 t5 w& r* W2 C+ f+ L: S, g' M
  cylindrical bowl 圆筒形回转筒
! ]2 u( x$ N: a' N5 C5 V2 Y  cylindrical cam 圆柱形凸轮0 ^# F" h8 ?9 L9 ^. V1 i" ~: Z
  cylindrical capacitor 圆柱形电容器
$ z9 m& ^$ [; O7 s% i/ l- }: A  cylindrical carving apparatus 圆柱面刻字装置
& k/ ^7 {( \# G+ y  cylindrical cavity wave meter 圆柱空腔式波长计; F* |8 F8 n, \; r& P! M  v
  cylindrical center-type grinder 外圆中心磨床
4 ]' u; c* ^, Z, J1 H# h& a  cylindrical centrifugal pump 筒式离心泵
, |! l) y8 y1 M. L- x  cylindrical coil 圆柱形线圈5 }2 ?' Z+ _" `% J
  cylindrical concave mirror 柱形凹镜
7 c( ?! c: q) l/ V7 n* |  cylindrical condenser 圆柱形电容器
+ y5 y& ~7 U/ _" W: r  cylindrical convex lens 柱形凸透镜
: j1 Y2 S3 g/ y7 ?9 Y  cylindrical coordinatograph 圆柱坐标仪0 I1 V2 w8 R6 u( _+ x( t8 y
  cylindrical coordinator 圆柱形坐标测定器
1 V* b5 `) W" `) {. ^1 I6 j  cylindrical diesel pile driver 筒式柴油打桩机& F" o$ W, _  C9 I3 e% ^8 O
  cylindrical drier 圆筒干燥机* H! S  E, t; x( |& H
  cylindrical drill 筒形钻
. q1 a" z; O8 v9 C9 g  cylindrical electrostatic analyzer 圆柱形静电分析器
5 }" h4 X- ~. [5 T8 `  cylindrical fabric assembling machine 圆筒刮浆合布机
, u4 D/ i, w! H/ n: u' G& E- b2 s  cylindrical fabric inspecting machine 圆桶织物验布机
4 w$ V* P  s$ f9 e; u  cylindrical fibre 圆纤维3 X' @& c! P- \! d
  cylindrical filter 筒式过滤器
0 u& N5 }$ _. j5 ^+ R  cylindrical furnace 圆筒炉
- l5 f4 E; l4 a: [- }  cylindrical gear 圆柱齿轮" ]/ n- D5 }5 `1 \: z/ N
  cylindrical goods 圆筒形针织坯布* T$ E3 _0 u% V7 I% Q3 B
  cylindrical grinder 外圆磨床, A! V" P/ B7 i% w3 y/ e0 v
  cylindrical grinding machine with wide grinding wheel 宽砂轮外圆磨床
! c+ S# Z) L* O5 |: p  F  cylindrical grinding machine 外圆磨床! d8 K8 _; t# @3 p
  cylindrical high voltage porcelain capacitor 圆筒高压瓷介电容器! o6 a6 C) J( u0 E! m0 y; a
  cylindrical lens 柱面透镜
8 d6 l: T8 H8 R& u$ ^$ v4 U  cylindrical magnetron 圆柱形磁控管5 a* ]# r  K9 M; H6 {
  cylindrical milling cutter with carbide insert 硬质合金圆柱形铣刀
! K2 d7 c; }! N( s  cylindrical milling cutter 圆柱形铣刀
, ?* d6 h  ^$ g+ L: t* C/ k  w+ D  cylindrical oil transfer pump 柱形输油泵2 i! u: A, {9 h
  cylindrical pin 圆柱销
7 `1 k' D+ \$ r  cylindrical pipe thread tap 圆柱管丝锥
- S! o/ A9 |* m, I  cylindrical pole type rotor 柱极式转子& e/ M1 L5 V9 {+ k; u
  cylindrical powder camera 圆筒形粉末照相机
/ T# J5 J9 Y, }# z5 |* u/ ]  cylindrical press 滚筒式压呢机
. B* h) Y* {  C  cylindrical reamer 圆柱铰刀
. |5 s0 V! q3 e# a" |' C5 g  cylindrical reflector 圆柱形反射器, t6 Q6 g: f7 A& r: ~! n  W7 y: r) J
  cylindrical resonator 圆柱形谐振器
" @/ _$ x1 W2 z' r/ T  cylindrical rubber bobbin 圆柱形橡皮滚轮% P: K6 }$ ~0 G* O2 |6 `( O- b) g
  cylindrical shank percussion drill 圆柱柄冲击钻! }% O- M: ~: k7 ?
  cylindrical slide valve 圆柱形滑阀
$ S5 j; T. B# m8 C* D& n0 n  cylindrical solenoid 筒形螺线管
7 }; ]9 [$ V* k  cylindrical spark detector 圆柱形火花探测器
" t2 H5 t( e0 ~, k$ a3 n. K: \% Z8 k  cylindrical time-of-flight mass spectrometer 柱面飞行时间质谱仪7 b; r8 G' {" [' ^/ k
  cylindrical type electric hammer drill 筒型电锤钻) @' Y$ ~) m, a  s& u
  cylindrical ultrasonic liquid resonator 柱形超声液体谐振器
! ]5 E/ ~9 j  A" L: o5 L  cylindrical valve 筒形阀
- V. v4 ^( ]$ ~) n' }  cylindrical vertical drilling machine 圆柱立式钻床
) H9 }" u3 ^0 c% s0 K, t# N; x  cylindrical washer 洗涤筒
2 z4 g6 |1 q* s: A0 e  cylindrical-rotor machine 隐极电机" w& f+ e3 N/ J: y, @
  cylindricator 圆柱器
. W' t- q( o. k' q1 `6 ^  cylindricity measuring instrument 圆柱度测量仪6 f9 g- n8 U  Y$ G4 O. `* ~' X
  cylindro-conical ball mill 圆锥形球磨机
( K6 `, J7 w7 W  D0 }  Cylon 司伦牌手表
4 O/ X( U0 W* h( ^  Cyma 西马牌手表- y' R# T2 [1 e
  Cymag 氰化钠3 l+ i9 i3 z, }! Z  Q! m, L
  cymar 宽大轻便无袖衣
1 c2 S! ^" ]0 Q- L
  {- t( z3 s6 `* s% E  cymbal form resin bond wheel 圆盘式树脂结合剂砂轮

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:28:35 | 显示全部楼层


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