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[考试辅导] 2011年金融英语考试词汇解析(4)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:28:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  cancellation 取消9 m4 V, ^" g: D1 m' p0 a
  cancellation money 解约金
( O0 Z5 h# C: a9 f6 V) d" {/ M  cap 带利率上限的期权, @+ _- i% Q' l5 F4 U& y4 E7 u7 q, P
  capital assets 资本资产( K% }- z; {* d; U
  capital lease 资本租赁/ A! m  ^; n+ A3 w8 V* K% J1 O, R
  capital market 信贷市场、资本市场
& X8 F" J% ^0 u. v2 l( Y  capital resources 资本来源
' A3 [3 _: Z! K9 ~7 t  capital surplus 资本盈余
) C( @% y& q/ N  capital transfer 资本转移# l4 z/ L/ b, N, `
  capital turnover rate 资本周转率
' r& L5 V" i. L+ }2 |  card issuing institution 发卡单位" b( Z' h' ?& n4 Z
  carefully selected applicant 经仔细选定的申请人
7 N/ z8 J# a* W) z* F" k6 o. }  cargo insurance 货物保险, ^, w* X1 ]) h1 ?& b
  cash 现金,现款v.兑现,付现款: a2 n+ ^+ D( D" E
  cash a cheque 支票兑现
  K- Y- C8 c& w+ E: j- j  cash account 现金帐户
3 r8 u' P; p$ ~2 A  cash advance 差旅预支款

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:28:35 | 显示全部楼层


  cash against bill of lading 凭提单付现
- i+ G2 L$ T, H( G4 ^9 Z, o  cash against documents(C.A.D.) 凭单付现,凭单据付现金=document against cash
* U: M/ K% _8 a9 U9 [2 m" g$ e2 H  cash and carry 付现自运;现金交易和运输自理;现购自运商店: G* a, D* i  w% M6 @
  cash and carry wholesale 付现自运批发5 }, {# x  L, @  f$ d4 }; ?
  cash assets 现金资产8 P4 ]+ V; a( U, z. q
  cash audit 现金审核3 f! }$ l0 o  ~# ^  g
  cash audit 现金审核,现金审计
$ B3 k$ q: ~- E. I3 x" x  cash balance 现金余额,现款结存) X1 ]6 N% z( p4 U% ~! \& ?
  cash basis  现金制+ h7 k% s/ P! A+ s8 U1 U
  cash basis 现金制,现金基础  j. e! k! a. f# `9 t8 t, L
  cash basis accounting 现金收付会计制" M+ q3 l4 z, X. X7 D, v
  cash before delivery(C.B.D.)空货前付款,付款后交货,付现款交货
' Q- f5 W3 X9 G! o8 e7 f  cash bonus 现金红利
5 d6 {& S* T7 i  cash book 现金簿;现金帐;现金出纳帐) W! D# q/ [! p) A8 F
  cash boy 送款员" r$ p7 b' V$ x9 _, V
  cash budget 现金预算" P1 L" y; G8 n1 [5 Z
  cash card1 (银行)自动提款卡
/ }2 T$ B0 Q+ s6 H9 s% M  cash card2 现金卡* K# @3 ?6 [- I/ s/ Y( O- F9 d
  cash claim 现金索赔
7 Q# X  `# M6 y  cash collection basis 收现法,收现制
- K: u/ B$ K8 v" [1 D/ C  cash credit 活期信用放款,现金付出
5 F; P, [. p3 n  r2 p* H- ~9 r& ]  cash credit slip 现金支出传票
7 t5 {8 U6 B, W0 @/ n  d, e# P& P  cash currency 现金通货
! i- L5 p. O9 }( u# T  cash cycle 现金循环,现金周期
  ~- ]* a- t5 r% D5 d& [# z  cash day 付款日1 P$ z3 w) v* D( {7 Y( M0 c
  cash debit slip 现金收入传票- e4 {# e: D! @
  cash department (商业机构中的)出纳部=counting-house( h% V. m9 D# I/ ?" W( ?
  cash deposit 现金存款;保证金
- y. t5 `6 w, B4 a2 r0 C7 Q  cash deposit as collateral 保证金,押金
6 C/ S7 {  j$ ]$ L  P6 j  cash desk (商店、饭馆的)付款处
. }5 W; s( B$ P4 I% f3 P+ l, q+ k  cash disbursements 现金支出
: p: \$ e8 o5 H, ^: C) p) p  cash discount (c.d.) 现金折扣,付现折扣=settlement discount
* f" g3 C4 ?4 ~  e, W. a  cash dispenser (美)自动提款机=cashomat
/ G, p: G: K9 s) m8 I  cash dividend 现金股利6 k7 v2 V- m9 I, I! x3 x
  cash down 即付,付现
) [1 G) P- _8 F" n* d  cash equivalent value 现金等值,现金相等价值) A% [! V6 V( V! `& l" s5 B+ b
  cash flow 资金流动: a" _9 n. |# ~7 {' S4 M
  cash flow 现金流动
5 e' f8 s( y3 b  cash flow stream 现金流(量)5 j  J/ x; [% |* M* L
  cash holdings 库存现金# ~* O- m8 q- O
  cash holdings 库存现金
0 J: M! l9 z7 @, b% b7 J  cash in advance (c.i.a.) 预付现金4 Q. M! D$ F! j2 ^7 y
  cash in bank 存银行现金,银行存款
- X- ?/ k  P7 F% x8 d+ H  cash in hand (商行的)手头现金,库存现金=cash on hand
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