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[考试辅导] 2011年金融英语考试词汇解析(6)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:28:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  chattel mortgage bond (美)动产抵押(公司)债券( v0 y3 n5 \* w7 O
  chattel personal (私人)动产
+ d% K5 |  k9 |8 w3 r  ]4 T- z& q# t) G  chattel real 准不动产(土地权等)
5 R4 ?# F5 ^& k$ e# A" x  check certificate 检验证明书/ ^) \$ l# S4 v! d
  check deposit 支票存款( ]. ~* b/ g" T6 \/ B6 @* K
  check list (核对用的)清单6 O/ F6 B! {* q' k- A
  check sheet 对帐单1 R# C+ a2 @9 `1 \
  checking account 支票帐户
' ~1 u% |- L4 h! p  checking deposits 支票存款,活期存款
6 l8 ^- W# @" k  b5 A8 U- f  checking reserve 支票现金储备
2 {! Q' Y4 c3 A! O  checkstand (超级市场的)点货收款台
1 Z, @% }& J/ M* Q  cheque (payable) to bearer 来人支票,不记名支票$ S$ z# }% ?( S/ N8 q
  cheque book 支票簿
" v8 u3 x  u7 G# k# ]5 E  cheque book stub 支票簿存根
& b' G; z6 d1 ^  cheque card 支票卡
3 o. }; t+ H8 p8 e+ d0 y9 _( u% A  cheque collection 支票兑取$ a1 i) o" t& H, q
  cheque collector 支票兑取人  cheque crossed 划线支票
' \* j7 b7 F9 Z. \' O% E0 \; ?- g: v  cheque crossed generally 普通划线支票, D; T" u' i0 A* h% h( g* b
  cheque crossed specially 特别划线支票
4 T4 S# Q. }& ?7 s; |3 W( M! F  cheque deposit 支票存款8 x, j8 i7 k( A. A" r6 A1 _7 Q: s
  cheque drawer 支票出票人9 n7 Q( a. X+ s* @$ p5 k; l
  cheque holder 支票执票人
: Z  r: d7 n3 ^; `! ^1 ^  cheque only for account 转帐支票* O" v! }; `  z+ W/ l9 H
  cheque payable at sight 见票即付支票
% h1 F1 _+ ^" u0 e4 g: i  cheque protector 支票银码机$ Z; X: B, P+ V! k( w' Q9 \
  cheque rate 票据汇兑汇率,票汇价格=sight rate ,short rate
/ n" v6 V) G: W+ K( ^  cheque register 支票登记簿
6 P7 m# Z' g9 h+ G3 I  cheque returned 退票,退回的支票7 Z/ {/ e6 h- w0 T. Z
  cheque signer 支票签名机# ]4 @& D; E0 n" G: Q
  cheque stub 支票存根& k  k4 V3 I+ {" n+ N7 I; A4 Q
  cheque to order 记名支票,指定人支票* S3 u, U" @$ h: I
  China Investment Bank 中国投资银行
: U$ X, k% n6 W! P6 r& @  circulation risks 流通风险
# d5 j; C6 Z) k# ]  circulation tax (turnover tax) 流转税

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