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[考试辅导] 2011年金融英语考试国民经济词汇辅导(25)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:28:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  staff share 职工股
5 p, X& @* ~$ l3 n/ |1 p2 `  Stagflation (经济)停滞型通货膨胀0 C/ F0 M- \5 U# b
  Stagnat 萧条的; v* r6 N/ d5 J' {% g' P
  stagnat market 萧条的市场: J9 j7 l- `1 b& K9 a( r
  Stagnation 停滞,萧条
5 i& V9 w9 N. n8 E5 _" T# T  Standard 标准
/ I: A. l. h" Y% _  Standard & Pool‘s Corporation 斯坦普耳(评级)公司
; n% t, `# k5 |  Standard & Pool‘s Rating 斯坦普耳评级# |  g5 l, |3 A+ e
  Standard & Poor‘s 500 Stock Price Index 斯坦普耳公司评出的500家公司股票价格指数& S2 u: v$ z& K/ t1 R
  standard cost 标准成本5 U1 U: {. m  C; a
  standard deviation 标准差7 d! e) b# B) j  Q3 X9 K9 V
  Standard Industrial Code (SIC) 标准行业代码5 N' s$ U+ G* z( ^
  standard of living 生活水准
$ |# A5 U3 k. b  standard wage rate 标准工资率. i$ Z/ a% d* K
  Start-up cost 开办费用
, F0 U8 V% X5 r' j9 l0 |% P  State 国家,州,状态
& O: s. z2 L+ k) y  D  i7 f  state bank 国家银行
9 K" o3 h2 O/ f( R; }  d. `  p1 R1 m  state budget 国家预算
7 U/ U2 b1 t0 W$ Q, y  State Commission for Economic Restructuring 国家经济体制改革委员会  E( D- X/ Z: n, w0 V1 D
  State Council 国务院
3 q7 A( ?/ M: L" e  state credit 国家信用4 O3 Q( W6 l5 ]% o; _
  state debt 国债" X! X" y% b# L' f
  State Economic and Trade Commission 国家经贸委
7 K' E( P1 h! O0 v) D- m& Z2 R  state income tax (美国)州政府征收的所得税
8 ]8 I' p3 S  }/ X' {* P  state loan 公债! a0 I* k; \3 V
  state monopoly for purchases and marketing 统购统销
. a2 V, t1 o% w9 M* c; l* S  state operated economy 国营经济
9 w+ K( V# ?& g5 ]% H. u" k  state owned 国有的  q5 w+ V+ h( F- ]; D% `
  state revenue 国家财政收入
4 f# f2 g' V0 J' O7 {9 ]! _' a  state sector 国营部门' q: C* S5 M. q
  state treasury 国库
8 Y3 s5 L/ |1 ~6 {  N% u  L8 s* K  state-of-the-art 现代技术水平
8 ?1 I8 O/ Q) X" a# p  State-owned 国有的
! A* C" U! z: D, F' B2 D  state-owned commercial bank 国有商业银行0 t+ b6 E4 ~8 I% `
  state-owned economy 国有经济1 v# Y5 ^. q7 `& X3 \) U7 E
  State-Owned Enterprise (SOE) 国有企业6 f0 c- C! `: a* E
  state-owned firm 国有公司. z* n0 V+ Q* N: d$ W9 ?) K" i
  state-owned property 国有资产
6 W; o. n; A! t! W% K+ P  state-owned unit 国有单位
+ I4 _5 L5 U- V4 n  Statement 报表,清单,声明0 n4 _0 r9 F* [' M
  statement analysis 报表分析
' F9 M/ a$ b8 {  statement form 报表表式4 `: I' q% r  e( v, R
  statement of assets and liabilities 资产负债表3 {9 e: p: V' H3 a0 k% P$ m
  statement of cash flows 现金流量表
& {5 T8 T# @- B+ S- l0 A: W  k  statement of change in financial position 财务状况变动表
/ M# a5 f) [) [8 h$ {/ b1 e2 T  statement of change in retained earnings 留存收益变动表

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