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[考试辅导] 2011年金融英语考试国民经济词汇辅导(27)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:28:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  stock preferred 优先股
1 i  F8 S. _2 Z; {  stock premium 股票溢价
% }: ?! {8 E  {  stock purchase warrant 购股证& Z( \5 K+ Y5 ~9 i! h- I
  stock transfer 股票转让
# U. u  s) A' Y9 F* a" B  stock-for asset reorganization 股票资产交换式重组
9 |3 h8 F% h- a4 g  stock-for stock reorganization 股票股票交换式重组" K$ C3 _  }6 w% l! @7 {
  voting stock 有投票权的股票% V# K2 r3 E! w$ m8 |" |
  New York Stock Exchange(NYSE) 纽约证券交易所
+ y( n& ^. L' B$ [  American Stock Exchange(AMEX) 美国证券交易所
) E! m1 {5 o* X$ }+ Q0 Y# d  National Association od Securities Dealers Automated Quotation System(NASDAQ) 全国证券商自动报价系统协会7 T8 G. x" _7 [, `. i
  Over the counter(OTC) 柜台交易
* o3 R- ]; b, Y! Y  Stockholder 股票持有人,股东7 y( A/ I" v/ V$ ~2 O/ H1 }
  Straight 直线的
% G+ E# t8 v/ T, h; d' w/ J  straight debt 直接负债
  W  n5 k% J! I5 W2 s" l2 |  straight-line depreciation method 直线折旧方法- i6 V6 M' I' c% D8 b+ i% S3 M
  Strategic 战略的
+ c% W* H/ I3 l, ]8 V  strategic acquisition 战略性收购
' P; l2 f" q  ^" I* y' N  strategic decision 战略决策9 w) W  I" K; F
  strategic goals 战略目标8 @* l4 T2 f* a  j: u
  strategic partnerships 战略伙伴
9 b3 {0 ?, D1 o+ W9 c. t* n3 P  strategic planning 战略计划
9 P& u3 b, _, I9 S' T  Strategy 战略
4 q5 @; H* G! l7 [/ c8 a0 i: V9 X  generic strategy 一般性战略# a  E2 `* p3 D. G
  strategy for economic development 经济发展战略
8 r4 q* j& E8 f) p! t* S6 {) J  strategy of giving priority to agricutural8 e5 }; F4 X) Q/ L6 f
  development 优先发展农业的战略- {. M' d: N/ I" V) S
  Strengthen 加强
% A" B+ t6 t6 n/ p9 p+ Z  strengthen co-operation with government institutions and enterprises 加强与政府机构和企业的合作: t( N) H* u2 z0 S1 A9 q% Q8 f2 s
  strengthen macro-control 加强宏观控制
/ r3 v- h- S2 a3 ?% B2 I2 F  strengthen the management of stated-owned property 加强国有资产管理4 o$ m- i& G7 ~
  strengthen the position of agriculture 加强农业的基础地位0 E9 B1 L4 [$ x. P
  Strike 罢工
: {1 Y/ k+ c9 y, o* d/ W  Structural 结构上的,组织上的1 e  i7 Q5 z. }2 G( J
  structural adjustment 结构调整. b/ d- ?, }! ^2 I2 {/ `
  structural analysis 结构分析
+ N1 ~+ H& x8 \7 D4 @* p3 l: @* H  structural readjustment 结构重新调整
1 |6 N1 z& m- x" M  structural inflation 结构性通货膨胀$ C6 O% r/ ^7 [, A6 k3 v4 D9 H4 G7 O6 A
  structural unemployment 结构性失业
# E: w# F6 E. z9 Q& A0 M  Structure 结构
1 h7 N# u- G% g9 \- k+ h  structure of consumption 消费结构6 h4 Y. Q$ Y; x( m- I+ N6 ^0 I
  structure of deal 交易结构
/ Z) G9 D8 v1 C' @) m4 p  structure of industry 产业结构, \+ w; G: u7 O' i$ Z6 B/ w
  Subscription 认购,认股' Y, P" L* p6 I) U
  subscription right 认股权- K8 D. O4 g& l3 x
  subscription warrant 认股证
9 p! o4 L2 o% z  O. e/ @& }  Subsidiary 子公司,分公司,附属公司/ m" F- U3 m0 E2 t  L" {3 [% Q% G
  subsidiary body 附属机构

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