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[考试辅导] 2011年金融英语考试词汇辅导:电子银行

发表于 2012-8-16 08:28:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Electronic BankingMethods of accessing bank accounts through electronic terminals, ATMs, computers, land-lines, and mobile phones.
3 @5 t5 J6 g: o" S0 Y  Electronic Funds Transfer(EFT)A transfer of funds either from or to an account, which is initiated by giving an instruction through an electronic access method.6 C5 M9 f% Y. J" T- M& u2 Y
  PasswordA series of letters and/or numbers for which a customer can access an account. Should be kept secret.
" J* Q0 d4 P% P: y$ `  Mobile BankingA method of banking where customers have the ability to access bank accounts and information through their mobile phone. 电子银行客户通过电子终端如自动柜员机、计算机、固定电话线和移动电话操纵银行账户的方式。6 c9 ^2 b4 Q0 h, K0 U$ H
  电子资金转账(EFT)通过电子手段控制账户、发出指令将账户资金转入转出的操作。$ D+ R( Q  J+ y/ x- J" X! y
  密码客户用以进入账户的一系列字母和数字的组合。必须严格保密。) i) X3 l# S2 a9 Q- C- ~& C

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