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[考试辅导] 金融英语账户

发表于 2012-8-16 08:28:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Bank Account An arrangement between a bank and a customer, giving the customer access to certain banking services.& g0 M. ~7 b; b/ X+ `/ ?! b. c
  Checking AccountAn account, which allows funds to be withdrawn by check writing. These accounts usually pay interest when a minimum balance is maintained$ F& U" X0 Z6 s7 Y' {# p2 m9 ?: e
  Savings Account$ K9 z0 N( H/ d' u' A/ l
  A deposit account at a bank, which pays interest, where funds cannot be withdrawn by check writing.
. g( J4 T$ r& r  Personal Identification Number(PIN)
8 D$ `! {" _- J( n! T  A code used by an individual which restricts access to the money deposited in their account.
' I, \* V6 Y6 Y- n  Deposit at call
( J# h; G* W  L2 X$ W  An account deposit that can be accessed by the customer on demand and carries no penalty for doing so.- _, }% x$ l/ F: o2 g3 |
  PassbookA book issued by a bank to keep record of all transactions on a savings account, such as deposits, withdrawals, and interest earned.
0 T% m$ X0 `8 D  StatementA document issued to the customer on a regular basis showing all transactions that have taken place on the account during a specified period.  银行账户银行和客户间的一项安排,客户可以享受某些银行服务。- O' d' D- q, w' n& U- u
  G; H) I, H6 U  储蓄账户银行的一种存款账户,支付利息但是存款不能通过签发支票提取。
- Q, {( f. r/ V: z  个人识别号码客户使用的号码,用来限制查询或提取客户账户上的存款。) _' p$ U* X0 ~
+ R& f% B& o$ ~  L) D  存折银行发行的存款本,记录储蓄账户上的各项交易,如存款、取款和利得等。  e3 w" M5 V: y* n

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