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[考试辅导] 金融英语相关词汇(详解)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:28:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  DealerA person that buys and sells for the purpose of making a profit.
7 g5 S* z4 O) C" |8 a6 l( h  FrameworkA structure that includes a set of practices, values, assumptions and concepts for the purpose of supporting something.: N6 q6 l) A. P3 d5 z( a
  TransparencyA condition where the business affairs and financial situation of a company or department are open and easily understood by the public.' H* g' S9 V8 _$ W- ]8 Y
  Money MarketA market for short-term securities such as bank bills, commercial paper, etc. usually having a maturity of less than 1 year.5 T6 f' [' W& W' g7 H
  Off Balance SheetA term given for an activity that does not appear on a company's balance sheet. Such as providing advisory services or derivatives trading.! \7 e' a+ j2 ^! |
  Middle MarketRefers to companies whose value ranges between 1 and 100 million U.S. dollars. These companies usually do not issue securities.
) w* X' r1 a' [7 O, ~  StakeA financial interest in a company, usually equityrelated.
5 _3 X# Q6 C5 ]+ P' Q  Listed CompanyA company that has issued shares to the public and the shares trade at a stock exchange.* R* d: `- U) Z  Q
  SoundA term used to describe something that is in good condition, financially strong and reliable.
) h2 p0 B4 G0 V- W/ y0 M+ U( u( V$ r) _  TradingThe short-term buying and selling of goods or securities to make a profit.6 F- b/ \; K8 N9 @) y
  ReformTo improve something by altering it, and removing any defects also referred to as changing something for the better.0 G9 p: c; Q4 L
  VolatileSomething that often changes or varies. Usually when referring to the price of something. 交易员出于获利目的而做买卖的人。3 v1 a' D5 _' r: K+ w- Q& R
  体制 为支持某事,一种包括一套实践、评估、假设和概念的结构。$ a! y! I3 k3 J2 t
  透明度 一个公司或部门的营业事务和财政情况是公开的且很容易让公众理解的一种情形。  }. i' E3 A8 f2 p& a1 @
  货币市场 短期有价证券市场,如银行汇票、商业票据等,通常票据到期时间小于1年。4 B. H# H+ a+ ]) O
  资产负债表外 未出现在公司负债表上的特定活动术语。比如提供咨询服务或衍生品交易。+ \  x' Q6 Z! s% i3 z6 `
  中型市场 指市值在1到100万美元之间的公司。这些公司通常不发行有价证券。2 y/ x) f9 b, ~( e7 s
  股份 公司中的财务权益,通常涉及到股东权益。6 p# d( a! L7 b$ T" ?3 }/ Z8 U' U
9 z+ O2 C* W, _9 V+ x  稳健的 用来说明某事正处于良好的状态下,且财务上强健可靠的一个术语。' S; v# }! \4 w
  交易 短期买卖商品或有价证券以获取利润。
( D. V% W' k6 G# U  e8 a  改革 通过改变某事物来改善它,并消除所有缺陷,即使某事物变得更好。
0 u1 a8 ?- y( X. i. }, i; e( y  不稳定 经常会改变或变化的东西。通常指东西的价格。

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