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[考试辅导] 金融英语进出口货物中英对照(18)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:28:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  antenna tuner 天线调谐器
$ J+ r5 U; L6 ]5 U  antenna tuning capacitor 天线调谐电容器" F/ s1 v, D4 s0 u* J- T
  antenna tuning coil 天线调谐线圈. d% ?7 p, G/ `3 t* m
  antenna tuning motor 天线调谐电动机- r- l9 ~$ ^0 ?3 `; I; T2 D! o8 b
  antenna winch 天线绞车% |* z, s, [. z$ s3 L( }* e
  antenna 天线; j. I8 u+ o7 g& r
  antenna-cleaner 净角器( {" ?0 J$ @/ U2 T: P, r: \
  antennaverter 天线变频器0 i' F' s( [) E6 e' ~7 j& R7 V
  anterior commissure laryngoscope 前连合喉镜
+ P1 z1 U# v- E/ e/ E  anterior pituitary powder 脑垂体前叶粉
7 h9 C; d- I0 |8 y7 L! u' d  anterior tooth composite resin 前牙复合树脂1 S0 J  P! a8 Z5 R1 J. V
  anthanthrene 蒽嵌蒽
. y3 N3 y" x3 f) b2 I& m  anthanthrone 蒽嵌蒽醌
9 A  N4 ~0 y8 Z+ n  w- `  anthelin elixir 驱蛔灵香露6 }+ }; p# g7 u+ |
  anthelin 驱蛔灵
/ K! |+ ]* m) S  H) l8 w- u  anthelmintic 驱蠕虫药
0 S( m3 e4 w2 v0 n* w  antherea silk 柞蚕丝8 Z1 [$ a" A# P5 e
  Anthio 6702 安七合剂
( J" s) ?3 `# \! D; e; }3 u  Anthio 安果
0 N8 Z! u1 u1 E" `" d  anthiolimine 安锑锂明1 S- s8 Y# O' t
  Anthon 敌百虫
6 \) H. j& a2 K7 a4 ?  anthony pig 乳猪
( ]0 [4 F5 A3 K* f+ O4 Q9 Y" T+ n  anthophyllite 直闪石
6 m# Z& ?0 i7 V- G' H, L  anthracemia tester 一氧化碳中毒测试器9 j$ a& G9 }% _3 y
  anthracene cake 蒽饼9 W8 k# E  G* e* u
  anthracene crystal scintillation counter 蒽晶体闪烁计数器- W# |/ }2 a5 ^" G! [7 s. g
  anthracene oil 蒽油
9 t0 E; O1 x' _5 h1 i  anthracene perhydride 全氢化蒽
( a/ ~" K4 B% j+ ^  anthracene 蒽% A) a) g' L: @! }, N! Y
  anthracite coal 无烟煤! O+ J! f) l/ f! }; T" l% Y3 B
  anthracite-coal-base carbon refractory 无烟煤碳质耐火材料, J. n# ]5 C# Z, n/ G3 `+ o+ [
  anthracitic coal 无烟煤
$ l- P. \7 l# L  anthracometer 二氧化碳计# a' Q, {  g. M$ _; j) ^
  Anthrafilt 过滤用无烟煤3 i! ]/ K, g% u7 U0 @
  anthranilic acid hydrochloride 邻氨基苯甲酸盐酸盐
1 F" R/ C" e6 ?+ v6 l  anthranllic acid 邻氨基苯甲酸; k3 ~! N! o2 e  O  T; ^% g
  anthraquinone dye 蒽醌染料
$ Y9 w: `9 ^1 \) t  i9 G; w/ }  anthraquinone 蒽醌
+ E: N) y2 V1 P  anthraquinone-2-sulfonic acid sodium salt 蒽醌-2-磺酸钠盐
5 L  U+ M& P; f0 x! o- E( `# O  anthraquinonediazonium chloride zinc chloride compound 蒽醌重氮氯化锌复合物  O; l+ z5 i! n% r) X$ c! q8 f
  anthrax vaccine 炭疽菌苗
6 _4 {, v* {, X% i1 F2 w9 A  B  anthraxylon 纯木煤
8 U8 u7 [1 e  s. t- w$ g  anthrinoid 镜煤, H  ^/ F. x; e2 U! M
  anthrone dye 蒽酮染料
2 ~  p3 k8 e/ @2 a, k  anthrone 蒽酮
' j% e- g' [0 Y' R! p  anthropometer 人体测量器' b; u8 l* _+ [9 H# ~, Y  Q% Y( b
  anthypnotic 防睡药) g; a; D0 P4 b
  anti mildew agent 防霉剂
7 p# k, N  _; x( b  anti-acid paper 耐酸纸
9 ]" d2 n+ Q3 e6 Y2 u  anti-acid pump 耐酸泵
* [3 U# Y+ [) i0 F/ k  anti-acid varnished tinplate 抗酸涂漆马口铁. M/ s6 ^; m$ i$ A$ \5 U- W: ]
  anti-activator 阻活剂
. U' B& f3 ~! b1 l1 _9 Y$ _# k  anti-adhesive gauze 不粘纱布8 P2 p5 r8 Y6 |5 a9 L2 I2 C
  anti-ageing oral liquid 青春宝口服液: D. z* t( D( }; V! B# [
  anti-aircraft armoured truck 防空装甲车
2 w8 b! S5 M4 T( F! v  anti-aircraft artillery gun 高射炮
, J9 a5 Y6 ~' x# r, p# ?4 f  anti-aircraft director 高射炮射击指挥仪/ y! K  l" v. m  Y- K& u$ Z
  anti-aircraft fuse 高射炮弹引信管7 m! ]* L3 l* M1 |1 t( Q
  anti-aircraft guided missile 防空导弹5 [3 W* W& |$ a' E5 q/ v) T
  anti-aircraft range finder 防空测距计
3 ^8 f0 Q9 y1 F. K4 E$ y" D  anti-aircraft searchlight 防空探照灯
' m" J4 L5 A, {  anti-armour helicopter 反坦克直升机/ i8 z/ U2 C  j2 f; h
  anti-arthritis pill 关节炎丸
7 w' h: B1 M' B0 s4 n  anti-arthritis tablet 关节炎片5 g+ C, ^3 V3 h+ A, c
  anti-asthma pill 定喘丸
$ t8 x0 L% W- f# L, R5 w  anti-asthmatic vaccine 抗哮喘疫苗
! c6 m7 d. A2 R' y, R# [1 W  anti-backlash spring 消隙弹簧/ z6 w. N. T$ \' D
  anti-bacterial fibre 抗菌纤维5 S' {2 u4 B1 ^/ x6 t) S8 ~2 T( Q
  anti-ballistic missile launcher 反弹道导弹发射器; Y& X: W; j8 w& `6 L
  anti-balloon plate 隔纱板
2 ~1 s# I, F4 @% B: V5 r: a  anti-bruise powder 七厘散- }. K( h3 {) |4 G
  anti-burglary glazing 防盗玻璃窗& w/ k9 x  l" ~6 m7 e- g
  anti-carbonation paint 耐碳酸盐漆
* X! C; c  F* l$ i  anti-cerebral-thrombosis tablet 脑血栓片7 \5 W. j# v. ]* O. q, }
  Anti-cling crepeset 抗静电锦纶绉织物% F8 s1 n/ T) p1 m1 s
  anti-coagulant rodenticide 抗凝血杀鼠剂
  @. |4 o9 G. d5 c2 z% O1 N  anti-coagulant 抗凝血剂# x- P; W' V- K* ^+ {* |
  anti-coherer 散屑器
% v& V& u$ T/ q& \5 y) Q2 k  anti-coincidence counter 反符合计数器
* o: M: Z$ V% g- `" P  anti-coincidence detector 反重合探测器
/ j6 n! i6 F, R( q  anti-coincidence-shielded Ge gamma-ray spectrometer 反符合屏蔽锗γ射线能谱仪4 s# ^9 ]8 l; w  W* K) n
  anti-coincidenceβray scintillation spectrometer 反符合β射线闪烁谱仪% a5 l& N2 j& h' a3 l& z
  anti-cold coefficiency measuring gauge 耐寒系数测定仪
0 S! Z- |8 X7 |$ `2 P* d  Z& l/ x  anti-colivaccine 大肠炎疫苗0 J+ }; e1 V* r3 w: z' R
  anti-corrosion additive 防腐蚀添加剂9 g4 S8 _' s( t* k& K' B
  anti-corrosion alloy 防腐合金
  c" _# o& N- P4 E4 c: B& z  anti-corrosion cable 防腐电缆3 ?/ a) d* a' h/ c$ s
  anti-corrosion enamel 防腐瓷漆5 r# K9 y2 N- q; {! T! {- W0 R: U$ H
  anti-corrosion paint 防腐漆
0 h4 n8 Y2 T7 M& O  anti-corrosion paper 防腐蚀纸" r5 c' A0 ?6 e+ V/ O& |1 V# P( H5 W
  anti-corrosive grease 防锈油脂9 A6 l( z  N# S" N0 A* x: M9 R
  anti-corrosive oil 防腐油, Z$ C- t* O5 j8 g
  anti-corrosive paint 防腐油漆
! X6 k/ @1 D# W; U5 l  anti-corrosive preparation 防腐蚀制剂
+ G. e% y/ P" i; f$ u  anti-corrosive primer 防锈底漆/ D- Z5 p) ~3 p0 ?" ^1 c7 ^3 h: x/ h
  anti-cracking agent 防裂剂
/ I. ]' m, e/ \7 h& |+ O* E$ P& i  anti-cracking hoop 防裂铁箍" F5 \' u5 N6 `9 s1 C, o2 i+ e
  anti-craft missile 防空导弹- {4 c0 ~3 ^& |! V2 p- _/ J
  anti-creeper strut 防爬器支撑: @5 C; Q: A  N
  anti-creeper 防爬器$ F4 [: o' {3 \
  anti-creeping angle steel 防爬角铁
5 [; o4 X5 n, `' B  |+ U+ l5 Z) D! o  anti-creeping strut 防爬撑
  x( m% o1 b+ G/ o& Y8 o( E1 M$ Q  anti-crystallinic pipe 防晶管% s" h7 h: v2 g* l0 R
  anti-curl cutter fax 防卷曲切纸传真机
( K8 h% J8 G. Z% c  anti-dazzle device for vehicle 车辆防眩装置
6 s: F2 N  t$ X8 H. _/ [! ?0 k  anti-dazzle glass 防眩玻璃2 G4 a; V# o) R+ u1 ?( R: p
  anti-dazzle lamp 防眩灯
" h" ]% A! h  z0 w+ c  a, L/ Q  anti-dazzle mirror 防眩镜& C3 i; k- ]( G, C* O) E
  anti-dazzle shade 防眩遮光板
5 R& p* E. N6 f3 W  anti-diarrhoica 止泻剂
# Y5 y" M# Q# t8 \# H  anti-disease medicated tooth paste 防病药物牙膏
5 }7 g5 J$ X8 D% a6 _( Y( p5 v- Q/ X/ \. t
  anti-dust respirator 防尘口罩

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:28:35 | 显示全部楼层


  anti-dust shoe polish 防尘鞋油</p>  anti-dysenteric 止痢药
8 w. V9 Y/ b. D; Z6 s) [  anti-dysentery tablet 治痢片
& ]; p- M  G( r# U! }  anti-electrostatic floor coating 抗静电地面涂料) _8 O& h3 \  v0 Q3 ?6 z
  anti-explosion automatic air switch 防爆自动空气开关6 w2 W2 P" v: s6 P: a7 q+ m- i; b
  anti-explosion distribution equipment 防爆配电设备
/ J  E+ a* A2 f8 k% k$ m  anti-explosion lamp 防爆灯  u$ U, h7 R+ U0 m: P( d
  anti-explosion magnetic starter 防爆磁力起动器9 C: c8 o" W4 B# j
  anti-explosion manipulator 防爆机械手
9 \# G, x, A% l# q' a- u  anti-explosion part ventilating fan 防爆局部通风机/ W0 Q* a- C) k6 q' L
  anti-fermite oil 防蚁油5 _0 `- d% o0 J/ `! {
  anti-ferroelectric ceramics 反铁电陶瓷6 S( P& I  o% ^' F' }6 T
  anti-ferroelectric crystal 反铁电晶体  `" W* f. o& }) A' a
  anti-ferromagnetic crystal 反铁磁晶体$ ?' n$ H$ x) x. s
  anti-fluctuator 缓冲器
; V& ~! `# L9 }9 z! ?5 ~  anti-fluting mill 防折轧机
5 U9 H; j) g: G( g, e. o6 [  anti-foam oil 消泡油
, ~  \$ f  t: w$ [+ ?/ I1 K$ [) w  anti-foamer 消泡剂6 }$ C5 @0 F9 E- k8 q2 t4 I
  anti-foaming agent 消泡剂9 {8 ^- Z/ G) k7 I4 U
  anti-fouling paint 防污漆
( A& t0 Z; r5 r& q/ t8 i+ A  anti-fouling rubber 防污橡胶
8 m: e5 b: X/ \$ p4 e  anti-freezing oil 防冻油2 ?2 c& K9 S9 Z9 Y+ J, ], |
  anti-friction alloy 减摩合金
5 l# y& {( y5 f+ b6 j, o  anti-friction bearing for machine 机器用耐摩轴承5 S* {# ?4 E8 r( x
  anti-friction bearing internal cylindrical automatic grinder 减摩轴承内圆自动磨床2 \+ j' J, G4 x' |  w0 k+ g. m
  anti-friction bearing pillow 减摩轴承垫座5 T; J# U; [, s6 l. U# D8 @* x$ d
  anti-friction bearing 减摩轴承
2 q5 u, |' z! |" M5 b! w; O3 O  anti-friction grease 减摩润滑脂
& Q- S, c' r, [, |7 g  |0 M, ]  anti-friction material 润滑剂9 ?9 N; N' G: x0 ~7 a# J
  anti-friction metal 减摩合金
# @* X8 g* @8 b) P  anti-friction ring 减摩环
( D4 }1 `' `: j  anti-friction roller bearing 减摩滚动轴承
. t( D0 v! I8 Q( _) j5 p  anti-friction thrust bearing 减摩止推轴承: x& P+ ?# i6 n. M
  anti-friction 减摩剂- u5 F, t! o: h9 |$ W" [
  anti-fungicide paper 防霉纸/ W. p8 J: l( G+ P: ]
  anti-fungus agent 防霉剂  a: N/ A! f% I" n, q
  anti-gas mask 防毒面具+ a. c/ k# [3 l: Q
  anti-gasfading agent 烟熏褪色防止剂
% e2 m: a4 Q3 |1 ^  anti-glare glass 遮光玻璃% m8 C# n: \8 n3 ^& k. c8 J
  anti-glare sewing light 遮光缝纫用照明灯* q9 y/ X- E6 }
  anti-hail rocket 消雹降雨火箭
$ {2 L6 k& `* M2 \! B% |  anti-halo film 防光晕胶片
7 d0 z8 g# Z* V; ^" O9 T1 M7 [  anti-hemorrhagic fibre 止血纤维9 x' N5 B* \% _+ O) d% a* U
  anti-hepatitis-jaundice injection 茵栀黄注射液$ t7 ]4 u% B' `# ~; ~& F
  anti-horse-fly oil 防马蝇油. H' \8 T& `8 y! }8 M
  anti-icing fluid 防冻液7 C% m5 B! ?" e  P' n/ q
  anti-infection apparel 防感染服
/ r, x% P3 s/ j5 G  anti-inflammation capsule 炎得平胶囊
+ Z( L0 b! y/ Q/ j3 M  anti-inflammatory pill 六应丸
& u9 d/ ]% ]- r3 ]8 d9 g2 X0 X" n  anti-inflammatory suppository for children 小儿消炎栓
6 L4 v( X% V" j9 e. {* K8 I7 }  anti-inflammatory suppository for gynecopathy 妇炎栓7 m* {; `  B! c2 I5 y$ X2 H. U, i
  anti-inflammatory 消炎药
. J! W& B3 r5 m% b  anti-influenza tablet 抗感冒片
# Y* M; V0 n- a2 S  anti-interference antenna 抗干扰天线  K5 L8 U; O# T
  anti-interference capacitor 抗干扰电容器
4 z) w* K* B8 u: |: j1 B* D# q  anti-intermediate range ballistic missile 反中程弹道导弹
6 V2 U- r! R% E( F3 y: q" h  anti-jam receiver 抗干扰接收机
7 @2 t, G; |5 |9 W1 b" v  anti-jammer 抗干扰器8 g2 Q6 {4 x7 R! k$ s8 A0 x
  Anti-K 磺胺喹恶啉7 g! F& n- Q2 ?  B- ?0 s
  anti-kickback attachment 非反向安全装置: Z3 G+ S. O5 i+ `- N* Q( v
  anti-lumbago tablet 腰痛片
; _+ {1 d8 L) N4 v  anti-mist cloth 防雾织物
7 }8 b4 E* G% T% f  anti-mist pencil 防雾铅笔; d6 T! Y+ \, h* P
  anti-mosquito incense 蚊香
6 ~2 T1 `( _( q  anti-mosquito oil 防蚊油
2 E! L0 I3 t3 B# j# W2 B( u: p  anti-moth agent 防蛀剂+ c' c* G: J$ P0 B5 H
  anti-nearsightedness acupoint massage instrument 近视眼防治按摩器0 ^( z& L& Z8 E! s( G
  anti-neurasthenia pill 神经衰弱丸; g  s- V3 _, [2 F" E4 T
  anti-noise ear-phone 抗噪声耳机8 S) K2 F9 d0 ^" Z; y
  anti-noise telephone 抗噪声电话) W) l" b" x6 {
  anti-percolating ceramics cotton felt 防渗透陶瓷棉毡
/ e# h2 ~' N$ M+ [: G! l/ d  anti-percolator 防渗装置
8 {( @# Q5 p0 o) D* f- v/ U5 h: C  anti-perspirant soap 防汗肥皂
1 X! u+ w1 J" m( c  anti-perspirant 防汗剂2 x. j  O7 e( S5 A( ]
  anti-pestilence and fever powder 紫雪散+ w0 E; ~: _& ~0 K5 L4 W/ Q
  anti-pill fibre 抗起球纤维
% s% |. k" [6 t% ~  anti-poison respirator 防毒口罩
; V% V. ^: c+ e7 n+ ]  anti-pollution solid-core post insulator 防污型实心支柱绝缘子5 N" P7 Z" ]5 t+ k0 S
  anti-pollution type insulator 防污型绝缘子
. n0 m* c! l# o3 @. x% I  o" S  anti-pollution type suspension insulator 防污悬式绝缘子
4 Y2 [* p9 I4 i( M7 x0 u. g' d  anti-polymerized wood tar 抗聚合木焦油2 Z( y$ A+ W6 h" Y" M3 O$ O
  anti-pregnancy pill 抗早孕药丸: X4 r6 S) j2 t7 p; V4 w
  anti-reflection film 增透膜& ^) a" @- ^$ q+ i: N: [: W3 D: J" ]
  anti-rheumatic fibre 防风湿纤维
9 d9 [6 r) x# h- h4 ?4 I& ^1 ~  anti-rheumatism bracelet 抗风湿手镯
2 q3 I6 b. p, f& i. a% Q1 j$ P  anti-rheumatism ring 抗风湿戒指
+ @, F/ V' I$ U  anti-rheumatism 风湿宁! l2 B3 E' e7 [9 [# D6 s
  anti-rot material 防腐材料
$ C9 r7 @& ^3 M' _4 ]9 m% A  anti-rumble 减声器; @5 f4 U8 c9 q+ T4 g) Z
  anti-rust cap 防锈帽2 D& {- g1 z2 F
  anti-rust grease 防锈润滑脂
! H, S) i" |' O% x  anti-rust lacquer 防锈漆* x# d$ C5 h! U+ ?
  anti-rust oil 防锈油
9 U! p" H/ ^8 W* y  }- b  anti-rust paper 防锈纸7 B' ~6 O4 f/ N% g9 p& @* `6 X
  anti-rusting grease 防锈脂
: u3 `3 T6 Y1 p& O  anti-rusting paint 防锈油漆
4 w4 g. N! f7 y7 z# r- |" g$ P  anti-satellite spacecraft 反卫星空间飞行器
- n( E* [0 G. w8 }7 O  anti-seawater low alloy steel 耐海水腐蚀低合金钢
5 [1 b* P6 i3 u. b+ i  anti-ship missile 反舰导弹
1 `1 o2 @% L. ?3 r9 i& j  anti-shock train lamp 防震列车灯  O; {  N! K% n! ]# L* T
  anti-shock trousers 抗休克裤0 d) W) @& u, R& x& h9 ]8 k
  anti-skid chain 防滑链条  M5 S, B2 l" C8 T' |; _
  anti-skid tyre 防滑轮胎8 Q3 ~( M5 @2 J) ^7 Z
  anti-slip chain 防滑链条+ v: G# h* |! o$ ]& v! j

$ G# h5 R8 b# U) r8 x0 ^  anti-slip device 防滑装置
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:28:36 | 显示全部楼层


  anti-splash nozzle 防溅喷嘴</p>  anti-sticking agent 防粘剂
/ E4 h% ~; y0 d+ y7 [! @- C9 }  anti-stone-bumping sealing paint 密封防石击涂料
' f' H. d' _/ B& v* ]* {  anti-submarine rocket 反潜火箭
, v3 l/ Y) _' l2 _$ R  anti-tank missile flight tester 反坦克导弹飞行测试仪
) [& v6 R* M; `. \8 ]  anti-tarnish board 防锈纸板" I; i  z9 l% Z/ Q$ f
  anti-tarnish paper 防锈纸" I# I9 {3 {: U/ |! D7 l0 u
  anti-tarnishing chemical for window 窗户防晦暗化学品0 Z6 H; y5 p" P3 n( i3 ?
  anti-tarnishing preparation for metal 金属防锈制剂% ^0 s. ~/ Y( S7 m6 l
  anti-theft alarm for vehicle 车辆防盗警报器
, i  y/ I* H% i  anti-theft alarm 防盗报警器. G8 l1 }& V3 D& _
  anti-theft device for vehicle 车辆防盗装置& n" Y% y. }& s$ I6 J5 C% }
  anti-tuberculosis 抗痨剂
5 q/ d' R( ~: z- D  anti-ulcer tablet 溃疡散" k3 c. L7 {# P* [9 n
  anti-uric preparation 抗尿制剂
) z. P: J! S/ H" J3 |% \+ @6 H8 g  anti-vignetting filter 防光晕滤色镜
5 q( U, N+ R5 @7 ^  anti-virus product 防病毒产品
0 s* V0 ^% S: R; r* U! R/ `0 V  anti-wear Ni-Fe inlaid ring 耐磨镍铁镶圈
9 B  J1 X) w* e: |4 a6 b  antiageing tablet 抗衰老片9 j0 n0 r. v: m7 U2 j
  antiager 防老剂
0 N$ S  e6 _- x" X5 [: H! s  q  antianemic 补血药
% U9 `4 L" E+ v8 E& a$ e  antiarthritic 治关节药9 b' `) {$ @8 c; F- `7 L, Z* {0 n, f
  antiasthmatic pill of perilla fruit 苏子降气丸
" e. |4 W5 C/ N* `) `% v* Q  antiberiberin 抗脚气剂
3 O. _6 d' M! t  antibiotic 抗菌素
9 N* e8 c9 R# `' ~* H  antiblastic 增殖抑制剂
0 W9 q! s4 Q+ `+ y6 M5 j$ E( _0 I  anticalculus toothpaste 防牙菌斑牙膏! Z/ N/ K* i1 \( @0 Z* H
  anticancer pill 抗癌平
1 l2 i4 T, [, ]: ~* e  anticarburizing paint 防渗碳漆6 F+ t/ d! v7 F
  anticarburizing paste 防渗碳膏
9 j- a5 T( ?  E4 _6 y  anticarcinogen 抗癌药
) x9 T9 f, Y" ]  Anticarie 六氯苯& j) l! z6 e% c5 V$ p; A
  anticathode 对阴极
: d, h! C& k; A4 z; P$ {  anticen capsule 抗栓丸
" g6 d' b! m0 j  antichistosomal 抗血吸虫药4 [; H# b" Y8 u. X- C1 @- Y6 O
  antichlor 除氯剂
. c. D8 |3 D0 e0 A7 K/ Q; k) B  anticipator 预感器) V+ }/ z' [0 K! b/ [$ S& C8 f
  anticold 抗感灵
3 d. _: z% h; Z3 e1 c' H  anticontact cloth gloves 绝缘布手套0 x$ x  s$ L: L" E# l) f4 k8 _
  anticorrosion pump 耐腐蚀泵; l) w+ i1 \$ E
  anticorrosive agent for synthetic fibres 合成纤维防腐剂  I3 O$ q; l. F8 g
  anticorrosive agent 防腐蚀剂- x2 y. F8 L9 U. c" v! l4 L
  anticorrosive aluminium-coated steel wire 防蚀镀铝钢丝; g+ _" }; F, O
  anticrustator 防垢剂
, T* j6 g( y7 L( `  anticryptogamic preparation 抗隐花植物制剂
4 p1 K. r1 t$ s9 F  anticulator 配牙器
- A, A) e6 Z' [3 m) J1 r" R" f: {/ E  antideaf otic pill 耳聋左慈丸3 g/ c/ }: g, |2 R. T
  antidetonation electric control pneumatic switch ball valve 防爆电控气动开关球阀" a3 {; \, T# p" c
  antidiabetic 治糖尿药
0 C1 X6 @" D* l  W2 O/ t: E  antidiarrheal 止泻药
4 }; j0 z. e8 d& c  X  antidimmer 保明剂6 r4 B- |: N+ ~2 n. e2 Z
  antidinic 抗眩晕药
$ T/ J- l( H! @0 m' z  antidipheritic injection 白喉注射剂6 N9 }4 ]" |! |) I: \; w2 B2 v
  antidirection rotator mixer 逆向转子混砂机) }3 {& c; _, r2 \5 s6 r; Y% J; r
  antidote 解毒药
) I5 p3 ?6 A6 F* Z0 o: b/ g, l  antidysmenorrheic 调经药
) n: y) Z: V  P# O* l  antiepilepsirine 抗痫灵
+ O5 ^6 |  h5 b+ N3 w, K3 Q+ u  antiepileptic 镇痫药. k# R5 Y' w7 G+ @" i
  antifan 消炎痛! o. K3 A2 o$ i" P
  antifatique 防疲劳剂$ ^% v: N9 P; A. B0 a, B$ ~6 M* Y
  antifebrile 退热剂  P( `! P) Z/ L
  antifebrine 退热水
2 p7 z+ n/ [& R9 k% p  }5 ?  antiflamison 抗炎松
+ d, S. P3 }. ]  antifoam 消泡剂
6 D% X  _# ~4 r" `$ X  antifoggant 防雾剂! e# Y$ x; v& l, k
  antifreeze substance 防冻剂  v: h+ f0 B$ }3 ?
  antifreezer 防冻剂% H6 a/ g7 E4 l
  antifreezing mixture 防冻混合剂; s0 Q2 J) ~$ x% K
  antifrother 消泡剂
9 e2 x' y- v$ i8 D2 G  antifungal fibre 抗菌纤维
) s9 A9 d: I# R4 T$ g! L  antifungal 抗真菌剂
/ u; c: t& ]  F0 q  antigalactic 抗泌乳药
) u' o8 P( ?0 r& v; X* _  antigas clothes 防毒气衣
" V+ L! m& W+ b' Z1 K  antigastropathy tablet 胃愈片) r+ B1 E% U4 u: B& E) g/ l
  antiglossing pigment 消光涂料
* [  Q0 I3 z- M; R  antigonococcique vaccine 抗淋病疫苗! v4 Y9 x# I' z
  antigonorrheic 治淋药
* k  l% |$ O2 d$ I% e+ p' A  antigravity screen 反重力式筛分机
$ `# T, m! ]8 {5 G3 Q  antihalation backing film 防光晕背层胶片& r/ Z" C6 E; i! s
  antihidrotic 止汗药
* |+ g3 F" H2 ?/ Y  antihum device 抗哼装置
) s# a. r0 v, i2 C  antihum 哼声消除器# a; G& @8 v2 B' r0 Y& S
  antihunt device 防振器件
: a; `9 u2 \0 {5 L7 `  antihypertension tablet 降压片
* |7 A9 o' ]3 y& j  antihypertensive tablet 降压平片7 S$ F5 }4 M+ J$ j) Y8 e# C
  antihypertensive 治高血压药5 S- E2 e1 |! U4 u5 j
  antihypo 高碳酸钾
2 @8 S- R; w- l' b- g% Y  antihypothermia bag 抗低温袋
$ N6 W0 f4 I/ y/ y! |6 h  antiknock additive 抗爆添加剂
3 e6 G( S5 x. p$ G$ G8 Z4 k  antiknock fluid 抗爆液
: C/ I* u' Y0 I0 l8 ^) M  antiknock fuel 抗爆燃料8 G& N4 t+ L+ u) i3 d
  antiknock gasoline 抗爆汽油# r0 {1 u& @+ ]' M3 F/ G
  antiknock substance for internal combustion engine 内燃机防爆剂: O3 ~" h/ K$ }) \( E* y+ H
  antiknock substance 防爆剂/ v( n! Y; \) @% `1 H3 X7 e
  antilithic 治结石药
6 n6 L! j" f- t6 n7 y0 c  antilog amplifier 反对数放大器  E5 p* T$ Y. f! x
  antilubricant 防滑剂  D7 j* e, m' N# v0 ~& m
  antilymphocyte globulin 抗淋巴细胞球蛋白
' d- N" K/ `6 O6 J+ P  antilysin 抗溶菌素# l" O( d3 k" y2 c1 R
  antimalarial 抗疟药3 t; [8 p9 Y  P9 E2 E; ?" i
  antimicrobial fibre 抗微生物纤维2 p- y9 m8 B* D8 S7 H, g  |1 j2 w# B
  antimicrobial finishing agent 抗微生物整理剂, R; A: m) h. V% v4 R  f1 Q
  antimicrobic 抗微生物剂; F1 ^( F1 _# I0 D) v2 V
  antimigrant superclear 防泳移剂1 I* m, t9 U2 p1 x# v$ |
  Antimilace 蜗牛敌
) r- i, ]4 p# S0 t5 x3 Y! {- G  antimine shoes 防雷鞋
; q$ R2 U  ^3 _+ a+ H: K  antimon cesium 锑铯合金
. D7 Q3 c$ b% ^; J  antimonial alloy 锑合金- J+ a! ?. d( T; l1 K
  antimonial lead 含锑铅
4 X" [. n! L# w2 K1 J2 V  antimonial silver 含锑银6 q2 g' J- C; i9 T8 ^5 c* J* C
  antimonic acid 锑酸) }6 P$ W1 l4 M9 q
  antimonic chloride 氯化锑6 `# y- X4 ^* B) e' @" _
  antimonic fluoride 氟化锑: X! A1 o: d  R! O
  antimonic oxide 氧化锑
5 w/ g, f7 a" A0 z" H  antimonous acid anhydride 亚锑酸酐) m, A' N0 o' O( A. B  o
  antimonous acid 亚锑酸0 N: C# Z1 m/ J5 p  e
  antimonous chloride 氯化亚锑
" [2 o( i+ `& n8 q2 D! S  antimonous oxide 氧化亚锑2 t; W* U* B9 c; R( |3 X
  antimony acetate 醋酸锑& u5 c7 r" G7 E+ c' ]: m; M* C
  antimony bronze 锑青铜/ K4 S4 p$ M4 ^% D$ u) f  b! y

5 |3 {, j1 c# \8 D3 A  antimony butter 三氯化锑
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:28:37 | 显示全部楼层


  antimony crude 生锑</p>  antimony detector 锑检波器
* e# `. D2 D! H. v5 n  antimony dithiocarbamate 二硫代氨基甲酸锑' u' k5 H/ N$ s; k' L6 W
  antimony electrode 锑电极, a3 B0 Q; T/ ]7 c
  antimony glass 锑玻璃
; v; A) K3 _$ _. |2 E  antimony ingot 锑锭
* y; M4 n  O0 V  Q( R7 y, v  antimony ore 锑砂" o6 B* U, h# D- m. N0 P
  antimony oxide ore 氧化锑砂& h( A' d9 D& d( h5 b9 q6 U6 V5 b1 P8 P& C
  antimony oxide 氧化锑
" M/ b8 s  u* G/ v: @/ [  antimony oxychloride 氯氧化锑, a- \! ?7 a7 c/ {8 c4 R
  antimony pentachloride 五氯化锑
# E4 @3 X, n$ E- A& m( X  antimony pentoxide 五氧化二锑
7 X+ p, A7 \/ j$ M/ k  antimony peroxide 五氧化二锑
$ W) E4 W1 p0 k1 k  c5 F  antimony potassium tartrate 酒石酸锑钾7 D* X& A* P3 d: U, e. k
  antimony powder 锑粉
% h; M4 l4 I& r4 G9 ]5 G  antimony red 锑红4 ?$ n  `4 U' [0 u! j2 P4 r
  antimony regulus 精炼锑9 ?( A5 p/ |; k: R
  antimony rubber tubing 红橡皮管
9 H, }  z6 G! T) K* g2 M# e: E& o  antimony selenide 硒化锑
0 S' a0 b4 ~" u  antimony slab 锑块
6 b" N- k& Q7 k* K. W/ Q! g  antimony sulphide ore 硫化锑砂
/ r' L% ~$ ~. x6 a3 P  antimony sulphide 硫化锑
8 l/ l# @) Y7 f5 S, B, Z+ M0 \  h  antimony telluride 碲化锑1 u) t  J6 S; W+ E0 x
  antimony tribromide 三溴化锑( D5 b" \* `6 j' p; W
  antimony trifluoride 三氟化锑
5 w+ P7 z. w- w  @% R" J  antimony triiodide 三碘化锑$ I( v$ g3 |$ G$ W
  antimony trioxide 三氧化二锑
1 M: j" n; m6 l+ K* Y( N1 M9 r7 ^6 ]  antimony trisulfide 三硫化二锑
! f. c9 E9 b0 J4 I: M  antimony trisulphide 三硫化二锑- r' y0 I4 l7 j1 q# w
  antimony white 锑白
, x2 h3 {5 E+ I; J. M" s- b1 p  antimony yellow 锑黄  c, d9 g" Z6 M' y4 Z
  antimony 锑
* M# M' Q" ~: L& g; a2 Z! S0 M  antimony-iron alloy 锑铁合金
# E4 Y( a; M1 n6 Y  u  antimony-lead alloy 锑铅合金) N8 H3 N* ]5 _8 {0 R
  antimosquito finishing agent 防蚊整理剂. n/ H3 O0 V- Z5 ?
  Antimycin A 抗霉素甲- c1 q: Q, @# `3 c) ^
  antimycin 抗霉素
  a5 J: i2 K8 g& L- g/ ^! [  antineoplastic medicine 抗肿瘤药
7 U/ o9 n/ j% m6 j1 K7 K  Antinonnin 二硝甲酚4 k4 _( x8 {6 V
  antioxidant 抗氧剂. a# n7 D" d& v. }
  antioxidized solder 抗氧化焊料
2 p: H/ ~" {" G# D$ J9 Z* b' I  antiparasitic preparation 除寄生虫制剂- A. e+ c4 _' c' m. y
  antiparasitic 抗寄生物药剂
$ \. ~! M8 [5 \  antipasmodic 解痉药
% I( i( Q9 @7 `! W! B  antipertusis vaccine 抗百日咳疫苗
1 u# g: k) S/ g2 d$ Z0 c  antiphase relay 反相继电器7 i' e4 P1 y; S0 }6 M2 u
  antiphlogistic stanching net 消炎性止血网5 j8 I2 k/ T' _1 s+ }. s
  antiphlogistic tablet 小金丹
3 q6 y; n/ q( _5 @  antiphlogistic 消炎药) l! v. H- o. `0 e- _# ]
  antiphlogistine 消炎膏4 \. J# a' i8 S% Q: A$ `8 b0 E$ h! F
  antiphone 防音器
" [( ?0 D9 f" m) }4 ~6 [  antipinking fuel 抗爆燃料
6 g! }/ B1 i3 u  u2 N% d* F  antiplague toothpaste 防牙结石牙膏, \3 _; ^. X1 F* @  D& }- ]5 H
  antiplasticizer 反增塑剂. d* {  y$ d+ m; P7 E# v: m  v
  antipneumocatarrhal vaccine 抗肺炎疫苗
8 Y  _/ u/ n# c+ y7 S. J  antipolarizing winding 反极化绕组( y% H+ D' I9 n! _
  antipolo 菲律宾面包果树皮纤维
, x4 J! A& J! h6 c6 j/ G  antipruritic 止痒药
& s- L* x/ ~% n2 `  antipyogenic vaccine 抗脓疫苗
; F9 D$ k* R: L( L  antipyretic and analgesic 解热镇痛药5 x  g, k' T+ Q! ?" g
  antipyretic and antiseptic pill 清血内消丸
9 B% ?% h" ]5 \3 }& y: ?  antipyretic and antitoxic bolus 清瘟解毒丸
  ~, Z" R( O+ _7 ]7 k  antipyretic dichroa  常山
# ]0 O4 F! H# ]6 p  antipyretic 解热药. n  J& w) l5 T) f3 j( h
  antipyrin 安替比林
2 n; l( Z5 o0 _) l; t8 w" [  antique board 仿古纸板5 n3 X: |. S3 x
  antique book paper 仿古书籍纸
4 e5 F" t; V& X  ^# I" h: H7 W  antique copper and bronze ware 古铜器
! P: @, U* s7 U7 ]3 O8 g* J# G4 `  antique finished carpet 仿古地毯
: m0 i5 o- K' S  Y. N0 d  antique finished ivory carving 仿古牙雕
/ w" P. ~. E  g6 G  antique finished wood carving 仿古木雕
2 y( r3 n2 a$ {7 L5 U1 Y0 K  antique glass 古玻璃" H/ ]( [8 i) m# H3 G8 v: Z! L( V' W
  antique glazed paper 仿古光泽纸! U/ q# u( V2 ~, x
  antique jewellery 古首饰
# Z6 p" Q# ^  N/ u  antique lace 粗线亚麻梭结花边* y8 S$ ?) B. ?6 Y9 W# v
  antique oriental rug 仿古东方地毯
& k0 c* r! _# v: S  [7 C. L, t& @) {  antique paper 仿古纸
$ @, u. k+ k3 V) t& `# Q6 N  antique porcelain  旧瓷器
: z. u3 k# h6 r4 g& F, D( B7 q( A  antique printing paper 仿古印刷纸9 `) Z/ [# \( t, Q# b; A2 B
  antique reproduction 仿古玩6 G' G1 d: @6 z8 z! z1 ~
  antique rug 仿古地毯
" H& o4 l# X4 J! j7 L1 j1 `: C. n  antique satin 疙瘩双面缎' b- ]" e) T6 B; m; ]" g8 A( B, L
  antique taffeta 仿古塔夫绸
- @7 K: ?) n$ W  antique 文物
" o, d. w1 j% L1 H" t  antiquity 文物
5 C' L8 P. `4 v7 l4 @7 y' A& y  antirheumatic 抗风湿药! U5 E, e. D; _0 j
  antirust varnish 防锈漆  D; ?+ b9 o2 R
  antiscorbutic 败血病药
" E: N& c& `. x2 A  antiscuffing paste 抛光膏
# n# P/ }( |3 x/ M: m  antiseize compound 抗扯裂化合物7 x$ K$ s/ p* h$ ]" y) Z5 ^3 P
  antiseptic agent 防腐剂
; J8 N* I  T5 @- T" O  antiseptic cotton 消毒棉
# t7 X, E: C+ R4 |; z+ |. s, [) t  antiseptic dressing 绷带
" u" X1 ^( b  b& s7 ?# y, t! ]% O  antiseptic gauze 消毒纱布- ~$ o% ^( l3 b. U
  antiseptic oil 防腐油
1 A' R) m* A( R- \% q0 {8 H  antiseptic plaster 防腐膏# F! I  P8 q9 ~, Y/ M( B3 A/ J+ m( _  f
  antiseptic 防腐剂
# D$ t5 H+ M. w# ?$ y7 \  antiserum 抗血清* X5 K& q2 C( C+ P0 m
  antispasmodic 治痉挛药" Q1 ~. |3 X) W
  antispotting textile cleaning agent 敌污灵织物清洗剂
6 _5 @1 X$ U4 L  antisqueak 减声器
8 o: a: X# X% n! h6 m, k  antistainagent 防污染剂
" c/ U$ y2 i2 r7 a; }' E  antistatic additive 防静电添加剂" {" v2 G5 N( v/ a7 E
  antistatic agent 抗静电剂
6 r$ n! N. e# P2 I* G1 J4 ^0 ^  antistatic antenna 抗静电干扰天线
0 u) F7 Q9 i4 y- c- H6 b  antistatic chain 抗静电链
+ a% i* A% Y9 A+ s  antistatic emulsifier 抗静电乳化剂
2 G  U; e6 t" m" k' i5 b5 j  antistatic fibre 抗静电纤维
. I9 S  ]5 i. Z; K4 B  antistatic film 抗静电胶片# V$ ]' a: e7 N  V/ R  t
  antistatic finish fabric 防静电整理织物% Q, S  R% j  c
  antistatic modifier 抗静电改性剂" X( ~  S6 l% H: v1 |+ Y
  antistatic plastic cement floor 抗静电塑胶地板
7 B% {. E2 O$ X; y* K  antistatic plastic plate 防静电胶板
) W: ~. r1 V3 k( ]  antistatic preparation for household purpose 家用抗静电制剂- P& {. }9 b. x: d4 x. K6 {6 O
  antistatic raised floor 抗静电活动地板
# B* e4 }" M+ h+ l# d  antistatic rubber 抗静电橡胶3 U" P- a; P: ?; x: q
  antistatic softening agent 抗静电柔软剂
$ S1 u* s: Z' U% x" s! r; S  antistatic tile 抗静电地砖  W1 R! _  g- ]3 X. e
  antisterone 安体舒通/ b: x; D& T7 p. m+ R
  antistin tablet 敌胺片
, l% X7 h, X( ]8 B7 m1 \/ j  antistripping agent 抗剥落剂
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