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[FECT高级考试] 金融英语辅导:英汉对照法医法律术语E

发表于 2012-8-16 08:34:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 E  early postmortem phenomena 早期尸体现象
: h7 V1 U+ z) U% n1 R$ U  ecchymosis 出血斑 ecchymosis 尸斑(人死后在尸体低下部位皮肤因 血液坠积而出现的紫红色斑。) electric mark 电流斑
6 T- e* E, e% O7 @2 Q  electric trauma 电流损伤9 l/ F' M( ]+ F$ D$ |* \0 a
  electrical asphyxia 电流窒息
$ N8 f2 ~; {8 ~+ {" V5 z  electrothanasia 电击死
% t$ k& t- H  d- E! J7 w+ w  embalming 尸体防腐 embolism 栓塞(血液中的异物,如脂肪、空气等,随血液运行被带往他处,阻塞血管腔的过程)
& r* R+ L1 T5 n0 y# n2 Q  emphysema of lungs 肺气肿
# h: G  S  w3 T8 g  entorrhagia 内出血
5 p$ S3 b5 \* g8 s: `% y  entrance of stab wound 刺入口5 O# D7 D( K) }9 i: J, T  a+ s
  entrance wound of bullet 射人口9 s, o+ q8 N% M' G. T
  epidermal desquamation scrape 表皮剥落
9 w1 L1 y% d- m8 ^. K6 P' R+ s  epidermal desquamation self mutilation 自残# ^. Q( D( R% R
  epidermal desquamation 表皮剥落(物体擦过皮肤表面,使皮肤呈点状、条状或片状剥 落,露出下层真皮的损伤。)4 f% {" L4 T) X8 [9 t# w
  epidermal tear 表皮撕裂/ `9 |2 c3 |' \- a, g8 Z2 }/ _- U
  epidural hemorrhage 硬脑膜外出血) I5 s) g. Z. i) v7 _, m5 X% y
  eroticism 性欲倒错( ]/ X3 X" o0 B1 {4 d5 X3 n
  erotism 性欲倒错
* x) F( \) F/ m) e8 X5 }6 x+ k  erythrocyte antigen 红细胞抗原
# `) z1 J/ x4 k% }# U. D6 s  erythrocyte enzyme 红细胞酶  F$ ~$ Y5 B! H$ c4 d4 S& `
  estimation of age 年龄推断% j* H' ^" q2 t4 V6 ~3 t- m
  estimation of postmortem interval 死亡时间推断
$ O: V' D) O$ Q! y7 X9 X  euthanasia 安乐死2 S" Q% Z; f3 p& x/ S* t, J+ W0 \
  evulsion 撕脱
1 I: h9 k& B3 v  u6 W8 u) j  exaggeration 夸大(患者以轻病装作重病,否定医疗效果或病情好转。), P* \/ \7 X9 m! p
  examination 检验 examination of phlegm spot 痰斑检验- S3 X4 L% W. ~
  examination of sperma spot 精液斑检验% s8 m# r9 n6 x  L! _, v- u
  examination of egesta 排泄物检验
5 p' K" m+ s; U" W$ @  examination of excreta spot 痰斑检验  t$ w; l  _: t( H2 }/ `
  examination of age of blood stain 血痕陈旧度检验$ Z% i& o* F6 F6 L
  examination aqua amnii spot 羊水斑检验# c1 y+ A8 @9 |  w+ T$ U1 T  D
  examination of blood stain 血痕检验
% b, P+ R! c$ k- _2 y  ~  examination of colostrum stain 初乳斑检验 examination of dejecta 排泄物检验( d6 D7 I" M% |6 f8 w
  examination of diatom 硅藻检验! [8 O. s" P, s, k) z3 g  |
  examination of feces stain 粪便斑检验
, I: ]/ Z; I  \+ }) W  examination of finger nail 指甲检验
& ^8 r6 o! e" z( r- W( ]  examination of hair 毛发检验
+ b& A% ?8 ?: v$ z3 \- [7 k3 I0 r( [& j/ C7 C
  examination of liquor amnii spot 羊水斑检验

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:34:13 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  examination of lochial stain 恶露斑检验; h; C& f% E. Q/ i% J* P) H
  examination of milk spot 乳汁斑检验
1 b  n$ }0 u" ]% m( N6 O  examination of mixed stain 混合斑检验4 v5 R- y) _2 {7 O, L9 V5 N
  examination of pus spot 浓汁斑检验+ Y3 U4 `# B& [# K) {0 X
  examination of saliva stain 唾液斑检验! L4 X5 g0 X5 f9 N, T
  examination of secrete juice spot 分泌液斑检验
& H% E' e7 r" m7 M9 j' n3 Z# }8 \  examination of seminal stain 精斑检验" Q, l; i3 B) y6 S( r8 o% Y
  examination of snivel spot 鼻涕斑检验
8 \4 I! e( A+ X0 e, P. w+ m1 h  examination of
9 ?9 B2 t: f  f) H
5 Y  l% r7 }; K2 Zsudor spot 汗液斑检验 4 P' {! X8 r+ X( @! f3 r1 s6 l6 H
  examination of sweat spot 汗液斑检验
- g9 P" W& v$ E9 X' X2 J  examination of taches laiteuses 乳汁斑检验
# L  a; w/ v: A, L2 _  examination of urine/urinary stain 尿液斑检验
9 \& \7 E& Q9 A  examination of vaginal fluid stain 阴道液斑检验  X# Y% h3 U( {' p0 s
  examination of vernix caseosa stain 胎脂斑检验7 L" i7 r: [% O: t
  examination of vernix meconium 胎便斑检验  X' F) }- C  a% \
  excoriation of scalp 头皮撕脱
: c0 F/ @; K' F  exfdiation 表皮剥脱. n! t7 `, }1 a0 O
  epidermal desquamation. eixt of stab wound 刺出口  G0 E3 }6 V4 O! v; Y1 J' c
  exit wound of bullet 射出口
, \0 n0 B, t7 T  _/ w  exocuticle 外小皮
) ^7 ]9 a" g/ [' Z4 c1 @! I. p  expert witness 鉴定人,专家证人
- l8 N5 x5 _3 N" c0 a& A- s0 ]8 r3 T( M  expert testimony 专家作证. s7 }7 P: a) [" u) g
  experimental 实验的
+ }) ^% }8 ?" t# `' i  expert conclusion 专家结论3 Z8 F6 O3 |. U2 m  x- w: @  R. e( r. b
  expertise 专门技能,鉴定,专门知识
3 t& ?  X0 G. N! K3 i  expertise report 鉴定书
+ x. j8 x, f! u3 y' j3 T4 _  explosion injury 爆炸伤" p9 s+ @& v  F
  extradural hemorrhage 硬脑膜外血肿
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