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[FECT高级考试] 金融英语辅导:工厂建造合同PlantConstructionContract(3)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:34:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1. 在工厂被最终验收之前,承包商应对工厂的任何损失或损坏负责,并自费将其修复,直至业主满意。然而,如果根据本合同,这类损坏的责任不在承包商,而业主要求予以修复,承包商应按业主指示办理,但费用由业主负担。
& q3 y- N; O# @0 ^9 r3 A/ H: g  2. 在最后验收合格证书签发之前,凡因承包商或其分包商的疏忽,或设计、材料或工艺上的缺陷而产生的任何财产损失或人身伤害,承包商应向业主赔偿,并保护业主免受由此而产生的各种诉讼、索赔、要求或费用支出。
' c0 s5 R" X7 r% L0 F$ ~$ P  3. 如果业主因某种原因遭受索赔或诉讼,而按本条款规定承包商应该或可能对该事由承担法律责任,则业主应立即书面通知承包商。承包商应以业主名义接手并通过谈判处理解决或能由此而产生的诉讼,并承担一切费用。如承包商要求,业主应向承包商提供承包商为处理此类索赔或诉讼所需要的所有资料和帮助。
) }8 q# p( ]# [- l6 h  Article 9-Inspection) f7 E. L) u' O) o& q3 `4 i
  1. The Contractor shall be responsible for all losses of or damage to the Plant before final acceptance, and shall make good al such loss or damage at the cost of the Contractor and to the reasonable satisfaction of the Owner provided, however, in the case of loss or damage to the Plant arising from or occasioned by causes for which the Contractor is mot responsible under the Contract, the same shall be made good by the Contractor but at the cost of the Owner, if the Owner so directs.# O# b) O1 E0 E/ l
  2. The Contractor shall indemnify the Owner in respect of all damage and injury occurring before the issue of the final acceptance certificate to any property and person and against all actions, suits, claims, demands, charges and expenses arising in connection therewith which shall be occasioned by the negligence of the Contractor or any of his sub-contractors or by defective design, materials or workmanship but not otherwise.
5 Q. G( l: \% h, F; C  H  3. In the event of any claim being made or actions brought against the Owner arising out of any matter in respect of which the Contractor is or may be liable under this Article, the Owner shall promptly notify the Contractor in writing thereof and the Contractor shall at his own expense take over and conduct in the name of the Owner all negotiations for the settlement of the same and any litigation that may arise therefrom. The Owner shall at the request of the Contractor afford all such information and assistance as the Contractor may reasonably require for the purpose of dealing with any such claim or action.# ]5 L) N4 |5 N9 a2 F, V; f& o
  第十条 保险, C- M7 V0 ]- }1 `/ f5 K
  1. 在不限制承包商责任的情况下,承包商将自费投保下列险:
+ m  m0 I' a8 L% |  Z  G- m  a. 机器设备从工厂交货到目的地的运输险。. u- `& p8 w% H1 t0 u& A
  b. 为承包商和分包商的所的雇员投保雇员赔偿险,或者根据适用的法律和法规投保类似的法定社会保险。
  n. [! I# Y+ d4 n  c. 防备财产损坏或人身伤害的产品责任险,期限到维修期结束,每次事件的金额不少于××美元。
' y, _& T, S* ^( @  d. 对承包商或其分包商在执行本合同中使用的所有车辆投保综合汽车责任险。
5 M1 F8 p: o+ Y7 v( h6 N2 N  2. 上述保险单应以承包商及其分包商、业主、及其工程师、顾问、雇员、代理人为联合投保人。保险单应包含保险人放弃对业主及其工程师、顾问、雇员及代理人的代位权之条款。
# w/ e, q8 |4 @- K  3. 承包商应保持上述保单的完全有效性,直到本合同对其规定的义务解除为止。业主有权随时索取保单、背书、续保和保险费收据的复印件。如果承包商未能全面投保,业主应有权代表承包商办理上述保险,支付所有相关保费,并从支付给承包商的款项中扣除有关费用。/ Z% ?3 [% D0 o# U7 ]2 Z: A
  Article 10-Inspection
. r, w6 A. S: {0 x3 e$ q8 \  1. Without limiting the Contractor's liabilities the Contractor will at his own expense take out the following insurance:  I0 B/ S( {, K9 B
  a. Transportation insurance on the machine and equipment from its delivery ex works to arrival at the Site.( G+ x  P7 v2 t& x' Q0 }& S9 Z
  b. Workers compensation insurance for all Contractor's and subcontractor's employees engaged or similar statutory social insurance in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations.! R7 N$ p- B* c* {  t  ?, D  L* D
  c. Product liability insurance against damage to property or injury to persons until the end of the maintenance period in the sum not less that (amount) US dollars per occurrence.
1 H5 o" f0 s. G4 p" y6 F( r  d. Comprehensive automobile liability insurance in respect of all vehicles used by the Contractor or his sub-contractor in connection with his Contract." u$ [; H3 O; R1 t& F% ?
  2. The aforesaid policies of insurance will be taken out in the names of the Contractor and its sub-contractors, the Owner, their engineer, consultant and employees and agents as the joint insured and the policies shall contain a waiver of insurer's rights of subrogation against the Owner, its engineer, consultant and employees and agents.
- @$ Q0 G% s) `$ r  3. The Contractor shall maintain the aforesaid policies in full force and effect until the discharge of his obligations under this Contract, and the Owner shall have the right to demand from time to time copies of the policies, endorsements and renewals and receipts for payment of insurance premiums. If the Contractor fails to maintain any of these policies in full force and effect, the Owner shall have the right to rake out such policies and pay all relative premiums on behalf of the contractor and to deduct the relevant costs from and sums owing to the Contractor.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:34:13 | 显示全部楼层


  第十一条 完工
3 K6 i1 l) N( P  k* g5 E! t  1. 一俟工厂的全部建设和安装工程完工,承包商应通知业主,并根据附录×的规定进行机械安装完成测试工作,直至业主满意。1 v) E- g0 e" i: _# R0 \
  2. 测试圆满结束后,业主应签发一份完工证明书。在完工证明书签发之前,不得给工厂进料。, c* a# b7 e4 m( `2 C$ m
  3. 如果在建造和安装中出现不影响完成安装的小缺陷,或者在测试中测出不影响工厂开工的缺陷,业主应签发完工证明书,而承包商则有义务尽快修复这些不足之处。: n. J( F* ~4 h# F* v9 ?9 k
  Article 11-Inspection( K8 U  b# ~+ I/ z
  1. On completion of all construction and erection work of the Plant, the Contractor shall inform the Owner and shall carry out mechanical erection completion tests specified in Appendix (…) to the satisfaction of the Owner.
) o/ f% l" ]) @% y  2. On satisfactory completion of such tests the Owner will issue a certificate of completion of erection of the Plant. No feedstock shall be fed into the Plant until a certificate of completion of erection has been issued.
! W  {  G6 K$ a- V# S4 ~! Y  3. In the event of minor deficiencies in the construction and erection work which do not prevent erection completion and/or in the event of defects revealed by the tests which do not prevent the start-up of the Plant, the Owner shall issue a certificate of completion of erection and the Contractor shall be obliged to rectify the deficiencies as quickly as possible thereafter.
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