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[FECT高级考试] 金融英语辅导:工厂建造合同PlantConstructionContract(5)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:34:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  第十七条 合同终止
5 ~, J: S- y+ H: S' e! O  1. 按照第×第规定,如果暂停时间持续超过×天,任何一方都有权通知另一方立即终止本合同。
4 F! L6 T- p% a* r. r0 n. S  2. 业主可以随时书面命令承包商停工,承包商在收到终止命令后应停止工地上所有的工作,但工程师出于保护、安全目的,或整理已建的或正在安装的工程,这类工作仍可继续。承包商在收到终止命令后,也应立即停止所有正在工地外进行的履行合同的工作。5 _) T5 `2 ]/ v" _/ G: \4 t
  3. 根据本条款和第×条规定,合同终止后,承包商有权收取下列费用:. E; ?* N* L& O6 J9 k
  a. 与所完成的工程和劳务相应的那部分合同价格;) V) u& B, R! U0 \  r# S! e! \7 v
  b. 与已完成但未移交的工厂相应的那部分合同价格。) L6 c& m: z3 k; E! H
  Article 17-Termination
0 H4 W( A4 M4 h% y; l  1. In the event of suspension in accordance with Article (…) lasting for a period of more than (…) days either party shall have the right to give notice to the other party of the immediate termination of this Contract.4 M$ A) K% H/ @/ v
  2. The Owner may at any time by written order to the Contractor order the Contractor to cease further execution of the Works, and the Contractor shall upon receipt of a termination order, cease all further work on the Site other than such work thereon as the Engineer may instruct for the purpose of protecting, making safe or tidying up such parts of the works as may already have been executed or be in course of erection. The Contractor shall, as soon as practicable after receipt of the termination order, also cease all such further work as is being done off the Site in the performance of this Contract.
. W8 p; i+ l1 w  3. Upon termination of this Contract under this Article and under Article (…), the Contractor shall be entitled to be paid:- t+ k0 J4 G% I8 l: R
  a. that part of the Contract price which is proportionate to engineering and services carried out, and
4 u5 `! l1 E' T2 t  b. that part of the contract price which is proportionate to the Plant completed but not delivered.5 ^7 O8 \& T& ^7 `; k% p
  第十八条 不可抗力
. F& W0 K* Y0 v1 S+ J1 i% o  1. 如果任何一方因不可抗力而款能履行或推迟履行其义务,则不对另一方负责,也不应视作违反合同。
7 c- X/ @! z$ N- l  p0 {  2. “不可抗力”指业主或承包商无法控制的情况,使当事人未能按本合同履行其义务,或者不得不延迟履行其义务。下列情况均被视作“不可抗力”:5 J8 p3 a3 l  a  d
  a. 战争、敌对事件、外敌行动、入侵、类似战争的军事行动(不管是事宣战)、内战;$ [, @. w" k% R; k. s+ Z
  b. 士兵哗变、民众暴乱、军事叛乱、起义、造反、革命、篡权、或者任何个人代表某个组织或与某个组织有联系、旨在以暴力推翻合法或现存政府、或以恐怖主义或暴力对政府施加影响的行为;
/ S/ u: T7 Q/ n, S  c. 地震、洪水、火灾或其他自然灾害;
$ }9 I2 O1 H' _" K4 o  d. 所有港口、机场、船运或其他公共交通工具的使用均遭拒绝;& K( q- Z9 _! g  ?* P
  e. 工人罢工、工厂停工、或其他的劳工联合行动,影响了承包商和分包商履行其义务;
, p1 h8 b  n/ M; ~7 l* M  f. 当事人无法控制、从而使其不能履行义务的其他任何意外情况。
5 n' x2 z: x8 X/ T, q' w  3. 如果本合同任何一方因不可抗力不能或延迟履行本合同规定的任何义务,他可将不可抗力和由此造成的延迟或妨碍情况通知另一方。发出通知的一方允许根据具体情况及妨碍或延迟持续的时间免于履行或推迟履行合同。
! a& g4 d  @- W" T0 w  4. 根据本第款第3分条规定,如果任何一方免于履行或推迟履行其义务的时间持续了×个月,那么任何一方都可随时向另一方发出书面通知,终止本合同。
, e4 j, A: t9 U; p+ w  Article 18-Force Majeure! i+ f1 S  W5 N% l5 S, [/ B
  1. No party to this Contract shall be liable to the other party for any failure of or delay in performance of its obligations hereof nor be deemed to be in breach of this Contract, if such failure or delay has arisen from "force majeure."  K/ e0 n- r, Z7 D8 k; s: l+ m, _! D
  2. "Force Majeure" means circumstances and conditions beyond the control of either parties, that would render it impossible for either the Owner or the Contractor to fulfill their obligations under this Contract, or delay such fulfillment. Any of the following matters are considered "force majeure."# N1 A: a5 S- R0 _; ]* w. n% X; w& y/ b0 R
  a. war, hostilities, act of foreign enemy, invasion, warlike opera-tions (whether war to be declared or not) or civil war;) w+ K4 _$ {& }
  b. mutiny, civil commotion assuming the proportions of or amounting to a popular rising, military rising, insurrection, rebellion, revolution, military or usurped power, or any act of any person acting on behalf of or in connection with any organization with activities directed towards the overthrow by force of the Government de jure or de facto, or to the influencing of it by terrorism or violence;  c0 u" I0 I7 e7 \- K
  c. earthquake, flood, fire or other natural physical disaster;+ k8 @& _  y" [2 G
  d. denial of the use of all ports, airports, shipping services or other means of public transport;0 H) a1 U) Y* J6 K
  e. strike or lock out or other industrial concerted action by workers, affecting the fulfillment of Contractor's and subcontractors' obligations;
+ I, u+ e  \( z4 n2 a  f. and other unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of the parties so affected rendering the fulfillment of their obligations impossible.4 T4 G& b: T& T5 p
  3. If either party to this Contract is prevented or delayed from or in performing any of his obligations under this Contract by force majeure, then he may notify the other party of the circumstances constituting the force majeure and of the obligation performance of which is thereby delayed or prevented and the party giving the notice shall thereupon be excused from the performance or punctual performance, as the case may be, of such obligation for so long as the circumstances of prevention or delay may continue.& {' o' B. Z) P7 L8 z
  4. If by virtue of the preceding sub-clause dither party shall be excused from the performance or punctual performance of any obligation for a continuous period of (…) months, then either party may at any time thereafter terminate this Contract by giving a written notice to the other party.7 E' _' j  k! j
  第十九条 转让及分包) L: o% q2 |" Z3 P; M
  1. 承包商有权按其惯例分包本合同或本合同的任何部分,而不解除承包商履行本合同的任何义务。
8 N5 U7 g' [0 }# h  2. 事先未经另一方书面同意,任何一方都不得将本合同或其中的权利、义务,或合同的任何部分转让或让与第三方,除非公司合并或改组。如出现此种情况,任何一方都不应毫无理由地予以拒绝。9 T& |7 ?5 M$ W
  Article 19-Assignment and Sub-contractors% T9 Z4 P3 o% b; p
  1. The Contractor shall have the right to sub-contract this Contract or any part thereof in accordance with his usual practice without relieving the Contractor of the obligations of performing this Contract./ u0 S5 i; R" r- F& t$ i/ n6 p% l
  2. Neither party shall without the previous consent in writing of the other party assign or any part thereof to any third party, except in the case of a company amalgamation or reconstruction, provided that such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.
5 A) P4 v; y8 c* U) X  第二十条 宣传
$ _# L/ Y5 M! P( Y* ]3 E  承包商在作与本合同相关的宣传材料的散发或公开宣布前,应征得业主的同意。6 A  r% E$ ^2 R6 ^
  Article 20-Publicity
$ k, J( ?( E- E" A, f& o5 a  The Contractor shall obtain the Owner's approval prior to making any publicity releases or public announcements relating to this Contract.( X* q- `( u9 K
  第二十一条 合同生效日1. 本合同生效日为双方签字后,业主获得当事人双方各自有关当局的所有必要批文之日。
& @' t( B# ~7 I6 ^  2. 如果本合同自签字之日起×天内仍不能生效,合同即被视作无效,除非双方另有商定。9 c$ }. W8 c6 X# y& e
  Article 21-Effective Date of the Contract+ b* H) Z) m+ |! E' E
  1. The effective date of this Contract shall be the date after its execution when all the necessary approvals of the respective authorities have been obtained by the Owner.
. V! l( I: C6 b5 [  2. If the Contract does not become effective within(…) days from the date of execution, it will be deemed void unless otherwise agreed between the parties.
7 V8 b" z7 W9 X  第二十二条 法律和规定1. 承包商应在与履行本合同有关的所有事务中遵守中央或地方政府所有适用的法律、法规和命令。
" t3 x/ P4 f7 T* _# `9 B  2. 本合同的解释、效力和履行,应完全以×国的法律为准。2 s5 m2 d- I4 |' \
  Article 22-Law and Regulations2 F  ^+ U% k% X- w" ~6 I+ R& ^
  1. The Contractor shall in all matters relating to the performance of this Contract conform with all applicable laws, regulations and orders of central or local authorities.& k) h  G5 {( k5 v" w
  2. The construction, validity and performance of this Contract shall be governed in all respects in accordance with the laws of …

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