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发表于 2012-8-16 08:34:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  第九条 放弃代位权。# G1 T( W# [% Y+ a3 t: T4 t
7 L/ e7 C2 o) f8 L  As a condition to payment or performance by Guarantor under this Guaranty, Buyer2 P2 W9 J' w/ S* j9 N: o
  shall not be required to, and Guarantor hereby waives any and all rights to require1 U8 d. S8 h" Q
  Buyer to prosecute or seek to enforce any remedies against Seller or any other party
; |" l# V4 {' E0 `9 Z+ l6 Q  liable to Buyer on account of the Obligations or to require Buyer to seek to enforce or resort to any remedies with respect to any security interests, liens or encumbrances2 W( e( @' W% r0 [. S
  granted to Buyer by Seller or any other party on account of the Obligations.
* `, i3 x, k! C& e" H3 H( |% p( _  作为在本担保书项下担保人付款或作出履行的条件,不应要求买方,担保人也据此放弃要求买方,起诉卖方或就针对卖方或任何因债务对买方负有义务的他方采取的任何救济措施寻求强制执行,或就卖方或他方基于债务提供给买方的任何担保利益、留置物、抵押物寻求强制执行或任何救济措施。, v5 I7 {+ N# P/ M/ C  d+ a$ W: r
  Any and all present and future debts and obligations of Seller to Guarantor are hereby postponed in favor of and subordinated to the full payment and performance of all present and future debts and obligations of Seller to Buyer.( k' k6 o9 K; L. `$ l
: _, X+ Q5 s+ Y6 h5 R- K  h, }  All monies or other property of Guarantor at any time in Buyers possession may be. {5 p7 R  q" |; F# j
  held by Buyer as security for any and all obligations of Guarantor to Buyer no matter now existing or hereafter arising, whether absolute or contingent, whether due or to become due, and whether under this Guaranty or otherwise.! Z4 K1 w: q" Q# o
  买方在任何时候占有的担保人的全部财物均可作为担保人对买方所负全部义务的担保,不论这些义务是现有的还是今后将产生的,是必然发生的还是非必然发生的,是已到期的还是将到期的,也不论这些义务是否出自本担保书项下。6 _" @: I, V% C6 n
  Guarantor also agrees that Buyers books and records showing the account between
( m$ i6 i2 |& F: d3 ~  Buyer and Seller shall be admissible in any action or proceeding and shall be binding upon Guarantor for the purpose of establishing the terms set forth therein and shall
$ [3 ]* v2 g/ @+ D) x  constitute prima facie proof thereof.* N* A- H0 ]9 Y/ D2 ~: m
  担保人也同意,表明买卖双方之间帐目的买方帐簿和记录应当可以在任何诉讼或程序中使用,为了明确其中列明的条款对担保人也应当具有约束力,并应当构成确定条款的初步证据。* r% S$ u7 {: o% U, V, S: M* R
  10. Financial Condition of Seller. Guarantor is presently informed of the financial
3 e% t* g" Q- j7 E8 v  condition of the Seller and of all other circumstances which a diligent inquiry would2 r6 O' V  |+ Q& T8 n( q
  reveal and which bear upon the risk of nonpayment of the Obligations. Guarantor
: z6 o! j* n: x7 s  hereby covenants that it will continue to keep itself informed of Sellers financial
1 S) a; I; @6 t  j7 i5 z  condition and of all other circumstances, which bear upon the risk of nonpayment.5 f. x5 h/ ~: z3 q& c9 I7 W
  Absent a written request for such information by the Guarantor to Buyer, Guarantor2 U+ r7 A4 Z' Z0 k; [, o
  hereby waives its right, if any, to require, and Buyer is relieved of any obligation or
+ V. u! Z' O* w2 Q* L1 L  o, d, e' k  duty to disclose to Guarantor any information which Buyer may now or hereafter$ x0 {5 q! f" G7 Y! _9 L
  acquire concerning such condition or circumstances.1 _( P( y( X. ?
  第十条 卖方的财务状况。( D9 \( |9 `! F& N. Z
  担保人现已知晓卖方的财务状况以及通过谨慎的质询即可获悉的并关乎债务履行风险的所有其他情形。担保人据此保证,它将继续使自己知晓关乎债务履行风险的卖方财务状况及所有其他情形。如担保人未向买方发出了解上述信息的书面要求,担保人即因此放弃了要求买方披露的权利(如要求披露的权利存在),买方就其现在已知的或今后可知的任何有关上述状况或情形的信息对担保人予以披露的义务也因此得以免除。3 G+ w  d% ~; T7 k0 U
, W- O% x% v% {4 u/ M0 y/ i1 M
  11. Termination. The Guarantors obligation under this Guaranty shall continue in full force and effect until Sellers Obligations are fully paid, performed and discharged and Buyer gives the Guarantor written notice of that fact. Sellers Obligations shall not be considered fully paid, performed and discharged unless and until all payments by Seller to Buyer are no longer subject to any right on the part of any person whomsoever;

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:34:13 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  including but not limited to Seller, Seller as a debtor-in-possession, or any trustee or
; r  P! j, X$ X& Y3 \9 U9 e  receiver in bankruptcy, to set aside such payments or seek to recoup the amount of
: y, v) c% W+ X) U% L9 }  such payments, or any part thereof. The foregoing shall include, by way of example and not by way of limitation, all rights to recover preferences voidable under Title 11 of the United States Code. In the event that any such payments by Seller to Buyer are set aside after the making thereof, in whole or in part, or settled without litigation, to: O. z* `+ k+ m
  the extent of such settlement, all of which is within Buyers discretion, Guarantor shall be liable for the full amount Buyer is required to repay plus costs, interest, attorneys1 {( g  J# l: Q; \
  fees and any and all expenses which Buyer paid or incurred in connection therewith.1 H) T7 l4 |9 i0 F" b  G
  第十一条 担保终止。
! G: n9 }9 V1 B" T9 f( W  本担保书项下的担保人义务应当持续保持完整的效力,直至卖方的债务已被充分支付、履行和完成,并且买方已就这一事实向担保人发出了书面通知。卖方的债务不应被认为已得到充分的支付、履行和完成,除非并直至卖方对买方的全部付款义务不再受制于任何人(包括但不限于卖方、作为占有债务人的卖方、任何破产受托人和破产接管人)搁置、寻求补偿付款的任何权利。这些权利中应包括,(仅为举例并非为限制权利的范围),恢复根据合众国法典第11条为可撤销的选择权的所有权利。本担保书签订后,如买方决定全部或部分免除卖方对买方的付款义务,或者在诉讼外达成幅度由买方自由决定的和解,则担保人应负责支付买方必须偿付的全部金额及各种费用、利息、律师费,以及买方已支付的或已发生的一切相关开支。
/ A9 ^) R0 d; I. Q# H3 l  No termination of this Guaranty shall be effective except by notice sent to Buyer by! ~. i$ r3 F% M! ^5 t. w. t) f
  certified mail, return receipt requested (which shall be evidenced by a properly
/ g. |6 V) u, C7 K2 ~  validated return receipt), naming a termination date effective not less than ninety (90) days after the receipt of such notice by Buyer. Such a termination shall not be4 {8 h' t1 O  b" E3 V" I0 d. D
  effective as to any Guarantor who has not given such notice and shall not affect the
4 \& z. G6 y9 x% B9 G9 j  application of this Guaranty to any transaction or indebtedness effected prior to the5 v: _  C1 O4 p! W  a
  effective date of termination.
/ \6 |" N4 D" ?6 V# Q" D4 v$ |0 J  任何对本担保书作出的终止均无效,除非担保人已用挂号信的方式向买方发出通知,并须有买方的回执(一份恰当有效的回执即可作为证明),通知中载明的有效的终止期间不得少于买方收到该通知后的九十(90)天。担保人未作如上通知的,担保的终止对该担保人不产生效力,担保的终止不应影响到本担保书适用于终止有效期前发生的任何交易或负债。
5 B5 r. j2 c# |1 c4 q* t- k5 U. l9 U& B  12. Successors and Assigns. This Guaranty shall be binding upon the successors and) ?( y1 ]* z6 a3 ?% t, J
  assigns of the Guarantor and shall inure to the benefit of Buyers successors and6 y2 {- U4 {! z  E9 k1 m
  assigns. The death of Guarantor shall not terminate this Guaranty.
8 r" _6 I* B6 E1 I. p( P  第十二条 接任者与受让者。. L$ G! D3 {& E$ J8 @9 A
  本担保书对担保人的接任者与受让者均应具有约束力,并应符合买方接任者与受让者的利益。担保人的死亡不应使本担保书终止。5 a3 N" w; G5 d: W2 n0 L: k
  13. Modifications. This Guaranty cannot be modified orally. No modification of this Guaranty shall be effective for any purpose unless it is in writing and executed by an officer of Buyer authorized to do so. All prior agreements, understandings, representations and negotiations; if any, are merged into this Guaranty.
8 \1 V! o1 V  `8 X( A/ q! b  第十三条 变更。
, Q3 }+ w' C# T0 C8 h% O% [9 T1 X* s  本担保书不得作口头变更。非经书面并由一名经授权的买方工作人员执行,为任何目的对本担保书所作的变更均无效。如本担保书签订前已有其他协议、谅解、陈述或磋商存在,均应并入本担保书中。
+ w& w1 f* k4 p3 y6 j; Y  14. Attorneys Fees. Guarantor agrees to pay all attorneys fees and all other costs and out-of-pocket expenses which may be incurred by Buyer in the enforcement of this Guaranty or in any way arising out of, following or consequential to the enforcement of Sellers Obligations, whether under this Guaranty, the Agreements, or otherwise.
2 \2 c6 f4 r& P1 q% T9 g+ W  第十四条 律师费。) o, T3 P8 {7 q: f. P0 P2 C2 `
7 c' @1 g+ p: ^$ V  15. Joint and Several. In all cases where the word Guarantor is used in this Guaranty,
3 }8 \# q- T( s. ^9 W6 z
7 \+ g! D4 x4 z4 V& G  it shall mean and apply equally to each and all of the individuals and/or entities, which have executed this Guaranty. All of the obligations of the Guarantor hereunder shall be joint and several.
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</p>  第十五条 连带义务。" [9 d) B2 _& Y' q- W
! _  }9 U! {  y2 F* z5 R( W. A  16. Governing Law. All acts and transactions hereunder and the rights and obligations of the parties hereto shall be governed, construed and interpreted in accordance with
; k6 N, N2 d! |. O; y& Y) o  the laws of the State of __________ (Your State)。+ J% b0 {" \! |
  第十六条 适用法律。
. R) P2 ?" U9 a: B' H  本担保书项下的全部行为和交易,以及各方由此产生的权利义务均应适用 州( 州)法律并据以作出理解和解释。
* Z. e! j( U& ^$ u8 F$ L  17. Additional Waivers. Guarantor waives all rights and defenses arising out of an
: d7 W4 G( _) K# R4 O& H' A  election of remedies by the Buyer, even though that election of remedies, such as a
! Q/ ~0 Y2 m6 P: q$ u& E  non judicial foreclosure with respect to security for a guaranteed obligation, had
6 H/ A* @& d; m' O  l" Q% v% O  destroyed the Guarantors rights of subrogation and reimbursement against the
3 o  X2 u2 p& B5 i  principal by operation of Section 580d of the Code of Civil Procedure or otherwise.
' O3 @+ b' F5 O2 L# L  第十七条 附加的弃权。
, L  p5 g" p; ^5 c8 B  担保人放弃所有因买方选择的救济措施而产生的权利和抗辩,即使买方选择的救济措施,如对担保债务履行的抵押物不经诉讼程序地丧失回赎权,已经损害到了担保人根据民事诉讼程序法典580d项对被担保人享有的代位权与求偿权。
% X8 X8 w  ~: I  18. Section Numbers and Headings. Section numbers and section titles have been set
* x, l# v/ U7 g( {3 e# L1 h  forth herein for convenience only; they shall not be construed to limit or extend the/ l& c! |' G9 b' }: B
  meaning of any part of this Guaranty.
6 m# `9 S. [, j( ?+ X/ G  第十八条 条款序号和标题。
: `( \" X7 M4 B- `) \! Q' U" b- i  于此列出的条款序号和标题仅为了方便的目的而使用,不得被解释为对本担保书任何部分之含义的限缩或者扩展。
4 u( \# ~' z1 C7 g7 O5 a  The Seller:
- ?( g' ?& M- u/ `* n4 |  卖方:
$ [6 U! }# V" j8 ]' w% Z  ______________________________________
6 C* C' A# N( Q  (Name of Selling Company)
. f# M9 N* ?( V- m  (卖方公司名称). A+ G  j7 u) r( m
  Date of Factoring Agreement between Buyer and Seller:9 ?$ |9 H& f' H
8 J* m, ?* _# K+ R" p  ______________________________________5 L' c- @: O% o
! w( O2 ^2 s5 t% G3 W6 R) L  (日期)* d; @: o( m/ d( a7 c  N- l5 V: K
  Date of this Continuing Guaranty:! N$ W  s4 }- I( X
  本连续担保书签订日期:2 Y* b, R8 E, G$ |% H
, ]4 ~5 H) [) e# B7 d4 M  (Date)+ X  \, t+ m+ ?: V! A, g- P
  (日期)3 k' U0 Y$ K2 X6 C
  Agreed:( i- F% j3 R& P7 \/ c8 E+ {
  经协商同意:+ Z( ]% ~1 i1 Q1 t
  The Guarantor:* O( t- z! t8 q* @# _5 D
$ r8 m; ]! h0 d7 x: u4 u  _______________________________ __________________
& }! f# g& A$ h9 H  (Signature) (Date)7 B1 [; C+ @. j6 b: m, p
  (签名)(日期)) X) @7 K" E; z1 w" _
: S* G1 }1 }7 P! C. b. t' I: g  (Print Name)
# j+ b& c; z2 l* \: ~0 e  (打印的名字)
8 K  s9 m% `6 `1 j! a  _______________________________
8 G+ J0 P, q, {; @7 o  (Guarantor City/State/Zip Code)
+ c: z+ [5 n! U( d3 u  (担保人所属市/州/邮政编码)# z' s& o# Y9 v
2 d2 ~' ~  T2 x  (Guarantor Social Security Number)
8 z! S9 m; @4 S* e  (担保人社会保障号码)- Q* J' U+ O* k* T0 S$ ~
  _______________________________ __________________
8 h  Z$ D; m, p  u$ K# Z  Witness (Date)
5 `. P! g  @8 Q# ~5 C. z  s  见证人(见证日期)
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