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[FECT高级考试] 金融证券专题辅导之必考词汇整理03

发表于 2012-8-16 08:34:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
* }% \6 ]0 I. G. G8 v: z" }  data material 数据材料 , a" c$ W6 z1 o$ ^2 d" C
  dealing 交易 # {4 J' d( j2 Y. N
  dealing in futures contracts 期货合约交易
, z9 b$ N5 f+ Q, H7 |8 k9 {  dealing in securities 证券交易
$ `$ l, M8 M% X+ J2 a  debenture 债权证 & ?" j) `1 Y" [( j% E( Z  ?
  debt securities 债务证券
3 J( M; {4 x" ]( U' y0 p* V" e  defalcation 亏空 6 Q# a4 W. t3 U9 Y$ K
  default 违责
8 m0 ?7 @$ S9 ^# N, W$ B1 Q  default proceedings 违责处理程序
5 X( N. X- j9 s  default rules 违责处理规则 4 F# p0 `" t6 f) W2 P7 {; E
  defaulter 违责者
" A  r/ p0 z0 ^3 \* c2 S  deliver 交付 1 ~+ B9 q. l' n7 C5 n3 H
  depositary receipt 寄存单据
% ^6 \- S  i/ h* X( b4 }2 i( N  deputy chairman 副主席
0 ^: ~5 Q' W3 X3 W! `  derivative contract 衍生工具合约 / H5 U) s5 h9 g9 J& k& r: N. G
  derivatives 衍生工具
+ r( P3 ~' g/ V. w  digital signature 数码签署 * A( `0 u- \& e$ Z6 m
  director 董事 ( n) f9 X9 |' q, ?! q
  dispute 争议 ( K2 U  \, r/ [2 L/ x
  disqualification order 取消资格令
- F+ M: ~8 F& @% l  document文件 7 x" y! G' b5 w2 n
  duty of disclosure 披露责任 7 J$ s5 d$ T& D2 E( j3 n
  employee 雇员
2 c" h! _& u" ^6 W- ^  equity derivatives 股本衍生工具 # {4 X3 [1 q0 \& {: {7 a
  equity linked instruments 股票挂钩票据
( P' p5 ?9 [8 C" {3 e  equity securities 权益证券 % r6 g, Y$ ~* t" @3 ?
  equivalent corporation 等同法团 2 F/ d% p2 S8 X4 d0 B" }1 o+ ^
  equivalent shares 相等股份
  G& B$ c$ I  \$ n4 H  every officer of it who is in default " F1 G5 K& |* c/ P$ l
9 Z' \- O( c+ R7 t# Q& @0 O  Exchange Company 交易所公司
% m) [, r5 Q2 d  m% @  exchange contract 交易所合约
: a4 {. L0 S8 J, Z& V% q7 Y  Exchange Fund 外汇基金 9 A& v0 m: x; q6 p6 S3 I, b1 p
  Exchange Fund Bill 外汇基金票据 ) ^# G7 N' u' q& u
  Exchange Fund Note 外汇基金债券
) f5 A5 Y1 e6 Z+ k  exchange participant 交易所参与者
; `5 _6 a1 Q' Q* Y. }: Q  exchange participant's representative 交易所参与者代表
3 P4 ?) w' e6 d9 e  exchange traded fund 交易所买卖基金
* i" C, F) ]- t+ ?  exchange traded funds market maker 交易所买卖基金庄家 , w) }: A! D: {6 B
  excluded clients 豁除客户
7 F$ r9 t/ h4 h/ |  excluded interests 豁除权益 0 X  y( p1 U2 x" j! k
  excluded liabilities 豁除负债 ) Z6 Z  Y) o8 Y- l' L
  excluded person 豁除人士
3 W$ a$ Y* U& d7 x( e3 @& _  j  executive 执行人员 ) T: R% N- V% V( m" i9 ~/ [
  executive director 执行董事 9 ?9 u6 @# p) ~- b7 w' I! V; W
  executive officer 主管人员
: F( @- ?/ a, C% t  exempted body 获豁免团体;豁免团体
+ l2 I* g$ N; g9 A  [0 y) \' M; m4 W  existing client 原有客户
0 A* s, e/ ^9 G  expert 专家

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