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[FECT高级考试] 金融英语:保险英语常用句型整理(四)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:34:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  (37)The goods are to be insured F.P.A.2 Z8 b7 T/ u: O" @) A
  这批货需投保平安险。; v+ q, B( X$ I3 R9 B
  (38)What you've covered is Leakage.
6 t( g2 G& q& S  你所投保的是渗漏险。
: Q: e; f  l! ^4 N; i9 G6 Z9 D  (39)Why don't you wish to cover Risk of Breakage? % b) p1 M+ A; o
  您为什么不想投保破碎险呢?8 g) U; q3 T5 P6 r3 K; s6 h. o
  (40)W.P.A coverage is too narrow for a shipment of this nature, please extend the coverage to include TPND.) x5 h( D7 Y7 C4 S9 x/ X
! A! C1 H  ^) E; {' v' j  (41)Don't you wish to arrange for W.P.A. and additional coverage against Risk of Breakage? . y% |' _, _# i8 D3 P, c5 J
% r/ f: `, c4 H3 `  (42)Not every breakage is a particular average.
2 X) V! l& R% ?2 K! O7 t  并不是所有的破碎险都属于单独海损。
$ Y' t9 y( J- _  (43)The coverage is W.P.A. plus Risk of Breakage.
) G4 S2 P- N. w- M4 L2 L  投保的险别为水渍险加破碎险。" H$ ?6 _' D. {) n, x
  (44)Well, obviously you won't want All Risks cover.
  L3 \; a6 e: n) w. `+ H) K+ \5 V+ g  显然,你不想保综合险。
. n* U( D# o6 ?0 ?! B- ?  (45)An All Risks policy covers every sort of hazard, doesn't it? / V: j' r5 T" A
4 e) W' ?! ^* S! d: n  (46)We'd like? To cover the porcelain ware against All Risks.
+ }& A- c, Z/ i) q: {* N  我们想为这批瓷器投保综合险。
0 i1 k( \) d5 Z. W( f# e  (47)Please insure the shipment for RMB5,000 against All Risks. 6 C. C' g6 r8 D; q, O& W
7 J5 Y- o/ O' M0 ?. d6 [" v  (48)We've cover insurance on these goods for 10% above the invoice value against All Risks.. W2 c: _- d1 R: O. ]6 R
4 _5 B% j7 J) v  (49)An F.P.A. policy only covers you against total loss in the case of minor perils.
7 T! q( b+ S( W. e6 x0 V  平安险只有在发生较小危险时才给保全部损失险。' [  U  ~: A4 p5 g# V5 c
  (50)The F.P.A. doesn't cover partial loss of the nature of particular average.
1 Y6 d& m0 {7 o' Z# ?5 f- E1 K  平安险不包括单独海损性质的部分损失。

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