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[FECT高级考试] 金融英语:保险英语常用句型整理(五)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:34:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  (51)A W.P.A. or W.A. policy covers you against partial loss in all cases.
9 f9 M9 ~1 D9 t* M  水渍险在任何情况下都给保部分损失险。
' V5 G9 R" \8 N, e) a, r+ W  (52)You'll cover SRCC risks, won't you?( {1 X7 |' v5 f
# G! M# O. `: J. p& r* m  (53)As our usual practice, insurance covers basic risks only, at 110 percent of the invoice value. If coverage against other risks is required, such as breakage, leakage, TPND, hook and contamination damages, the extra premium involved would be for the buyer's account.4 M. f' K2 S5 _. e1 p" O. p' m( S
3 f' ]) M  D* ]) W, @. B. c3 Y9 ^  (54)We can serve you with a broad range of coverage against all kinks of risks for sea transport.  e; N; G3 z% R3 p) ?
8 A2 w. J2 g+ ?/ D& s- Z. a6 r% O' T8 B  (55)Generally speaking, aviation insurance is much cheaper than marine insurance.
; h4 s) @2 x" f' c5 w; ^* s  空运保险一般要比海运保险便宜。
9 X/ A/ q/ Z* Z  (56)Then "all marine risks" means less than "all risks".
  k6 V7 d/ i" ?( I3 @" }  那么,“一切海洋运输货物险”意味着比“一切险”范围小一些。
3 u" \9 R/ z' i5 D/ H4 l# Q  (57)In the insurance business, the term "average" simply means "loss" in most cases.
- J0 X" Y+ S  l' X2 C  在保险业中“average”一词一般是“海损”的意思。
4 h/ |' z9 o* |1 R3 H" |  (58)Are there any other clauses in marine policies?
- L0 e2 P# Z1 f7 I' H3 V* C  海运险还包括其它条款吗?
( t: j' Z; [+ [/ Q2 y  (59)Breakage is a particular average, isn't it?
* k2 H' k2 E+ |2 V# X; p  破碎险属于一种单独海损,对吗? - d* {0 l& [0 V8 [3 a
  (60)The risk of breakage is covered by marine insurance, isn't it?
- [; r% o0 c' }& `8 N! k9 `, E% U& M) l  破碎险是包括在海洋运输货物险之内的,对吗?: H* G' P1 s3 ?- J. g5 q) b
  (61)The English understood by "marine risks" only risks incident to transport by sea.
6 ^1 A1 t6 T" }- N0 _+ |5 j  英国人对“海洋运输货物险”只理解为海洋中的意外风险。
! C' |2 q8 P& q" [: Y9 _  (62)Generally, the term "all marine risks" is liable to be misinterpreted and its use should be avoided in L/C.
. U2 |- W# P6 {& \$ \) M* p, q  一般地,“一切海洋运输货物险”容易被误解,应该避免在信用证中使用。
6 x0 F+ H! {3 s: S  (63)Please tell me whether I need to purchase a foreign student policy.
9 C$ [8 n9 ~' z3 T) B7 G4 K& M: [3 q3 `: J  告诉我是否我需要购买外国学生保险。 + l+ M$ t5 Z! @: q' [& u
  (64)I'd like to know whether basic health insurance coverage should include benefits for outpatient, hospital, surgery and medical expenses.
* ?5 l( }) ?6 G" c+ G) H( K7 n  我想知道基本健康保险所列的项目是否应包括医院门诊,住院,手术及药品等费用的赔偿。 + U/ l, Y8 Q& ?5 r- r0 Y' n( b
  (65)Will you please tell me where I can purchase health insurance? * K7 q# q6 v4 N3 p5 b1 N9 L
  请告诉我在何处能买到健康保险?9 ?: ]/ _! U5 G7 H7 l- L
  (66)Health insurance is merely a mean by which people pool money to guard against the sudden economic consequences of sickness or injury.
8 r( o/ ]8 m# N6 K" Y. {9 W- E6 J  健康保险就是筹集一些钱以预防疾病或受伤而突然发生的经济困难。
! @. q* |7 `3 e& ?2 y% H  (67)"Major medical" insurance policies are designed to help offset heavy medical expenses that can result from a prolonged illness or serious injury.; S8 r$ a, i( o. I: A
, ?" t/ p# _2 r( Y* |# g0 j  (68)If the benefits provided under a certain policy have a dollar limitation for each service, you should determine whether these limitations are realistic.+ A( P: y0 z) E( x. c0 Y/ J) a! o

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