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[FECT高级考试] 中国银行业的作用(5)-FECT

发表于 2012-8-16 08:44:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Overview of the Banking Industry in China0 e* {' x4 ?1 i' v! D4 x! Y3 D4 o' v
  I.Thr Role of the Banking Sector in China
9 N$ A- H5 k, K7 N  Paragragh 11(P2,第3段)+ F+ U, h5 v& w: P3 P2 h* t: V
  1.During this period a number of important structural measures have been taken with particular significance for the banking sector.1 q# a$ n  h' l
  在这一阶段中,政府对银行部门进行了一系列具有重要意义的结构性调整。( M, n7 }) r/ ^; S5 ]1 @5 w7 I/ L
  (1)(take) structural measures:(进行)结构性调整;采取结构性调整措施
* z. _3 n* u+ V! q& c2 K+ }2 k  2.The first was the unification of the renminbi(RMB) exchange rates and foreign exchange markets in January 1994.6 I; f1 O3 n# s8 G- r" ?+ F6 e
  其中包括:第一,1994年1月实行了人民币汇率并轨。) Q/ W3 Z: R& D
  (1)unification of Renminbi exchange rates:人民币汇率并轨- X/ a8 ?& ?0 A2 A3 z* G2 z" \9 H
  exchange rates:汇率  K, Z4 R1 Z* {+ s1 F( j6 t
  unification: n.being unified:统一;单一化9 h, N4 s8 R- v5 T% a
  unify: v.form into one;unite:使合一;统一+ K) D0 o3 I7 E3 M+ x  I
  3.Second, the passage of central banking and commercial banking laws in 1995 has provided legal basis for the banking system in China.* T  W: Q% L* `9 N7 F6 G
" h  o1 Y6 k  g9 W7 ?! b  (1)provide legal basis for…:为……提供法律依据
0 H- j4 V+ t9 b' {9 J  4.Third, the acceptance of the obligations of Article VIII of the Artiles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund in December 1996, namely commitment to RMB current account convertibility, has officially removed the remaining  restrictions on international payments for trade and service transactions.  l  I0 ~4 \, k. V& w* a( M  l
; K8 C, U) p* {* [0 M& h3 Y  (1)Article VIII of the Artiles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund:国际货币基金组织协定第八条款+ ^) G/ f% ]3 m( D+ X
  (2)RMB current account convertibility:人民币在经常项目下可兑换(第八条款的一项内容)
& S8 E$ E1 G& Y5 q2 ?  5.Fourth, the establishment of a unified inter-bank money market in 1996 has facilitated better liquidity adjustment for financial institutions.+ R# N# |- h5 |  U& ^; W
* ]" Z. l# D8 E0 O  (1)interbank money market:银行同业拆借市场
% H; T. p# J+ `3 D; g9 j  inter-:among;between:在……之中;在……中间
9 N. `5 x4 A1 }# e+ B- B  money market:货币市场
  w3 H! h! k% d! J9 d: K  (2)liquidity adjustment:流动性调整
( W( v$ a) s, P8 M- |  6.Fifth, the gradual shift from direct to indirect monetary policy instruments has greatly improved transimission of monetary policy and effectiveness of macroeconomic management.
! U8 d/ C. I# d6 i8 _4 |/ z  第五,货币政策工具由直接到间接的逐渐改变,极大地改善了货币政策的传导效果和宏观经济管理效率。/ W$ h4 W7 K/ `: [/ w
  (1)direct or indirect monetary policy instruments:直接或间接的货币政策工具
  _3 s; P7 Q7 P  (2)transmission:传递;传导(效果;机制)* o4 V  g7 i( s7 Z. N8 R
  (3)effectiveness of microeconomic management:宏观经济管理效率& \# W9 z9 s' U: Y2 S1 m

# w$ q- m. q; y! u) x' T6 D, {0 {  .Sixth, the segregation of banking business from securities and insurance business has contributed to the stability of the financial system in a transition period characterized by massive instiutional changes,inadequate regulatory resources and insufficient self-discipline.9 u: Y4 g+ X* Y- T  ?# q
  第六,在体制大幅调整,监管能力不足以及行业自律意识不强的转型时期,实现了银行与证券业、保险业的分业经营,保证了整个金融体制的稳定。, h; O  L6 U  _* o) e
  (1)segregation: n.隔离;分开9 a) Y; b0 M5 m* b+ q" k
  segregate: vt.put apart from the rest;isolaate:隔离;分开
% i! u7 X" g1 O  例:a policy of social segregation:种族隔离政策: {0 K( X0 \& ~; t$ q0 w# A
  (2)securities: (pl.)n.(复数)证券、股票和债券的投资(表明某人拥有股票或债券的证明)8 ?% g' M2 _3 r( Y5 r  a% H/ e: Z
  例:gilt-edged securities:金边债券,优等债券(对英国政府债券的投资)
$ ]$ G6 ]) [  Q  listed securities:上市证券(可在证券交易所买卖的股票或在官方证券交易所挂牌的证券)8 }, h' w- P- S3 D
  securities broker:证券经纪人或交易商(以买卖证券为业的人)0 H% D$ F# [& Z
  (3)insurance: n.保险(投保人定期向保险公司支付小额资金,保险公司在投保人遭受损失、损害和伤害或死亡时给予补偿的协议)
' L: B) f' Q) j! L0 p* d  例:life insurance:人寿保险, r  m# f, m- y; i* ]- h
  endowment insurance:养老保险(一种人寿保险,到期投保人可得到所保的金额,倘若投保人在到期前死亡,其继承人可得到所保的金额)
* u4 r) A/ b' ]3 ~/ c/ t  general insurance:普通保险(涉及被盗、损失、损害等的保险,人寿险除外)9 N4 R" t4 j4 B
  (4)contribute (to): v.have a share in;help to bring about:有助于;促成
. i9 ~7 Y* ]  p8 F  (5)a transition period:过度时期;转型时期
7 L( h5 J% Q2 j9 L4 v+ ~  transition: n.changing,change,from one condition or set of circumstances to another:转移;过度
  e8 O0 j$ x  b4 n0 H$ A  (6)massive institutional change:大幅度的体制调整(变化)
( y  P" u: q) z$ K5 J! ~6 n  massive: a.large,heavy and solid:大而重的;巨大的

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:44:07 | 显示全部楼层


  institution: n.long-established law,customs, or group:由来已久的法律,风俗习惯或团体;体制: @' }  m6 y1 y# K  q6 Q
  institutional: a.法律的;体制的3 X: `7 a5 L! i
  (7)inadequate regulatory resources:管理手段缺乏;监管能力不足
) \% u6 k) f+ T- D3 k  inadequate: a.not adequate;insufficient:不适当的;不充分的& j& ?7 A/ _& D: q1 e( f( Q+ ~
  regulate: vt.control systematically;cause to obey a rule or standard:有系统地管理;节制;使遵守规则或合标准
* o+ X9 S7 P3 t6 C% O  regulatory: a.管理的,控制的,调整的
& W# B. K+ M: A9 O  例:regulatory power:管理权(实施政府法规的权力)
* {+ R; F1 e% ?7 \  resource: n.sth which helps in dong sth,that can be turned to for support,help consolation:有助于做某事的办法;解决困难或获得成功之方法, v7 Y7 x0 n( h" r- J  o
  (8)insufficient self-disicipline:自我约束不够;自律(意识)不强;
& f+ j: o) f( H6 ~. ^  insufficient: a.not sufficient:不充足的;不够的
$ {4 Z; w! i. W* ?- [  self-:(prefix):(前缀)表示“自我,自身...”
. h, ~1 D$ p2 I1 D  例:self-employed: a.非受雇佣的;个体经营的
8 }$ o  f4 v5 j! c! V4 o8 B8 B8 C& o  self-financing: n.自筹资金(公司从自有资金来源中筹集开发成本、购买固定资产的费用)
* u4 d0 u$ R; J) e1 \) F9 Q  self-disicipline:自律;自我约束</p>
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