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[FECT高级考试] 金融英语:跟单信用证常见条款及短语16

发表于 2012-8-16 08:44:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  十七、In Reimbursement 索偿文句" U5 P  ~9 ~& G- i8 h
  1.instruction to the negotiation bank 议付行注意事项/ c& }+ ~  T9 \% O; z
  (1)the amount and date of negotiation of each draft must be endorsed on reverse hereof by the negotiation bank 每份汇票的议付金额和日期必须由议付行在本证背面签注, {$ B! p+ t$ `, E
  (2)this copy of credit is for your own file, please deliver the attached original to the beneficaries 本证副本供你行存档,请将随附之正本递交给受益人) O) W1 z0 S$ l
  (3)without you confirmation thereon (本证)无需你行保兑
3 D1 W) @1 p, i  (4)documents must be sent by consecutive airmails 单据须分别由连续航次邮寄(注:即不要将两套或数套单据同一航次寄出)
# W4 L  B. e0 y- D! W* o  (5)all original documents are to be forwarded to us by air mail and duplicate documents by sea-mail 全部单据的正本须用航邮,副本用平邮寄交我行
/ U/ i) h' P8 n. b% W; [' n  (6)please despatch the first set of documents including three copies of commercial invoices direct to us by registered airmail and the second set by following airmail 请将包括3份商业发票在内的第一套单据用挂号航邮经寄我行,第二套单据在下一次航邮寄出
; Z, Q/ y) _/ t) B+ S5 \3 \/ X  (7)original documents must be snet by Registered airmail, and duplicate by subsequent airmail 单据的正本须用挂号航邮寄送,副本在下一班航邮寄送5 ]% u6 c# B* l4 A. f! K
  (8)documents must by sent by successive (or succeeding) airmails 单据要由连续航邮寄送0 `( D" p$ k$ z& F
  (9)all documents made out in English must be sent to out bank in one lot 用英文缮制的所有单据须一次寄交我行
9 W4 d* C2 _9 r+ `: P8 Q  2.method of reimbursement 索偿办法  Y$ s  D5 J( r  ]: f2 {7 L0 f4 m
  (1)in reimbursement, we shall authorize your Beijing Bank of China Head Office to debit our Head Office RMB Yuan account with them, upon receipt of relative documents 偿付办法,我行收到有关单据后,将授权你北京总行借记我总行在该行开立的人民币帐户
' v! w7 O! G' e5 k9 s; _0 ?  (2)in reimbursement draw your own sight drafts in sterling on…Bank and forward them to our London Office, accompanied by your certificate that all terms of this letter of credit have been complied with 偿付办法,由你行开出英镑即期汇票向……银行支取。在寄送汇票给我伦敦办事处时,应随附你行的证明,声明本证的全部条款已经履行3 V: _, X- S  P
  (3)available by your draft at sight payable by us in London on the basis to sight draft on New York 凭你行开具之即期汇票向我行在伦敦的机构索回票款,票款在纽约即期兑付
( P: \  N( c6 k$ Z9 e1 W  (4)in reimbursement, please claim from our RMB¥ account held with your banking department Bank of China Head Office Beijing with the amount of your negotiation 偿付办法,请在北京总行我人民币帐户中索回你行议付之款项

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