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[FECT高级考试] 银行是如何运用资金的(词汇详解)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:44:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  New Words
9 m( f. v4 Z* I; ~0 H9 h  employ vt.- p, P, m$ q5 Z2 w" h9 A5 U
  idle adj.
; y7 Z; L3 H# F' X$ K  safe n.
, \0 b0 J4 P; s6 Z8 [& W" Y( L, d  strongroom n.4 L! d8 ]3 W* `  l+ L: z& [8 }
  charge n.
) `- I4 r4 ?7 G4 g- Y/ B, n) O  profit n. n.
! Z7 B% N# g0 ~9 [  shareholder n.  J  g* _, x. S
  till n.
" v/ _; J2 U0 J' N$ z  instantly adv.+ ^* Y4 u9 m( g4 F- b
  transport vt.
, W1 S# B$ R" k  D  reinforce vt.
$ v. c4 F) n+ c' n7 p& P/ ?* s" ^  sizeable adj.# R; p: o9 T9 c1 p: w2 v6 G# x. M. r
  chunk n.
5 W$ e% B7 d9 ~# z  f8 Z3 c' T  treasury n.
, ^" M' a0 d! |$ ^# C  advance n.) b9 a- Y# \* O& [$ a
  guarantee n.
+ s) O8 R* m0 L4 Q  j  quote vt.
  Z8 M8 P  z+ f  precaution n.  单词9 I. K1 V, b( g: q
  雇用, 用, 使用  g. b) z0 V* W8 G- F
  空闲的, 无用的# |; c& Q0 p9 X: J0 n5 l
  保险箱" [% \% m% r: d& E$ z5 D0 v
% U/ n5 ^4 n0 l# ^8 b  收费
/ P0 {+ `- L  n  利润
7 S: e6 A( e* e) Y, I- b/ Z# y5 f& h  股东
3 o/ z5 {1 m% A6 q' a6 f  钱柜
5 V  h% J# X* v/ h1 D8 A  立即地, 即刻地" d! V% Y; H& n( e( B, h. m
  传送, 运输; _( n6 z* F3 H% p2 u
  增加, 补充2 ?0 x0 i5 ]0 a( [7 Y1 [0 j& j: K6 U7 O
  相当大的, 大的
* N! I: T) g8 j2 E2 }' t* ^  厚块或大片
7 I% ]* t1 _8 ~: O% `' l  国库,库房
" \3 r2 Y6 m2 v3 {1 s) Q  预付款( b- R# W5 I1 ?# m3 o
  保证, 担保
& p% |5 Y) q4 O- q6 R* }  引证, 报(价)# A( F" Z8 V/ f# a3 v  U" {1 X
  预防措施, 防范
3 |; D6 k! W# o3 X' U% r" x  Phrases and Expressions8 J$ `9 \& |- N$ U7 g3 d- O
  deal with…
# @3 p8 a4 b( V  is responsible for…' x/ s1 w& X8 r0 l$ w
  lie idle in his safes
1 H3 Y. U" L$ h5 r! z  to produce an income! A0 ^( C: x; ?; n
  meet the expenses$ x' ~, }1 a. i. o+ _# \- e
  run the bank
, t9 U, ?8 C5 |7 c4 v  earn a profit for shareholders
+ E5 L2 _2 e: ^& n* ]6 }8 i! o2 i  clearing bank
! v4 \* }, G% K& Q' C8 B. b5 O  demand(for) 短语与词组& N& b( w5 ]' R+ \. ?
  和…打交道; V+ c# d& D! d: y' ^9 a
  对…负责0 ?2 y2 }/ I' @  y3 a* s
  闲置在保险箱+ D5 y) Q2 S. c
0 T9 @/ b9 z+ Q4 U6 ?; U  支付费用+ D8 {4 D* e: _: U* v; g
  经营(管理)银行; F7 C5 d: U4 X
0 `5 q% {, u8 R0 f  清算银行
& T  d, e/ X! [9 D" b5 L  需求(量), 需要7 D1 |9 @  x7 U0 @" z# U% [/ M
  Notes- Z  n  E) W/ [0 J: i
  1.The ways (how)banks employ their funds银行是如何运用资金的(银行运用资金的方式)
% R6 j( p" P+ y* M" y- d' q  (1)banks employ their funds是定语从句,省略了关系副词how
2 e- ^& E) C% ?7 w" D  (2)funds n.①a sum of money or other resources set aside for a specific purpose:基金:为特定目的而拨出的钱款:
/ d1 b) I5 ]( o7 ^4 s2 N  例:a pension fund.退休基金
; W: D4 C6 U8 R+ `  @# k8 |1 r  ②available money; ready cash:现金;预付金:( p6 I$ g9 l7 Y) \% e" h  {
  例:short on funds.现金短缺
6 P2 f5 S2 e9 K2 K& f$ L  2.He cannot keep his deposits lying idle in his safes and strongrooms银行不能将存款一直闲置在保险箱和保险库里$ u/ W: _* D" j" S: _+ I
  (1)keep vt.to cause to continue in a state, condition, or course of action:维持:使…保持某一状态、情况或过程的动作5 t. S" |# I. \  k! n) O7 ^
  例:attempt to keep the patient calm试图使病人镇静
9 G* _( m9 W. _# u+ M# M  (2)lying idle in his safes and strongrooms是分词短语,在句中做宾语补足语9 E, I" Z) T3 y- Z9 d
  3. A banker also earns money from the charges which he makes for some of his services, but much the greater part of a bank's income comes from investing and lending its deposits.银行还从其提供服务的手续费中获得货币收入,除此而外,银行的绝大部分收入是通过投资和出借储蓄资金而获得的。
0 X; g3 e5 _0 ^9 A& C6 w( L  (1) earn money from the charges从(其提供服务的)手续费中获得货币收入
1 d. x# j' l# V9 t  (2)but much(that):with the exception that; except that. Used to introduce a dependent clause:若非:除非;除此。用于引导一个独立的从句
  I' G3 ^' w' L; ?" Y  例:would have resisted but that they lacked courage.
, a0 n1 I4 h: y" l9 v4 A: Y  如果不是缺乏勇气她们会抵抗的
4 y% k( c) Z2 z0 d6 J1 O# e* K  `  (3)动名词短语investing and lending its deposits做介词from的宾语,意思是"将储蓄资金投资出去或借出去"4 @. l+ F6 T" f( ^$ }  D
  4. Their first concern is to see that they always have sufficient notes and coin in their tills, or in reserve, to meet instantly all the demands for cash that may be made upon them. 他们最关心的是确保钱柜里,或储备有足够的钞票,迅速应付可能发生的各种现金支取。3 Z: n7 p4 Z/ `+ E' B( P* B! r( _0 a7 @
  (1) concern n.有利害关系;所关切的事& W  G! \  B4 o- q& |
  例:The managing director's only concern was how to improve the quality of their products.
* A; _  L' ?1 x) G- t  总经理心里想的全是如何提高产品质量。
1 J* R+ Z3 O$ `  (2)此句中的两个动词不定式短语to see that …,to meet instantly all the demands for…做系词is的表语(并列关系)
; D) X$ l( D" y) r! B+ z  (3)(the demand for cash)that may be made upon them是定语从句,修饰the demand…,变为主动句应为make demand for cash upon them(banks),意思是"(应付客户)向银行提取现金的要求") o) k9 m9 K( V  n" i
  5.but this money is quickly returned to the banks by the shops and traders who receive it and who pay it into their own bank accounts. 但是这些钱很快通过收到款项的商店和商人回到银行,存入他们自己的银行户头。
$ [& @4 h" C0 S  (1)who…and who…引导定语从句# c2 e( N3 Z/ E2 M: ^/ o
  (2)pay it into their own bank accounts存入他们自己的银行账户
% C1 ?' u: G/ M  6.To reinforce their cash reserves, banks keep another sizeable chunk of their money in assets which can be quickly turned back into money with little risk of loss. 为了增补现金储备,银行以资产的形式保存另外很大一部分资金;这些资产可以迅速转变成现金,没有什么损失风险。
" d& q0 {% N% A4 U" f- \: W& |  (1)to reinforce their cash reserves是不定式短语,做目的状语
/ g0 c, e+ m7 v8 t) W# x+ z  (2)keep…money in assets以资产的形式保存…现金4 }2 T5 P1 O* w/ D# p5 C2 Y% p3 x
  (3)(assets) turn back into money(资产)转变为现金

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