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[FECT高级考试] 金融英语辅导:AboutBankofCommunications(3)交行概况

发表于 2012-8-16 08:44:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Well-defined development strategy     BOCOM began strategic transformation of its management and development in 2005 in light of its sizeable achievements in shareholding system reform, in order to accommodate the rather complicated external operational environment, the increasingly rigid capital restriction and the ongoing, gradual interest rate reorientation towards the market. Strategically, BOCOM aims at developing itself into “an international, innovative, integrated, operation-intensive, and highly regulated” first-class modern bank. 明确的发展战略    面对复杂的外部经营环境、日趋刚性的资本约束和逐步推进的利率市场化改革,基于深化股份制改革已取得阶段性成果、发展已经迈上新的历史台阶,交通银行从2005年开始实施管理和发展的战略转型。交通银行的战略目标是朝着 “国际公众银行、创新型银行、综合性银行、经营集约化银行、管理先进型银行”的目标迈进,努力创办一流现代金融企业。 Perfected corporate governance    BOCOM’s equity structure has become more diversified after the bank’s introduction of mainland and overseas strategic investors like HSBC, Social Security Fund and China SAFE Investments Ltd. into its business. At the same time, BOCOM has set up a fundamental system and structure for implementing its corporate governance measures and formed well-balanced boards of directors and supervisors. The Board of Directors, the senior management, and the Board of Supervisors have been proven to adequately fulfill their duties of decision-making, operations and management, and supervision respectively. A basic system has been set up for the efficient operation and coordination of general meetings, board of directors, board of supervisors and the senior management. 完善的公司治理    在成功引进汇丰银行、全国社保基金理事会、中央汇金公司等境内外战略投资者后,交通银行股权结构更加多元化。同时,完善公司治理的基本制度已经确立,完善的公司治理架构基本建成,董事会的战略决策作用、高级管理层的经营管理职责和监事会的监督职责都得到充分发挥,股东大会、董事会、监事会和高级管理层之间各自发挥良好效能、又相互制衡的机制基本形成。

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