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[FECT高级考试] DepositCertificateLossReporting储蓄存款挂失业务

发表于 2012-8-16 08:44:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  If a certificate of deposit, a bank passbook or a seal of a client is lost or stolen, or the password is forgotten, the loss reporting may be handled at the bank as the following procedures:
8 Z9 M0 L8 b3 ^  客户的储蓄存单、存折、印鉴如不慎遗失、被盗或密码遗忘,可按下列手续到银行办理挂失:) q5 }$ S6 P8 c$ Y# ?6 K
  The client shall immediately handle the written loss reporting procedures at the original depository bank. In reporting loss, the client shall present the personal credentials (ID card, residence permit, passport, etc.) and also provide the related deposit information such as account, account holder's name, time of account opening, amount, type of currency and maturity. The loss reporting may be accepted after the bank certifies them correct, and the bank confirms that the payment has not been made before the loss reporting is handled. If the client can not be present at the bank in handling the loss reporting, he or she may authorize another person to handle it on his / her behalf and at the same time the credentials of the agent shall be presented. The loss reporting of password may not be handled on agency.
, y4 J/ a# ^  A2 {  客户应立即到原存款行办理书面挂失手续,挂失时客户应持本人身份证件(身份证、暂住证、护照等)并提供账户、户名、开户时间、金额、币种、期限等有关存款内容,经银行审核无误后即可办理挂失,银行经查实确未支付方可受理。如客户不能亲自前往银行,可委托他人代办挂失,同时提供代办人身份证件。密码挂失不准代办。

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