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[FECT高级考试] 会计英语资料-财经英语字典E4

发表于 2012-8-16 08:57:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  equity interest 股本权益6 }. H) u9 X: m! U6 u% i: ~" G
  equity investment 股本投资;注入资本) I1 H" i1 T& X! g: w* c- f
  equity joint venture 股份式合营企业: v1 h0 i  v- h7 s- b- S8 `
  equity market 股本市场;股票市场
% q) o1 x  Y, u. l" a4 I( P  equity of redemption 衡平法上的赎回权" e' ^. v. Y! f8 A% d0 M
  equity securities 权益证券;股本证券# P( J  ^$ P2 W. G
  equity share 权益股;普通股
( X3 u) \6 d' f' l( ?  equity share capital 权益股本6 B& b% V* |' b% S! j+ n: v
  equity trading system 股票买卖制度' f$ K8 P6 }' u
  equity warrant 股本认股权证
; [$ ?8 ]0 F& Y* h3 q& ^  equity-related contract 与股权联系的合约# \( _. Y( `$ _( t: n6 `
  escape clause 免责条款;例外条款
5 s( O3 ^& e, k' P  escrow account 托管户口;记帐帐户2 ]1 U! w% Z' O/ Z# E8 e( @1 v  d+ G
  established fiscal policy 既定财政政策
7 U1 e! q' ^, i' {. a; G9 l  established securities market 具规模的证券市场
5 \9 P/ `7 c- n- t% E% z" P9 N$ z  establishment ceiling 编制上限
9 N# C4 b1 @0 E9 [0 S. ^5 S  Establishment Subcommittee [Finance Committee of the Legislative Council] 人事编制小组委员会〔立法会财务委员会〕2 h6 C. C$ w0 f7 X
  estate 遗产;产业;财产
4 v( t0 Y4 J; s" v; v  estate duty 遗产税, y: d, i; o; p4 e7 Z3 ]# `
  estate duty account 遗产呈报表1 A5 d2 \: n5 H' V
  Estate Duty Office [Inland Revenue Department] 遗产税署〔税务局〕
6 j' }! v+ h6 ^/ R2 g! U- k  q  estimated additional assessable income 估计的补加应评税入息
! R& u/ \0 |- T" Q1 K# B+ y' E: }  estimated additional assessable profit 估计的补加应评税利润
! T* l1 v( Z% T( n6 h! z; p! Q0 P1 L) {  estimated annual rental 预计每年租值0 H# D# B, ^: ?
  estimated assessment 估计评税. p' v4 \9 l9 t, y$ ^# z$ H
  estimated assets 估计资产  estimated expenditure 预算开支;估计开支% p& ^6 o* n" I
  estimated expenditure by service 按服务分类的预算开支2 u  d8 q# z; D
  estimated growth rate 估计增长率
0 W+ }) X  l% ?1 F  estimated income 估计入息;估计收入
* ~' l: }  n8 Q$ e  estimated liabilities 估计负债
8 Y/ F0 O' L$ `/ B  estimated net profit 估计纯利
; g6 Y" @* ^; [6 d+ H6 m1 p5 v( I  estimated revenue 预算收入;估计收入3 l/ Q1 @# ?4 W
  Estimates for the year ending 31 March 19XX Volume IA--General Revenue Account 《截至一九XX年三月三十一日为止的财政年度预算卷一甲部──政府一般收入帐目》/ d9 F! R8 N. a2 z/ |# k6 F
  Estimates for the year ending 31 March 19XX Volume IB--General Revenue Account 《截至一九XX年三月三十一日为止的财政年度预算卷一乙部──政府一般收入帐目》1 y  X: M& j4 A$ W% e3 u
  Estimates for the year ending 31 March 19XX Volume II--Fund Accounts 《截至一九XX年三月三十一日为止的财政年度预算卷二──基金帐目》
; w) I! O. u2 D( h! W" n  estimates of expenditure 开支预算3 i  |# K2 Q: l3 p0 v
  Estimates of Gross Domestic Product 《本地生产总值估计》
" ~# o2 I& n$ r0 L* g$ z0 @& S* B  Euro 欧罗;欧元  Eurobond 欧洲债券
5 r' m3 I1 [* D  Euroclear 欧洲结算系统  Euroclear Clearance System Co-operative 欧洲结算系统公司7 `3 j3 U" o0 N  t. O
  Eurocurrency credit market 欧洲货币信贷市场
* o+ v: f, E8 u; s7 A! M% u  Eurodollar 欧洲美元  Eurodollar bond 欧洲美元债券
1 ^4 |- C! Z0 c; P/ G  Eurodollar deposit rate 欧洲美元存款利率

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