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[FECT高级考试] 金融英语辅导之理论与实务备考资料28

发表于 2012-8-16 08:57:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  D6 E6 F5 d% ?1 o8 q
  data collection 数据收集
  ^; F$ Y2 x* n$ z+ s8 h% r4 @  data confidentiality 数据保密  v$ s# I+ `7 I
  data research 数据研究
- C: P' ^$ `1 S' @, [6 V4 a$ D9 T  data sources 数据来源
* L: ^* j1 `" |( s# r1 v0 O, a  dealers 经销商
( {/ Y" \2 u8 q$ y; G) _# S  deceptive advertisements 欺骗性广告
+ v9 E" g) F' ]7 C: X$ w. C6 h  deciders 决策者# ^- g3 H4 `- U7 i) L5 G9 N  ]
  declining markets 衰退市场, k' `. i% V5 t$ Q
  decoding 解码
# x; U, _% [6 ?& A. n  defect rate 缺陷率
" E. M! I! _' v' h* X3 R5 a% W  defender strategy 防御型战略  S( ]) Z3 h6 E/ \, l$ `, G
  defensive new-product development strategy 防御性新产品开发战略4 W: s6 _/ U* B+ ~  G) u
  defensive positioning 防御性定位
/ u4 n0 `' S2 @7 r2 Z% U  delivery time 交付时间
+ G8 H. j" }1 x& _* d6 k1 i+ p  delivery 配送
  V! w. ?& E  g4 p  Dell Computers 戴尔计算机公司
+ D, y' t" [* t& [/ H  Delta Airlines 三角洲航空公司) L' v0 w/ M6 Q1 O
  demand characteristics 需求特征
7 J  c* `' N# e  demand curve 需求曲线
0 ~0 e5 i: {3 v  demand-oriented pricing 需求导向定价法
) L; [# e6 `1 T% Q4 X  demographic environment 人口统计环境
+ n0 [" c1 n& S' r  department stores 百货商店" ?# e" ~. T  X5 }  ~
  dependability 可靠性5 U0 u5 h: P) q% x8 [- d
  deregulation 放松管制- w2 ]! Z4 r6 i5 S/ g$ d6 G* S: F
  derived demand 衍生需求
5 F  m" V. s% \8 y2 w  descriptive research 描述性研究; w6 L' `9 I% S% S8 C) A
  design decisions 设计决策$ J- d9 U* l  D# m" T' W
  desired percentage mark-up on retail 预期零售利润率& q$ o6 u, y' R
  desired percentage return 预期回报率1 o1 J9 g4 x9 K& p7 F" k8 F+ X5 ]
  determinant attributes 关键属性- c! n2 c! G6 Q; P
  determinants 决定因素# e3 v3 U3 s) a7 {0 e# ^9 z
  different responses 差别反应. A" [9 \7 r' m' L
  differentiated defender strategy 差异化防御战略
/ Q7 x6 D. l4 X  u  differentiated marketing 差异化营销
$ b$ ~0 t9 R1 T, r  differentiation over time 不同时间的差异/ _, F$ ?' O% Y
  differentiation strategy 差异化战略
* T% d! f+ Y$ Z4 k8 b, F  differentiation 差异化# f. ?1 H$ J/ L/ x4 ^
  diffusion of innovation theory 创新扩散理论7 A! k/ A+ G- m  \1 J( d) }
  dimension 因素9 Y7 l( V8 W5 F
  dimensions of quality 质量维度( F+ C6 c9 N8 g' D
  direct costing profitability analysis 直接成本盈利性分析
$ h; O+ U1 f, y( J6 x" i: ~0 A  direct mail 直接邮寄
/ {0 @$ h8 T" b& X3 o8 d  direct marketing via advertising media 通过广告媒体的直接营销
0 G* B6 Z/ J3 w/ I' p/ M  direct marketing 直接营销2 @; O3 h4 p+ ~* x
  direct product profitability (DPP) 直接产品盈利性/利润率
- `  [9 k! i$ s% C  direct selling 直销+ ~& g  W0 ]0 Q5 X( b$ [! v9 i
  discount rate 贴现率
" B5 m; m0 h- a- D2 {/ a  discount stores 折扣商店( O% v' G' K1 M8 |( D
  discount 折扣1 ?/ g! |+ F. s3 ?- o- Q' V/ p
  discount/premium price policies 折扣/溢价策略
% x7 w) H( }9 e  discriminant analysis 差异分析法3 ^8 g/ [' b. ~/ e
  discriminatory adjustments 歧视价格调整% y; D. I- F/ i( |6 M- w. @
  djustments 歧视定价调整1 W' n4 x$ X; B5 ~5 W3 ~4 @
  disjunctive model 分离模型9 ^; ~1 V) ~1 z0 B2 c1 c5 D
  display space 陈列空间. i6 f3 R4 L3 s( M- t$ U6 g
  disposable income 可支配收入
! k8 V: t8 n" ?0 Y0 m& G6 r6 c8 B  dissonance-attribution hierarchy 不和谐-归属层次结构8 h5 I  L0 H5 Q; E/ j9 x$ j
  distribution channel designs 分销渠道设计+ `; U  {$ p: i
  distribution channel objectives 分销渠道的目标, W. _4 l6 s: S( y. C: Q. q
  distribution channel 分销渠道
+ S" y7 \( _! R; z/ p  distribution decisions 分销决策$ l4 n* X/ E2 d( O- H
  distribution policies 分销策略
' Z( o- f4 t; m: H, v' X7 c  C  distribution 分销
+ m4 k0 J1 U1 G/ T; \  distributor/store (private lables) brands 分销商/私有品牌
8 h4 ^, ~7 A; f+ A  distributors 分销商" O+ C3 b, X7 ?9 P
  diversification 多元化
" z- Z; o' W" ^+ K# f; J4 k  divest 撤退, B3 z& Q. t( ^  W( u1 C
  divest 出让2 ^! N: s5 t$ A# K+ h$ U8 L
  divestment or liquidation 收回投资或清算; }* i( X. O) `1 I- V$ {& v
  dividend 红利" K, `+ g- y  C
  dogs 瘦狗类
4 @9 [; w! s* r  r8 m; f  domestic target marketing strategies 国内目标市场定位的营销战略
, h8 w% m6 `: s; {! y3 C  dropping products 放弃产品8 p8 v( X! A( F
  dry cleaning 干洗
; x: f7 k. e( k2 N  dual/two channel distribution systems 双重分销系统
1 d2 Q2 ~) _; {8 |  duplication (媒体)重复
$ ?5 T, |) j7 T7 s! x9 |  DuPont 杜邦公司6 m( {  r! l. A8 [! ?4 X
  durability 耐用性) f" Z8 y7 {4 n$ j; r6 O5 C2 C
  E1 K( [) j. y8 k+ q4 L2 D
  early vs late adoption 早期采购与后期采购( J5 n7 q+ k: f1 R6 e
  earnings per share 每股收益
2 A5 T& C' t7 J, d5 ]7 m4 l  economic and technological factors 经济技术因素* @! p8 w. B( H8 ~. P( c) \
  economic power 经济权; [3 X1 V- D( X9 u& E
  economies of scale 规模经济# L* m- d! C0 ~% f, D
  education services 教育服务
0 V* E+ d5 ]( H4 o6 ]  effectiveness 有效性  ?$ m) g$ t3 u$ Z- a" E: J% [9 w
  efficiency 效率
+ K: ~$ ~  ^7 d0 o3 ^7 g, ^  Electrolux 伊莱克斯
- p3 `  L, c0 ]  t' e  emergency goods 急需品
2 t( k+ ]* v+ T, r0 m' l  Emerson Electric 爱默生电气. H6 W9 G* c& L/ b8 ~( t; M
  emotional appeals 情感诉求3 E9 \; Z- Y, w. D. |& g
  empathy 移情作用. j2 W6 X/ Y3 w1 n
  empirical evidence 经验性实例
' B" G$ h4 T, l. H  empowerment 授权
. }: s. n+ u5 i! l4 f* K  encoding 编码, W! e* v' s- o- z; f) M
  end use 最终使用0 O' T- Y6 i, V/ E& p9 J$ K% Y
  endorsement 赞同$ P1 O' e8 x! o6 ^) m$ ]( h, t
  engineering (产品)工程设计) c$ R& E2 b  [" ?& Y' y
  entrepreneurial strategy 企业家战略
0 i, u! l) Q. O9 L  entry strategies 进入战略
1 [" z6 @1 s1 R' q  environment and packaging disposal 环境与包装处理
4 g- W- V3 a+ U3 m& W* H+ S  environment factors 环境因素
% Q8 [0 j( G0 a+ k. u$ ~* c& l  environmental scanning 环境扫描/分析* _7 e  T9 c; ~! D
  environmental strategy 环境战略4 u5 }3 u( x( i
  establishment 机构
9 W. u. D* \: T) r' P  ethical audit (公司)伦理审计+ @7 k) y6 q1 p. f$ q/ R
  ethics of marketing 营销伦理道德8 b8 v7 I4 V- k( ^/ n
  ethnic composition 种族构成
# u( n; @1 b# n  European Community 欧共体
& a6 v2 Y, R4 ]2 q8 u" \: y3 b  evaluation and reward systems 评估与奖励体系
8 Y  V3 G! }" I1 L  _9 w; c  evaluation and selection of supplier 评估和选择供应商
5 q; G+ \9 }* t  f  evaluation of alternatives 评估替代品/各种选择" O- }  m1 r3 ]* q
  evaluation of brands 品牌评估
; V) H: u, _. K5 z, p  event sponsorship 事件赞助$ X8 I# D/ j2 m
  event 活动6 Y* a- A# N  m& D# v5 Y
  everyday low-price (EDLP) 天天低价5 S, Q3 {! |4 m) S1 @
  evoked set 引发的组合3 K+ `( A; h3 Q
  evolution of market 市场演变
0 r, Q7 S9 |2 U' t8 I  exchange 交换8 E& [" x1 |& b+ p, V! M
  exclusive dealing 独家销售5 }/ g. p' X7 W. p+ ]
  exclusive distribution 独家分销
$ W5 [1 V- ~4 g* d9 G. C5 @  executive summary 执行摘要/ z* \! O# Y  b7 u# o1 f
  exhibition media 展示广告媒体0 {1 [: `2 e, a# k" Z% y& w9 @
  existing market 现有市场

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