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[FECT综合考试] 金融英语综合辅导:世界第二十讲

发表于 2012-8-16 09:04:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  澳大利亚墨尔本大学的银行史学家大卫梅里特对中央银行的职能也作了解释。他在谈话中用了这样一些词汇和短语:; U( u" x# ]/ \" e
  1 exclusive 专门的,专有的,排他的
) D; Z' L0 M, H; p: f% K  n6 a+ M  2 vitally important 极其重要的" ]  d, s/ z; E( k3 j
  3 lender of last resort 最后贷款者,为其它银行提供贷款的银行,这是中央银行的职能之一
* X4 S0 u% S: I& k) V+ K) `) F  4 commercial banks 商业银行8 T) L0 q! ]) i8 @! Q
  5 liquid assets 流动资产,指可以迅速变成现金而不会有价值损失或损失较小的资产
) w+ |! j$ r& C7 l- v  6 bail out 帮助……摆脱困境) ?; g) |! M; Y& e8 j1 B, E
' M0 f/ n* z* N, v  The central banks usually began their existence as a banker that dealt exclusively with the national government, that really provides credit to the government of the country and in return for so doing, gets particular privileges which quite often is a monopoly on the issue of paper money.
0 b: p$ T  C* k6 `  中央银行在问世之初通常都是只单独与各自政府打交道的银行,为政府提供信贷。作为交换,中央银行获得某些特权,通常是垄断货币的发行。
. n) K& Y- l  n! c6 ?2 p  From that strength, as these banks become large and important they acquire, almost by natural process, a third and vitally important function and that is what we've called a lender of last resort.
6 F( K+ w1 Z2 M" j  借助这一实力地位,随着中央银行越来越庞大和重要,它们几乎是自然而然地获得了第三种功能,也就是我们所说的“最后贷款者”。9 `; S: E% O4 p, G# }' K4 g
  They cecome the banker for commercial bnaks. They're seen to be safe, other banks will put money on deposit with them. They become a leader of the banking community and in times of crisis it's this central bank that can assist bnaks who get into trouble.
% p+ l$ z# w& n+ b- e2 C  Q  它们成为商业银行的银行。它们被认为是安全的。其它银行会把钱放在中央银行作为存款。中央银行成为银行界的领袖。在遭遇危机的时候,正是中央银行能够为陷入困境的银行提供帮助。
% k2 }6 v. f4 `- t! v% [  Now, there's a price to pay to be in the club, to have a central banker, and that is usually there is a set of sort of informal rules grow up about the behaviour of the other banks. They will hold a certain amount of capital, they'll hold some of their liquid assets on deposit with the central bank. If you're going to be bailed out you have to abide by convention." s1 Z* `" b( E. f, H# W
  现在,要为参加这个俱乐部和拥有一个中央银行而出代价了。通常会产生一系列关于其它银行运作的非正式规则。它们需要保持一定数量的资本,需要在中央银行里存储一定的流动资产。若想得到中央银行的救助,就必需遵守规则。: @' x/ c8 d  M# O& R
  现在让我们完整听一遍澳大利亚墨尔本大学银行史学家大卫梅里特的这段谈话。(略)' l& q8 Q  T! o% H* _  H( s
  接下来我们把这一讲中遇到的一些英文词汇复习一遍:$ N0 N" _) E8 V# p
  1 central bank 中央银行
9 U4 B$ b1 @$ |/ i/ K, b  2 reserve bank 储备银行7 F; f6 B. ?+ G5 U2 ~
  3 deregulation 解除管制8 S# ?. D4 q* p/ L
  4 globalisation 全球化5 K) S# q4 q* R: {& e1 a$ Z" K
  5 regulator 管理者,调整者- D1 R" T1 x* N" C
  6 administrator 管理人
4 [0 ]; h8 O) f9 H$ Y4 }  7 exclusive 专门的,专有的,排他的( V- P) B8 e$ W+ n3 h+ I
  8 vitally important 极其重要的
7 O' a1 v: d* A1 `7 U& [* o- X7 Z9 u  9 lender of last resort 最后贷款者,为其它银行提供贷款的银行,这是中央银行的职能之一( ]6 F8 N- D" a2 s3 s
  10 commercial banks 商业银行
1 E; ]2 ~7 X. V  11 liquid assets 流动资产,指可以迅速变成现金而不会有价值损失或损失较小的资产
- O9 E* ~( r" l) m0 ?% i  12 bail out 帮助摆脱困境
# E" _5 k! g* b% v& c6 [  在结束这一讲之前,我们再把澳洲广播电台金融节目主持人巴里克拉克和澳大利亚墨尔本大学银行史学家大卫梅里特关于中央银行功能和作用的两段谈话连起来听一遍。(略)

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