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[FECT综合考试] 2012年经济金融术语汉英对照表 S -T

发表于 2012-8-16 09:04:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  S% L  P( M5 U' X4 O' k4 E$ q$ o3 p
  三角债 chain debts;inter-enterprise arrears0 r' l8 Q$ `8 d# Y5 g* M
  善政廉政 good governance
& b7 _' f% d6 c8 w/ b/ w9 P# D  商业贷款 commercial loans
- h7 Y6 t+ ^) I+ E3 i# L  v) s2 p  上市公司 (publicly)listed corporations
" W1 o2 N6 a% u; E  U0 D; t" x8 E6 a' i  设备利用 capacity utilization2 g5 A' a4 `' B  X$ |2 s
  社会保障 social safety net;social security(insurance)  o( w& w% Z( r' W/ ^/ R" z
  深层次矛盾 deep-rooted structural imbalance
1 A; X9 o+ K2 j' b* H2 ?3 N6 n8 f  审批金融机构 to license financial institutions1 X# A; a. j4 z7 K% J6 z% L
  审慎监管 prudential supervision
# c/ i, U: M! z4 \7 a( }. W  生产能力闲置 unutilized capacity8 }0 L/ Q& S; n' ^$ B
  生息资产 interest-bearing assets/ Y* `  I; M5 w+ |
  实际利用外资 disbursement of foreign capital;actual inflow of foreign investment
. F2 P6 P, j- I* Q0 c  实际有效汇率 real effective exchange rate
' ?+ P& U7 f. }' |  实时 real time
5 s# u9 x; [0 n6 N) I  实收资本 paid-in capital
  M" V0 A. s% p$ K7 S& c$ R  实现利润 realized profit0 ~3 g4 z9 N" h4 F) A
  市场分割 market segmentation9 k7 ~* B% j9 w5 ~8 M0 I
  市场经济 market economy
2 w+ b# e9 l. z2 J) I  市场占有率(市场份额) market share
& C, x, [$ u/ d9 g+ ~: ]& ~  市场准入 market access(指商品和劳务的进入);market entry(指机构的审批)
  x7 Y  e1 S3 r/ C) y- Q0 X( X  市价总值 market capitalization2 p6 F" v# c2 C" T
  适度从紧 appropriately tight! P& `- C: l( {/ S3 k9 _% S. S
  适时调节 timely adjustment4 {: z* ?7 K+ j& K& z
  收回对金融机构贷款 to recall central bank loans (to financial institutions)
4 C$ g& z; P& Z* s4 h8 ^  税后还贷 amortization(repayment of loans)after tax. |9 ]; K& L, A, b. G
  税收流失 tax erosion2 s3 j7 p' u4 {' ^7 O2 O5 a
  税源不足 weak tax base& {5 J1 n- V4 {" q- H- D
  私营经济(私人经济) the private sector
2 x1 x; w& \* X- n6 Q2 h  私有制 private ownership) r7 R3 E/ z- h5 n3 c, W! k
  所有者权益 owner's equity+ v1 Y0 t' q! I7 H+ v, h6 m
  T6 R9 n! _* u8 z1 c
  逃税(请见“避税”) tax evasion- k0 T0 e( l8 L1 y( b' w
  套汇 (1)指合法:currency swap;arbitrage(2)指非法:illegal purchase of foreign exchange3 G" t, ?6 F0 F  U4 o9 l) M; o
  剔除季节性因素 seasonally adjusted' V$ N! x" R5 H# v
  调节流动性 to influence liquidity level& q& L6 J! G! Q6 I' v( Y
  贴现窗口 discount window
4 R& h  p% X# W* K  同比 on year-on-year basis;over the same period of the previous year- N" U9 a  _! j( a1 n! ~
  同业拆借(放) inter-bank borrowing(lending)
7 [; E: k) f( w. R( \1 ?2 C  同业拆借市场利率(中国) CHIBOR(China inter-bank offered rate)- l1 u: u" {' e6 P% x  g, L$ O
  同业融通票据 inter-bank financing bills
' p' Z3 M9 r3 \2 U; m& C  同业往来 inter-bank transactions6 M( t1 A0 ?; B6 p4 @- ^- [# i
  透支 overdraft 考试论坛% g* w2 E9 p/ Q! ~! R- X
  退税 tax refund(rebate)
1 \/ r( f3 `+ X2 U1 J; q+ q  头寸 position
; l3 O# _- a2 x) ^( M  吞吐基础货币 adjustment of monetary base. Z! e5 Z, q& k6 J
  脱媒现象 disintermediation

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