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[FECT综合考试] 金融英语综合辅导:Competition竞争

发表于 2012-8-16 09:04:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Competition9 B% d% O0 L! L8 ?6 s2 j
When two or more companies market similar products to the same customers in a free and open market.4 i# q3 S& t: y+ a1 L. b* {& s5 |* Y
7 J7 m$ @" `6 c; _当两家以上的公司在自由开放的市场上向同一客户生产相同产品时就产生竞争。8 [0 |7 [- B0 t6 f3 O5 A1 I
Free and Open Market, x8 p) V# ?# ^, n4 s' A
Market in which price is freely determined by supply and demand.
7 @  E4 ~% Z4 X, Y0 W, X- n; \* \自由开放的市场  W8 l3 F' c& Y: j' {
价格完全由供求决定的市场。/ ~* m! F) k: }, X' Y  X
Controlled Market7 }# u# o7 t1 S3 q, l" I2 f, }. v
Market in which price, supply, and demand are artificially controlled. Opposite of a free and open market. " ]9 g7 @  e, A0 f# g
受控市场 : X  D2 M) ?; c3 z# w+ L
价格和供求受到人为控制的市场。与自由开放的市场相对。0 E" [1 e* |) Y1 _" G5 ]3 ^- C, _/ K
Supply and Demand : ~8 z( n! M  ~  N  w- A
Demand is quantity of a product that consumers will buy at a certain price. Supply is the quantity of the product available at that price.1 f$ k6 F; p" I& q) X* V
. b6 h% H* P! A5 T8 r3 i4 z需求是消费者愿意按照某一价格购买产品的数量。供给是此价格上可以得到的产品的数量。, P$ }( f8 m, q6 @! N
Monopoly2 `4 O$ T6 S7 w: a" }* b" {7 E
When a company has exclusive control over the market for a product. or when there are many buyers but only one seller.& K+ ~+ {0 E' @: j; M& d2 ~. Q
垄断 ( D$ o7 }# B0 k2 x- Y, C
5 |+ I# r. b+ }2 Q. BAntitrust8 w4 U, o* u2 L
Government opposition to monopolies in the interest of competition. Established in the U.S. in 1890 by the Sherman Anti-Trust Act.
7 u) h0 R6 ^9 w反托拉斯 $ _$ m, m$ \6 E7 W8 j8 m# D
& V0 e  n3 b1 I. n# U$ n0 xTariff; N- {+ t6 ^7 \. B, S6 n) q
A tax or duty imposed by a government on imported goods.
+ c; }6 @( f' q  _关税3 c7 s/ m" m- u$ J
9 j1 G) P3 C  H: w: zDumping' L! c' ^$ t/ E* S% Z0 V
selling products, through unfair competitive practices, in a foreign market at a price below that of the domestic market. ! i) z% R/ J; O# j
! c! v) i4 h) T$ p/ l8 E通过不正当竞争,以低于国内市场的价格向国外市场销售产品。

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